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Let’s take a look at the highlights of Trump’s first weeks. It has not all been bad, but it’s also not looking great if we take everything into perspective.
Starting with the good.
Getting our guys out of the DC Gulag is easily the best thing Trump has done.
Granted, he is the fool who caused it in the first place. And he is the one who sat around for four years letting them rot. But I am OK keeping this one in the good category, nonetheless.
Also, the pardon for the Silk Road founder was unexpected, but appreciated.
I am a little mixed about the withdrawal from the World Health Organization. The United States being the main funder, I think it would’ve been better to take the more hostile-takeover approach. But, it is simpler to just wash your hands of the entire ordeal. So not a bad move, especially after Covid.
The ceasefire in the Middle East is also a welcome reprieve. I hope it will hold, but I am not holding my breath. However, if it does, then this is definitely one of the top goods that Trump has done.*(see note below)
*EDIT: Hilariously, even by the time this article was going to post (two days delayed), the good from the Israel-Hamas ceasefire has completely flipped. Now, Trump is yapping on about how he wants to fully ethnically cleanse all Palestinians from Gaza and for the US or Israel to own that territory. So the cease-fire was just a sham to get the true motives out. This is now clearly a huge negative. This will most certainly lead to war in the Middle East when coupled with the new ‘max pressure on Iran’. Just like my worrisome prediction long before the election. One domino from “the good” of Trump’s first weeks has already fallen. We will see how the rest holds over time.
This is plainly a net positive. I do not think it is the most important topic of the day given our current struggles with demographics and all, but it doesn’t hurt either. This appeals to the base, and it doesn’t rock the boat of the people who actually hold power. Still, removing the DEI programs is a step in the right direction.
Trump‘s trade policy is one of my personal favorites of what he has done so far. I am strongly in favor of tariffs and a more nationalist approach to trade policy. So this is an ideal of mine.
Frankly, however, I doubt he will hold up to it long-term. The most likely situation is that he uses them as a bargaining chip to make a deal and then removes them.
Still, if that goal is to reduce our people dying of drugs, then it is a good deal. Even if that is not the true purpose, that will probably be one of the ramifications. Which is a solid good, nonetheless.
So either way, it is either a good or a better.
Plus, Libertarians hate it. So that makes it fun.
Many of Trump’s executive orders have been targeted at the federal government. I strongly believe these will have disastrous consequences.
I wrote about it more here: Government Employees Are Not The Enemy.
Meanwhile, Elon Musk has been granted access to incredibly important datasets within the federal government with absolutely zero clearance parameters or accountability. I wonder what the rightwing would say if Soros and his ilk were granted such access—But funny how they don’t care when they think it is “their guy” (even though he isn’t). This is an immensely problematic situation and one that will certainly, at a minimum, enrich Musk while leaving the American people in a worse-off position. Likely, this will end up far worse. I do not think most people realize the depth of the data that Musk now has access to.
Many conservatives seem to like these changes. But I think they are being naïve and shortsighted. The reality is that what Trump is doing to remove the deep state is solely to centralize it under him.
However, this condition won’t hold forever. Look at how quickly everything fell as soon as he left office the first time. Except this time, now we will have a federal government fully centralized and primed under an executive. Trump is requiring loyalty from all the federal workers or they risk losing their job. He is also angering them all and harming them directly. Now take that condition and realize that in the future there will be another Obama/Biden-type administration or a war. How do you think that will work for us?
This is the continual fools errand that conservatives run into. They centralize things in the process of trying to reform a system that is broken and can’t be fixed. But then their enemies use these centralized tools against them far harsher than they ever wielded them when they have power.
The only time this form of centralization could ever truly work is with a strong man that would wield it and not let go. That is not Trump. He will let go, and a leftist will be more than happy to pick it up and use it to destroy us.
In fact, I think Trump is doing this on purpose. Whatever plans the deep state has, he is coordinating and centralizing them. All with the support of the conservative suckers thinking it’s fixing something.
Harming federal workers, centralizing the deep state, and these similar acts may look “cool” now, but mark my words, they will hurt us in the [near] future.
These actions are priming us for further conflict and war. They do not have the backing of the citizens or Congress. these are obviously a net negative.
So much for solving the war in the first week.
