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Inauguration Day: Exposing The “Trump Learned From His Mistakes” Narrative
Happy Inauguration Day… Maybe
Without fail, every normiecon says that “Trump learned from 2016”. If you listen to or watch any mainstream conservative sources, then you’ve heard this current narrative.
It usually is in reference to his dumpster-fire cabinet picks from 2016 or his inability to “drain the swamp”, as they put it. (Amazingly, “the swamp” immediately returned under Biden. So lasting change was apparently not on the menu for 2016 MAGA. But this time is different—Trust us!).
These types won’t stop jabbering on about how “Trump learned from his past mistakes”.
Which would be great if it were true.
But there is literally zero evidence of this.
The entire narrative is blind optimism and hopeium.
In fact, if we take a look at his cabinet pics, it is clearly the exact opposite:
Read A Quick Summary Of My Thoughts On These Picks Here: Trump’s Cabinet Picks
Trump Learned From His Mistakes? Or Does He Even Realize His Numerous Mistakes?
2016 Trump resulted in the greatest peacetime policy disasters in our country’s history. That is no small feat.
Now, given these cabinet picks and recent policy positions: Instead of learning from his mistakes, it appears like he is doubling down on them.
I am happy that some (normiecons) are able to be optimistic about the upcoming four years, at least. Because I sure am not.
[Also, on a technical side-note: The premise that ‘Trump learned from his mistakes’ implies that during Trump’s first term he truly wanted positive change but was thwarted by his lack of political knowledge. I am not sold on that theory, however. I think he did exactly what he wanted to do or was told to do. Likewise, I think he will again.]
It is my belief that we’re gonna see that exact same thing play out again over these next four years. But possibly even worse, if my worst-case scenario comes to fruition.
Either way, he won’t fix anything. The only way we truly Make America Great Again is by Filing America With Americans Again. He’s already made moves against that. So we’re screwed on that front.
This Inauguration Day, I ask my readers to pray for us all. I think we will need it.
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What Is A Dissident?
Dissident: Dissent Against What, Exactly?
We throw around the term ‘dissident’ a lot. But what do we mean when we say it?
There are a lot of self-titled dissidents out there. Which means there are a lot of definitions, too. I cannot speak for everyone when I answer this question. I can only speak for what I mean when I say it.
The dictionary would define dissident as ‘someone who disagrees with or challenges their government‘. In a way, this is correct for our purposes. But it is too limited for the sense that I use it. When I use the term dissident, I think in a broader sense.
A dissident, in our sense, is someone who challenges the very premise which modern Western Civilization is now based upon. It goes much deeper than just one government.
It inevitably does include a challenge to the failed modern systems of governance, but that is only one piece of it. A true dissident of which I speak challenges far more than just that.
It is not just a resistance to the state or to the current working order. Instead, it is a resistance to the entirety of the corruption of the modern world.
A dissident does not just want the government to be overthrown. He or she wants the world system to change to a better one.
Our current world system is based on the lies of the Enlightenment. Errors that include things like the blank slate belief, egalitarianism, a rejection of Christianity, subjectivism, materialism, and so on. These foundational pieces (errors) of the modern world are what have shaped it to become what it is. A curse, as Rene Guenon calls it.
If we truly want to fix the issues of the modern day, we have to fix this underlying failed logic of our civilization.
To be a dissident is to recognize and accept that. It is much more than just wanting a change of government system, or to have a demographic majority in your country. Because even if we acquire those things, the underlying issues will not be fixed, and the same problems will inevitably return.
It is analogous to having an overflowing sink, and instead of fixing the reason for the backup, you just continue to empty the excess water. Over time, the true issue will only grow worse and your underlying system will degenerate further. Even if you manage the symptoms, for a time.
A helpful article to delve into this topic deeper is here: “Right-Wing” And “Left-Wing” Defined.
The Reality Of Our Condition
Only by rejecting the lies of our age will we truly fix anything. This requires challenging and fighting back against them.
As Christians especially, we should be OK having that fight. Satan runs our world, and we reject his system. Christ himself commands us to not join with the world. We must separate from the wickedness of our age and seek a return to our roots with Christ. Christendom gives us a template to return to.
In many ways, a Christian by default is a spiritual dissident. A person who is separated from this world and does not find their home here. One of our tasks is to help Christians realize their need to also become practical dissidents of this wicked age—Working for our people here while we can.
A true dissident loves his people and his God. But he hates the lies from the ruler of this world. So they proudly fight for the former, and challenge the latter.
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Government Employees Are Not The Enemy
On Government Employees: Government And Nuance
I am ready to catch some flake for this one, but bring it on. It is good to rattle the cage a bit occasionally.
I have been a ‘dissident but also against the anti-gov crowd’ (ironic, and possibly absolutely absurd/contradictory) for years now. But let me first explain.
For instance, in “The Blind Fear Of Government Misses The Mark”, I wrote:
Older generations have this innate fear of government which blindsides them to the fear they should have: of all centralizers. The government is certainly one piece to the puzzle of tyranny, but it’s not the only one, nor the only path to it. Ironically, the government is the only piece that is actually at least somewhat accountable to the populace. International corporations, cultural markers, and the intelligentsia certainly aren’t in any respect.
The older generations have kept a watchful eye to make sure government doesn’t overstep its bounds. Even if that means letting corporations, cultural institutions, and the intelligentsia trample over them with absolutely no restrictions. “That’s fine, so long as the government isn’t the one doing it”, they said. But the end result is the same: authoritarianism. Just procured through different initial means.
They missed the mark, because eventually these centralizers will get powerful enough that they can indirectly control that government through various means within their own arena. And once they have every single power institution in the nation, it doesn’t matter what the people think or do anymore. It’s irrelevant.
It’s the slogan: “Don’t tread on me”, solely directed at the government. But apparently when every cultural institution, institutional authority, and corporation treads on them, then it’s fine. We don’t want the government lining us up against the wall, but if corporations starve us to death and cultural institutions enact a vigilant-witchhunt against us, that’s just “freedom”.
The problem, as always, is the centralizers. All of them, not [just the government].
Not only do I still agree with this, but I feel even more strongly about it now. The state is just one piece of a much larger puzzle. If you only focus on that piece, you’ll miss the greater picture.
The imaginary older generation boogeyman of the “government” is not our only enemy, or even our primary one. The worst elites are embedded outside of the state; hiding in financial, geopolitical, and cultural positions.
Because of this, I am a contrarian on the widespread ‘anti-government employees’ narrative found on the Right (in both mainstream and dissident circles).
I do not hate government employees. In fact, I do not really think they are much of a problem at all.
Even further, I like a lot of them. And I encourage our guys to join their ranks where possible. We should be taking over the institutions, not abandoning them.
Of course, the state is no friend to us. We have plenty that are bad. Federal agents in the DHS/FBI or CIA operatives are probably not somebody I would become best friends with. Or even want to know in my personal life.
But they are the exception when you speak about government employees. The average Fed is somebody maybe making the median income while working some desk job somewhere. They manage BLM land or do some data stuff with social security.
The average Fed is not some special agent hunting you down for not paying your taxes. That is less than 1% of all Feds.
The average Fed is not exactly a nefarious enemy of the people.
But if you listen to demons like Elon Musk, you would think government employees are simultaneously maliciously targeting all of us Americans with all of their might—and never actually doing any real work at all—both at the same time. Somehow. Magically.
Just read ridiculous pieces like this one (People genuinely think like this):
“The Manhattan Project” Of Our Time: Musk And Vivek Ramaswamy To Head Department Of Government Efficiency (DOGE)
Elon Musk and Vivek Ramaswamy have been selected by President-elect Donald Trump to head the Department of Government Efficiency (DOGE), where they will “slash excess regulations, cut wasteful expenditures, and restructure Federal Agencies,” according to an official release from the Trump-Vance transition team, which called this “potentially, the “Manhattan Project” of our time.”
According to the statement, “Their work will conclude no later than July 4, 2026” – the nation’s 250th anniversary.
Musk previously predicted he could cut at least $2 trillion from the US federal budget, while Ramaswamy suggested firing federal workers based on their social security numbers.
“Here’s how: if your [Social Security number] ends in an odd number, you’re fired,” he wrote on X.