These kind of things can go both ways. Yes, we should be utilizing the natural energy resources of the United States. But no, we should not be doing it at the expense of our environment or our people’s access to land.
Very often, a reduction of regulations does not actually help the average person. It helps millionaires and billionaires make more money, and centralizes more of the market. It also often takes away the beauty of our land and exploits our communities.
Still, it could be done in a good way. I doubt it will in this case, but I can’t put this inside of the good or bad right at the onset.
Yeah, yeah. I know. There are fewer illegals and ICE is (slowly) departing a few of them. That is great.
But what I care about is the overall demographic situation. If you look at the total numbers, nothing has changed. Nothing likely will change, either.
The ICE deportations are too slow. Additionally, the Trump administration has explicitly endorsed increasing legal immigration. Even if they reduce illegal immigration and deport many of them, the net effect on our demographic situation will be unchanged due to the increase in legal immigration.
None of you would like to hear it, but illegal immigration is better than legal immigration in the long term for us. Legal implies a pathway for citizenship and continued residency. Most illegals are just parasites here for a short while. The illegals take unimportant jobs, where the legal immigrant, like H1-B types, take high-paying jobs from our own people. Both increase costs, but legal immigrants increase things like housing costs more because they can legally buy a house themselves and don’t have 30-people living in one basement rental like the illegals.
Ideally, we have no immigration, and we stabilize our demographics. But that is simply not our reality right now.
If I had to choose, I would rather have the illegal Mexican selling tacos on the corner versus the Indian CEO not hiring any white men at a Fortune 500 tech company. Sorry, but it is the pragmatic position to take.
Trump is encouraging the latter while deporting the former. This is not a benefit to us. This will actually hurt us even more in the long run. Illegals are easier to get rid of at any point in time compared to legal or naturalized citizens. Legals are not.
At the end of the day, what difference does it make if demographic replacement occurs through high-skilled legal immigrants versus occurring through low-skilled illegal immigrants? Both options suck.
Still, I put this in the unsure. Maybe God will have mercy on us and the actions against the illegals will encourage less legal immigration as well. Hopefully, the end result is less demographic change than what otherwise would have occurred. But there is no guarantee about that.
I am not wallowing in blackpills over here. There definitely have been a few wins. But I do believe the majority are negatives.
I know everybody wants to “take the wins”, but if they are not actually wins, you aren’t being an optimist—You are just being willfully blind. Some of these are clearly not long-term wins. They are setups for future checkmates. You knocked out their pawn, but they now have your king in an untenable position. Your victory lap will be short-lived once you realize this.
Overall, I think there are clear warning signs and problem indicators so far. Especially with Trump‘s aggressive foreign policy, with him wanting to take over areas around the globe, his desire to fight in the Middle East, and his centralizing of the federal government.
At the same time as he is making this somewhat obscure moves, Trump is also making appeals to the conservative base on things that don’t really matter (DEI, Musk’s DOGE, etc.), to inspire patriotism in the base. But for us, we must see that at the same time he is also centralizing power and provoking conflict. This is never a good recipe for the white Christians.
Frankly, it seems very clear to me that he is gearing up for a major confrontation somewhere. I don’t know if he has Napoleon syndrome or if his handlers do, but most of these actions sure seem like he’s working in the direction of leading us into a conflict. Every single one of these things is gearing us for a wartime economy: from a centralized government, to the rally around Israel situation, to a resurgence of “patriotic America exposing and removing the corruption”…even down to the removal of DEI to give a token victory to whites to encourage more military signups. It all seems geared toward creating a wartime America.
I may be wrong, and as God as my witness, I hope I am. But I see what I see. I discern what I discern.
Times have changed, and it seems like Trump may have changed as well.
Keep your eyes open. When in a life or death struggle for the survival of your civilization, always view things in the context of the long-term. Do not be so quick to claim victory, but at the same time do not always wallow in expected defeat. Stay in reality, watch the signs of the times, and always be looking for true motives behind what is occurring. There is always more than meets the eye.
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Most studies indicate that as testosterone increases, intelligence (IQ) decreases.
There is generally a happy medium between the extremes of both IQ and testosterone where a normal male would sit.
Most men with higher testosterone are notoriously impulsive and lack long-term strategic planning. However, low testosterone males are notoriously weak and unable to perform their duties of being a man.
A balance is generally considered ‘good’.
Or is it?