In September, Ramaswamy told podcaster Lex Fridman: “Get in there on day one, say that anybody in the federal bureaucracy who is not elected, elected representatives obviously were elected by the people, but the people who are not elected, if your social security number ends in an odd number, you’re out, if it ends in an even number, you’re in. There’s a 50% cut right there. Of those who remain, if your social security number starts in an even number, you’re in and if it starts with an odd number, you’re out. Boom. That’s a 75% reduction done. Literally, stochastically, okay, one of the virtues of that, it’s a thought experiment, not a policy prescription, but one of the virtues of that thought experiment is that you don’t have a bunch of lawsuits you’re dealing with about gender discrimination or racial discrimination or political viewpoint discrimination.”
Personally, I would prefer to fire foreigners like Ramaswamy rather than our own people. But apparently I am just out here in the [right] field, all alone, even among many other dissidents.
Below, I summarize my take on the DOGE/Anti-Government Employees lunacy for those who won’t take the time to read the full piece:
- Having two literal (millionaire) foreigners fire or otherwise make miserable heritage White Americans working a government job is not a victory. If you think it is, I would encourage you to re-analyze your priorities.
- Libertarians are the ones that care about money, not people. Those of us truly on the Right should not think like that. People matter more. “What is in the best interest of our people?” Should always be the question we ask. Not “how do we make xyz more efficient for corporate executives?”
- I would rather have a Big Gov full of our people working for the betterment of our land and people than a small Gov run by foreigners and focused on money.
- With all the issues we have right now (demographic replacement, possibility of world wars, a major apostasy away from Christianity), screwing over the average working joe in some government job should not be a priority or a cause for celebration.
The True Government Numbers
Nearly everything these guys are saying is false, by the way. It is just an outright lie. They use the stereotypical narrative of ‘lazy government employees just soaking up all the private sector wealth’ that the boomers invented in the 1970s.
But time has passed. It is no longer the age of hippies, a majority white California, and disco. Things have changed.
Also, whether or not anyone likes it, the actual data does not support their theories.
A long time ago, I did a thorough analysis into the subject because I was curious. As it turns out, government employees actually do not even take that much of the overall budget.
Even if you fired half of government employees, it really wouldn’t do anything to our overall debt problem. Our money problem goes a lot deeper than paying for Sally at the post office to sort mail for $15 an hour. We simply aren’t spending that much on the Feds.
Face the facts, even if you aren’t happy about it:
Out of the $6 trillion in annual spending, ~$305 billion (debatable) comprises federal employees’ payroll (excluding military personnel). That amounts to just 4% of the budget.
Why is the new focus on the 4% and not the other 96% of expenditure?
Why is everyone so focused on harming our own people, making the 4% and not focused on the corrupt system that allows an outside 96%?
Government jobs are not increasing in amount or cost compared to the past. They track consistently with inflation. Why the sudden concern now?
What this is, is clear (to me): it is a libertarian-type virtue signaling about a nonproblem. Which also serves to distract us from the real problems impacting us that I listed above.
Additionally, it goes even deeper than that.
The True Reason The Elites Don’t Like The Feds
Does no one see the connection that the wealthy elite want to fire a bunch of government employees, but then increase the amount of H-1Bs? Am I the only one not blind here?
These guys want to fire federal employee Sheniqua so that they can replace her with a federal contractor on an H-1B just off the plane from SomaliTurkHinduIstan.
These elites also care more about reducing the amount of regulations targeting them, and reducing the amount of federal employees who would actually enforce regulations against them. Two things that are NOT major cost centers for the U.S. gov, but are suspiciously the Musk-types’ priority focus. This won’t reduce the debt by any meaningful sense, but it surely will make them wealthier and more powerful, with fewer people keeping them accountable.
And this is good for us? How? How does randomly harming your fellow citizens help you out? Please tell me how does helping the isolated class run even more amok without regulations help us out?
It is clear why the elites are targeting government employees and regulations. It is not because it will reduce government operating costs.
Open your eyes. It is clearly for their own benefit at the cost of our own people working in those jobs.
Also, does anyone seriously think the government would just not spend that money? Do you really think they are going to put that money in the savings bank or use it to pay off the debt? If so, call me, ’cause I have an ocean to sell you on Mars.
Public Versus Private
I know we have a trend in the dissident sphere to think “private sector = production” and “public sector = leeches”, but this is the mindset of someone from the 60s or 70s. Stop holding on to that ancient mindset. The world has changed.
Guess what? Private is just as bad. The reality is that there are incredibly few “producers” at all (in the strict legalistic sense) since the U.S. transitioned into a knowledge economy. I don’t know what to say besides get over it; stop living in the past. It is what it is.
Before anyone gets all huffy, this is coming from someone that would be considered a “producer” based on my career in the medical field. Which I will use as an example.
Working in healthcare, we have over 70% of employees that are “admin”. They do nothing. They sit around all day playing on their computers. Most work in HR, legalism, or contracts. I know it is hard to accept, but they aren’t public employees. Yet they are just as “worthless” and “unnecessary” in the production sense.
I have a couple extended family that work state and fed. They are exceptional employees and work harder than any admin people I see on the medical side.
These medical admin positions did not exist fifty years ago (admin positions have exploded compared to every other job field). They do not differ from the public sector, except your money gets siphoned there through increased healthcare expenses rather than taxes. But the result is the same.
To think that all laziness and welfare jobs are only in the public sector is to still be living in the past. It’s the new Boomer-Gen X mindset.
As a dissident especially, this should be obvious. The majority of our most active opponents against us are not even public. They are in private. The NGOs importing migrants here, groups like the ADL and SPLC, and evil billionaires are doing far more harm than the Department of Mining or whatever. They control far more and are a far higher threat.
Definitely far more than some low-level government employee working in the behemoth system. It’s not even comparable.
Anti-Work From Home; Telework; Remote Jobs; “Return To Office” Save-CRE Scam
Then this entire debacle just gets worse with the anti-work from home positions.
Supposedly, part of the “solution” to our problems is to cut off remote and telework opportunities. That is likely what Trump is going to do Day 1.
But this will only cause those that have options to leave (i.e., the good ones) to leave, leaving the worst government employees left behind. You know Jamal won’t care about going in and playing on his phone at the office, but Fred the expert data analyst will probably find another option.
Not only will this not help crash the government because the system knows how to chug along regardless of the pawns, but it will make our nonfederal lives more miserable too. The worst of the worst will control all government institutions.
How can anybody look at this and think this is a good idea?
I simply don’t understand how conservatives can encourage everyone to flee every single institution that matters all the time and then expect us to win. I’ve always encouraged the opposite: Get into the gov or corrupt institutions if you can and find out what is going on in there! Fight the good fight from the inside. Don’t run and then complain when they are dominated by non-whites and people that hate us.
That’s how we lost the institutions in the first place, geniuses. What an absolutely insane position to take.
I’ve spoken on this plenty previously:
- Three Inside-The-System Lifestyle Strategies
- Article Series: Ways To Contribute
- The Precinct Strategy: Get Involved Locally
The Conclusion: Government Employees Are Alright
The government (system) is certainly not our friend, but willingly making it worse and handing it over even more to the enemy does no one any favors. All of these proposals (terminate employees, mandate return to office, etc.) are simply more ways for the elites to whip their slaves (our people!).
Yet, we have people on our own side cheering it on. Fools!
Screwing over government employees (or any true American just trying to get by) does not help any of our people. It will not reduce taxes or make our lives any easier when they have to interact with government agencies. You’re just harming your fellow citizens for no reason at the benefit of the elites.
These approaches don’t fix any root issues. The system itself is the problem. Only by fixing the system can we truly fix anything.
Targeting government employees is only going to benefit the elite. The same elite who will force more of their serfs back into the office or on welfare. Then those elites will laugh as old Joe gets laid off who is just trying to help his state preserve its beauty at the Forest Service and struggles to pay his mortgage. Meanwhile, the elite will receive even greater tax cuts and less investigation by state agencies.
The fact that people can be tricked into thinking this is a good idea shows how fragile people’s genuine convictions are. And how weak our love for our people is.