Review the study results:
In case you missed it, there is a giant red circle around one of the study participants.
That guy. That’s who you want to be.
Don’t follow the trendline. Get 1600 ng/dl total test and nearly 160 IQ.
Be the anomaly.
Or at least, that’s my take. No reason to settle.
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When will the average conservative learn?
A summary from Unz (emphasis my own):
The Predictable Capitulation of Tulsi Gabbard
Well, Tulsi Gabbard now says she is all for the unconstitutional law that permits the national security state to surveil Americans without obtaining legal warrants beforehand — a law Donald Trump’s nominee for director of national intelligence has previously and vigorously pledged to repeal.
As President-elect Trump’s inauguration approaches and his cabinet appointments will be confirmed or rejected in Senate hearings, Gabbard’s in-your-face betrayal of public trust ought to focus our minds very sharply and very fast. Some of these minds, I will say straightaway, have drifted far from reality since Trump began announcing his nominees. This was especially so in the case of Gabbard.
As soon as Trump proposed Gabbard as his DNI, the shared expectation in some quarters, most of whose inhabitants I respect, was that she would — singlehandedly, I gathered from the commentaries — bring the hydra-headed monster euphemistically called “the intelligence community” under some semblance of political-civilian control.
And now this: Professing support for Section 702 of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act after opposing it for years, Gabbard seems to have shocked a lot of people. Reading this in the large, she has just told America it’s the same old imperium after all.
Shall we join to sing “Up, Up, and Away” now that all the beautiful balloons have fallen to Earth and the world’s not a nicer place and doesn’t wear a nicer face?
I expected—and predicted—this exact situation when Gabbard first “left the Democratic party”:
Conservatives just love to get swept up by supposed new converts. This joy seems even more so when they are popular, non-white, pretty women converts.
There is a type of mental justification that occurs with each conversion, that makes the average conservative immediately jump in excitement that they are truly the non-racist, correct ones.
But it doesn’t change the fact that converts are initially dangerous until proven trustworthy. Some more than others.
In the case of Tulsi Gabbard, there is much risk. But she checks a lot of boxes for the right-wingers that desire to remain within the moral framework of leftism. She is a woman, Hindu, and an Islander. That’s a lot of minority checkboxes. And she just left the Democratic Party:
My assumption is that the WEF and other international centralizers are trying to get a better handle on this new “America First” and dissident thing that is growing in popularity, so they need to move their assets into more conservative/dissident spheres. Obviously, they start with their more moderate variants to position themselves to do so. Tulsi Gabbard falls exactly in that bucket.
Additionally, I’ve said this before, but always look in the eyes. She doesn’t look normal. She looks like one of them. It happens even in the voice—She sounds like a robot that is programmed to speak what her masters say. God warned us about this. The eyes are the light of the soul; don’t negate their telling power.
These soft marshmallow, brand new converts, with such a shady history should not be trusted. Not until they prove their worth. And Gabbard, in particular, has about a decade’s worth of proving to do to make up for the harm she has caused.
But I’m sure the average out of the grey masses with lap this up with joy: they’ve got both a woman and a minority convert. What a treat.
Read the rest in my article here: Tulsi Gabbard Leaves The Democratic Party
The way it always goes:
Musk, Trump…Gabbard. The examples never end.
When, oh when, will our people learn that the system cannot be reformed?
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You know, everybody sure seems to think that Trump is going to be out there “fighting the deep state”.
But then when you look at what he is doing, who he is picking for his cabinet, and now who is showing up for his inauguration—I am having some further doubts about that.
Let’s check in on who was happily invited and is attending his inauguration. Including some with front row seats, which we will see later visually.
Here is a shortlist of the interesting-choice guests (in no particular order):
With some visuals, for effect (notice who gets to be in the front rows, for the inauguration of the “anti-deep state” candidate):
You know, for a guy that many claim will fight the deep state, he sure does surround himself with all of them constantly.
We have the worst of the worst here in attendance (and in his cabinet). When does the “fight” part start?
I’m just saying, if I was elected president, I sure would not be allowing these people anywhere near me. Additionally, I would definitely not be appointing all of their spawns to my cabinet positions.
It seems that instead of cleaning out the swamp, Trump is willingly and happily being drowned in it.
But maybe I’m just not playing 160D chess, or whatever the QAnons are saying nowadays.