At the end of it all, government employees are not our enemy. They are the very same grey masses that we find in the private sector. Our people in both sectors just need a better shepherd and system. If they had that, they would work for the excellent system, instead of the bad.
Think of them as an opportunity, not an enemy. Stop attacking your own people, stay focused on the enemy.
These are just my opinions on this subject. I know many of you will disagree, and that is fine. But I stand where I stand.
As for the government employees: I love my people, no matter where you work. Do good work. Honor the Lord. Take over the institutions. Don’t lose heart with these attacks; some of us stand behind you wherever you are.
As for the “conservative” and “dissident” groups in favor of these things: How about we take the side of our people, and not the corporate elite billionaires, just one damn time? Is that too much to ask?
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A Meme Game: Convict Only Two
The Game
Alright, so let’s admit this upfront: This meme is definitely somewhat normie-tier, maybe even cringe-tier, but it is still kind of fun, nonetheless.
I think the answer could tell a lot about a dissident’s priorities.
Let’s try it out.
Choose Your Criminals
Some forums have mentioned that this is a “difficult answer”. I’ve seen lots of combos including Biden due to his immigration disaster. Some target both of the Soros snakes. Tons of combinations, really.
Still, it was not a difficult one for me. My choice:
- Fink and Old Soros.
Both of them are the true power behind the puppets. My concern is removing the root of the corruption, and the root is hidden below the tree. Most of these pawns are simply flesh-suits for the ones with actual power (I’m talking Kamala, old grandpa from Minnesota, random black rapper, Pelosi, etc.) They aren’t actually important at all, except as mouthpieces.
Fink especially would be an essential for me. BlackRock is an arch-enemy. Not just of me, but of mankind:
- The Enslavement Of Mankind
- The Manufactured Housing Crisis
- Pray For The Young: Worst Housing Affordability Since Recording Began
So those two would be the highest priority for me. Still, I’d take what I can get with convictions on any of them. I wager most combinations are valid, given a difference in immediate priorities.
Who would you pick?
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A Neighborhood’s Politics
The Great American Schism
The inevitable schism of Americans continues.
This time, due to the very same technology that was meant to erase “differences” and “support diversity”:
This is just one example. If you are in any way adjacent to the housing/relocation industry, you know this stuff is popping up everywhere. Political polarization in living locations is becoming the norm.
It is only going to increase in frequency from here.
An Enclave In Other Words
There’s some that are upset with these new developments. I am not one of them.
Changes like this are essential and inevitable. In fact, it is what we should want. We want our own to have their own place. To be able to congregate there in peace.
In more ways than not, this is the enclave idea: To carve out your own little local arena and to be able to sustain it using tools like this to keep those who would distort it out. A community with the same mindset and goals. How powerful even just a few of those communities could be!
Of course, given the debased nature of our government, this could potentially put a target on our backs. But the way I see it, the target is already there, anyway. Better to have that target as a community than alone as an individual. It is better to have an enclave with your people than to be targeted alone.
An upcoming schism is inevitable. We are splintering; that much is obvious. The sooner these things become widespread, the faster we can find our own people before that schism occurs.
Find your people while you can. Don’t neglect to use these tools when doing so.
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The Folly Of The Modern World
Modernity: Folly, Insanity, And Decadence
The world is preoccupied with ungodly animalistic joys. But especially the Western World.
Our entire foundation rests on the individualist principle of maximizing material wealth. Mammon is the central object with the strongest gravitational pull that forces everything in our society to revolve around it.
Our illusory financial system controls us more than anyone could fathom.
Everywhere you look, it is only greed and the pursuit of more money that matters. Even our own people are too busy with foolish things like fighting about GDP and so-called “immigrant rights” (to acquire subservient foreigners who will cost less and work more for the elites) to see the writing on the wall of our demise.
While our nation is being slowly murdered, the vultures are even selling off parts of the future corpse.
The conquest for “better” (an incredibly relative word) or “larger” or “finer” never ends. The appetite can never be truly quenched when the source is one of indulgence and debauchery.
The Modern Foundation
Each man lives only for himself. Self-destructive individualism is the inevitable result of such a heart.
Each man has only ego and self as the focus. This has led to man becoming akin to a mindless hyena—a corrupt snake—not worthy of the title “man”.
There is really only one way out of this folly. It is to reject the foundations that placed us in it. Because we reached this conclusion by logically following the premise. If the only goal is self-maximizing wealth and material prosperity, there is no way to escape the degeneracy of the modern world. This is its logical result.
Which is the greatest irony of all: The logical result is self-immolation on a national scale. There is no way to sustain it. We greed through the desire to consume more; until the greed itself consumes us.
To escape, we must be retaught the basics. We must relearn the correct foundation.
The Old Foundation
- Man must re-develop the desire to love; especially to love their own people.
- Man must re-develop the proper focus of life; one of a higher ideal than a worthless piece of paper.
- Further, man must re-develop the correct hierarchy of the state; one where merchants and the wealthy are not at the top, but subordinates are no different from themselves.
- Most importantly, man must re-develop the ideal to sacrifice up to and including themselves; to throw off individualism.
We live in an age where almost all men live solely for themselves. The only way for this condition to be fixed is for man to no longer in a debased state like this, but to instead live as a collective as God intended. Live for others; die to self.
The New Jerusalem in Revelation 21 is regarded as a city. This is significant and symbolic. It is not symbolized as a scattered rural town or as hiding out in the woods alone. God’s people, once restored, will live in a symbolic city—A place that symbolizes community and social interaction. We won’t be alone in the woods. Neither will those in hell. We are social creatures, not meant to live and die alone.
We are to live and love our people.
Individualism, a tool of Satan, has stripped us of this reality. God will one day fix it, but until then, we can bring an aspect of that Kingdom of God down to us on earth right now by adopting that Kingdom mindset. One of a communitarian (neither collectivist nor individualist) mindset. And by learning to adhere to the list above.
Return To Sanity
It starts with you. Be that better man. Return to the traditions that once housed a saner world.
We don’t need everyone to do so. Only a select few. The majority is insignificant in the waves of history. Those who matter are the active minority. You can, and must, become that remnant.
Even just a few thousand with a mindset like this will be enough to bring about the change we need to begin the reconquest of our heritage and people.
The modern world is wicked and hopelessly corrupt. But that does not matter to us, because we know it must end. Which provides hope, and a desire to fight on.
There is only one way out, and that is through.
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2024 Year In Review & 2025 Predictions
Welcome To 2025: Goodbye 2024
Congratulations! If you are reading this, you made it to another year. 2024 is now in the rearview mirror.
So let me (maybe) be the first to say to you: Welcome to the year of our Lord, 2025.
There were quite a few big happenings of the year, but overall it was a bit of a sleeper year compared to years like 2020.
2024 will go down as somewhere in the middle of the “happening”-meter: It was active, but not world-shattering. Some events from 2024 could certainly lead to world-altering changes in 2025, but we got through 2024 relatively unscathed. No major economic depression, no major U.S. war, and no Cataclysm X. I would call that a good year.
It’s always good (and fun) to recap the year. So, let’s take a stroll through all the big events of this year. At the end, we will of course make some predictions for 2025. I want to hear your predictions too, so please leave them in the comments.
2024 Year In Review: Major Changes, Preparation For The Years Ahead
Wars and Geopolitics:
- Russia-Ukraine War: The conflict continued into its third year, with ongoing tit-for-tat attacks. Not much changed besides the U.S. provoking Russia even further every month. Thus far, Russia has not retaliated in kind.
- Also this year, Ukraine invaded Russia (Kursk). This was unexpected. Now there are two invasions with this war. The fact that they have held it for so long has also been unexpected.
- Israel-Hamas War: This war’s impact extended beyond the localized region, influencing the entire world, but especially the Middle East. This resulted in the return of chaos in Syria, the (current) retreat of Hezbollah in Lebanon, and the (upcoming) destruction of the Houthis (likely at the hands of Trump). This will almost certainly spiral into further violence come 2025.
- This war resulted in the deaths of both leaders of Hezbollah and Hamas. It also showed the depth of Mossad with the Pager Attacks.
- This also led to the collapse of Assad’s regime in Syria.
- Israel promised to change the entire dynamic in the Middle East. They are making good on that promise. The last two places that stand against them are Iran and West Yemen. For how much longer they can do so is anybody’s guess.