Which brings me to a good question: When do we all think that Q will be back now that Trump has returned?
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Without fail, every normiecon says that “Trump learned from 2016”. If you listen to or watch any mainstream conservative sources, then you’ve heard this current narrative.
It usually is in reference to his dumpster-fire cabinet picks from 2016 or his inability to “drain the swamp”, as they put it. (Amazingly, “the swamp” immediately returned under Biden. So lasting change was apparently not on the menu for 2016 MAGA. But this time is different—Trust us!).
These types won’t stop jabbering on about how “Trump learned from his past mistakes”.
Which would be great if it were true.
But there is literally zero evidence of this.
The entire narrative is blind optimism and hopeium.
In fact, if we take a look at his cabinet pics, it is clearly the exact opposite:
Read A Quick Summary Of My Thoughts On These Picks Here: Trump’s Cabinet Picks
2016 Trump resulted in the greatest peacetime policy disasters in our country’s history. That is no small feat.
Now, given these cabinet picks and recent policy positions: Instead of learning from his mistakes, it appears like he is doubling down on them.
I am happy that some (normiecons) are able to be optimistic about the upcoming four years, at least. Because I sure am not.
[Also, on a technical side-note: The premise that ‘Trump learned from his mistakes’ implies that during Trump’s first term he truly wanted positive change but was thwarted by his lack of political knowledge. I am not sold on that theory, however. I think he did exactly what he wanted to do or was told to do. Likewise, I think he will again.]
It is my belief that we’re gonna see that exact same thing play out again over these next four years. But possibly even worse, if my worst-case scenario comes to fruition.
Either way, he won’t fix anything. The only way we truly Make America Great Again is by Filing America With Americans Again. He’s already made moves against that. So we’re screwed on that front.
This Inauguration Day, I ask my readers to pray for us all. I think we will need it.
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We throw around the term ‘dissident’ a lot. But what do we mean when we say it?
There are a lot of self-titled dissidents out there. Which means there are a lot of definitions, too. I cannot speak for everyone when I answer this question. I can only speak for what I mean when I say it.
The dictionary would define dissident as ‘someone who disagrees with or challenges their government‘. In a way, this is correct for our purposes. But it is too limited for the sense that I use it. When I use the term dissident, I think in a broader sense.
A dissident, in our sense, is someone who challenges the very premise which modern Western Civilization is now based upon. It goes much deeper than just one government.
It inevitably does include a challenge to the failed modern systems of governance, but that is only one piece of it. A true dissident of which I speak challenges far more than just that.
It is not just a resistance to the state or to the current working order. Instead, it is a resistance to the entirety of the corruption of the modern world.
A dissident does not just want the government to be overthrown. He or she wants the world system to change to a better one.
Our current world system is based on the lies of the Enlightenment. Errors that include things like the blank slate belief, egalitarianism, a rejection of Christianity, subjectivism, materialism, and so on. These foundational pieces (errors) of the modern world are what have shaped it to become what it is. A curse, as Rene Guenon calls it.
If we truly want to fix the issues of the modern day, we have to fix this underlying failed logic of our civilization.
To be a dissident is to recognize and accept that. It is much more than just wanting a change of government system, or to have a demographic majority in your country. Because even if we acquire those things, the underlying issues will not be fixed, and the same problems will inevitably return.
It is analogous to having an overflowing sink, and instead of fixing the reason for the backup, you just continue to empty the excess water. Over time, the true issue will only grow worse and your underlying system will degenerate further. Even if you manage the symptoms, for a time.
A helpful article to delve into this topic deeper is here: “Right-Wing” And “Left-Wing” Defined.
Only by rejecting the lies of our age will we truly fix anything. This requires challenging and fighting back against them.
As Christians especially, we should be OK having that fight. Satan runs our world, and we reject his system. Christ himself commands us to not join with the world. We must separate from the wickedness of our age and seek a return to our roots with Christ. Christendom gives us a template to return to.
In many ways, a Christian by default is a spiritual dissident. A person who is separated from this world and does not find their home here. One of our tasks is to help Christians realize their need to also become practical dissidents of this wicked age—Working for our people here while we can.
A true dissident loves his people and his God. But he hates the lies from the ruler of this world. So they proudly fight for the former, and challenge the latter.
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