- Sudanese Civil War: The civil war that began in Sudan in April 2023 continued unabated in 2024. I have wanted to write more on this one, but have not had the time. This conflict is very interesting and important on the geopolitical front. Many dissidents have overlooked it, myself (regrettably) included.
- Geopolitical Tensions: The entire world stage continues to deteriorate into multipolarity. This is evident in things like the Houthi attacks disrupting the Suez Canal and the fluctuating U.S. dollar power.
- Still, despite these disruptions, the global financial system demonstrated resilience, maintaining stability throughout the year. I think most of us did not expect it to hold on so well. But it continues to do so.
- Global Elections Influence Political Landscapes: Numerous elections occurred worldwide this year, some changing the country dramatically. This includes India, Mexico, and European Parliament elections. One of the most shocking being Mexico.
- Mexico’s Presidential Election: Claudia Sheinbaum, a narco-connected Jew, became Mexico’s first female president. This was a doozy.
- UK General Election & Other European Elections: Voters in the United Kingdom elected a new leader, marking a significant political shift. But that then failed, and now they are crashing again. Big surprise. In fact, numerous European Union countries and other Western countries have had major shakeups even following their elections this year. Places like Germany had their government crash entirely, and places like Romania decided to turn off democracy because the results turned out against the hegemon. The Western World leadership department is currently a madhouse.
Domestic Politics:
- U.S. Presidential Election: Former President Donald Trump was elected to a second term in the White House. He has already cucked out (with many of his Cabinet picks, his VP Vance, and things like H-1B) and he is not even in the White House yet. So this presidency is not looking promising.
- The elites also convicted Trump this year and nearly assassinated him numerous times. So there’s that.
- Here are my thoughts on the election overall: The 2024 Election: Final Thoughts And Six Scenarios.
- President Biden’s Withdrawal From His Re-election Campaign: President Joe Biden announced his decision not to seek re-election, endorsing Vice President Kamala Harris as the Democratic nominee. This was a completely unexpected turn of events. It was likely orchestrated to let Trump win.
- Congressional Landscape: The Republican Party regained control of the Senate while keeping the House, resulting in a GOP-led everything (Supreme Court included) for at least the first two years. This will be influencing legislative priorities and the balance of power in Washington significantly in 2025. It will allow Trump the sway to do whatever he wants, which is not necessarily a good thing for us on the Right.
- Major Domestic Disasters: Such as Hurricane Helene, will take years to recover from. It was the deadliest hurricane in the continental United States since Katrina in 2005.
- U.S. Economic Growth Surprises: The U.S. economy continued to defy expectations of a depression or a crash. In fact, it has largely started to stabilize (or at least started to slow in terms of inflation). I continue to be shocked by the U.S. resilience to our own avarice.
- How long can the house of cards stand? Longer than I expected, clearly.
- Inflation Trends: As mentioned in the last bullet-point, inflation has moderated. It’s not going up as fast. Sure, it still sucks and everything costs a thousand dollars, but it’s not exponentially growing as it once was. 2024 did slow down the inflation, even though it is still trending up.
- Stock Market Performance: Despite some fluctuations, the U.S. stock market experienced significant gains, with specific areas like technology and communication services showing notable growth.
- Again, defying any semblance of a connection to reality. We are on the verge of a major world war, and everything looks fine on paper. Truly incredible. This is one of the reasons why 2024 was such a sleeper. We have just keep peddling along.
- Global Trade/Dollar Resilience: Despite geopolitical tensions and major sanctions, the global trading system created by the U.S. has demonstrated resilience, with it still being the hegemon. Even after using sanctions to cripple other countries, every other major player is still working with the U.S. BRICS is working hard to change that, but we did not see that change in 2024.
Technology and Science:
- Generative AI Integration: Generative AI technologies became more prevalent, integrating into things like search engines, our day-to-day work, and even our cellphones. This is only going to explode more in 2025.
- AI-Designed Gene Editing: Advancements in artificial intelligence led to the design of new proteins for gene-editing applications like CRISPR which I have warned about for a decade now, enhancing the precision and range of human genetic modifications.
- This one is big. Recent developments in December have blown the lid off of this one, too. I anticipate writing an article on these new updates early in Jan, given their severity.
- Bitcoin’s Resurgence (And Other Crypto Shenanigans): Bitcoin’s price surged after Donald Trump’s presidential victory. Other coins and FedCoins are rapidly entering development or being deployed. Digital Dollar is still on the horizon. The Digital Dollar was in test mode this year. We don’t have long now.
- Ethnics Ram A Ship Into Baltimore Bridge: Just another day in
IndiaAmerica. - Major Terrorist Attack In Russia: 145 people were killed and another 551 were injured after four masked and camouflaged Islamic State gunmen committed a mass shooting and set off multiple explosions at the venue, which caught fire as a result.
- Leftist Pro-Palestine Protests: Leftists all across the world protested against Israel’s treatment of the Palestinians in Gaza.
- I am so torn on these protests. Are they a net positive or a net negative? Neutral? I don’t like the leftists, but they are technically correct about the genocide/ethnic cleansing in Gaza. It’s a wildcard one.
- Biden Pardoned Hunter: We all knew this was going to happen, but it still happened anyway. Criminals cover criminals. Still no bailouts for any Jan 6ers, though.
- Some Healthcare CEO Got Whacked By A Nintendo Character: Unfortunate…
- Notre Dame Is Back: The nationalist icon cathedral in Paris, nearly destroyed by fire in 2019, reopened in December. This was the one of the happiest news stories of the year!
My 2025 Predictions
Global Politics and Geopolitics:
- U.S. Presidential Administration: With Donald Trump’s return to the White House, significant shifts in both domestic and international policies should be expected.
- I do not expect Trump to create peace. Quite the opposite, I think he will start wars. My prediction is that he will come into office “guns blazing”, but unlike in 2016, the United States does not have the goodwill and power necessary for such an approach. I think it will backfire, and we will be dragged into some conflict somewhere.
- I also expect Trump to largely fail domestically. He is already cucking out on immigration with his support for H-1B, and that was the only thing he would likely be helpful with. If we are lucky, he will slightly slow down inflation, but that is not guaranteed and we should not expect a return to 2016 prosperity levels.
- Wars: Ongoing conflicts in regions such as Ukraine and the Middle East are likely to persist, with potential escalations influencing global stability.
- I personally predict a larger war during the first year of Trump’s term. Probably with Iran or, at least, the Houthis.
- I believe Israel will see a great green-light to hit Iran with Trump in office. I would be surprised if the inevitable Israel-Iran war does not start within the first couple of years under Trump while he has a GOP majority in the legislature.
- Also, Trump at the helm nearly guarantees he will provoke China again. What that will lead to exactly, I do not know. But one thing that is odd is how uneventful the Asian front has been this year. The Chinese Problem has been quiet—Eerily so. China has seemingly been shelved as the hegemon deals with the Middle East and Russia. I do not expect 2025 to follow suit.
Economic Developments:
- Global Economic Outlook: Most people seem divided on projections for 2025. While some anticipate a year similar to 2024, others warn of potential challenges. The world continues to hold against my expectations. So I don’t know when the ball will drop. I only know that it will. I do not believe the economic crash will be the first “happening”, but that it will follow other problems like a war. So I am more focused on watching for a Cataclysm X type event. If that happens in 2025, then I would expect a crash to shortly follow. If not, then I imagine we will continue to chug along in our weakened state.
- Trade Policies: The U.S. will certainly adopt more protectionist trade policies under Trump, potentially leading to trade disputes, particularly with major economies like China. This is probably a good thing. The free market sucks and I’m tired of being overrun with Indians and cheap Chinese garbage in the name of slightly/marginally higher GDP.
Technological Advancements:
- Artificial Intelligence: The AI arms race is going to intensify, with nations and corporations striving for breakthroughs that could revolutionize industries and military capabilities. I expect to see AI start being integrated everywhere. It is going to become the new computer—Something that is prevalent in every corner of our day-to-day life. Especially in war.
- The Continuation Into Dead Internet: Because of AI, dead internet theory will expand even more. AI will start to become the majority of articles online. We will also no longer be able to trust our own eyes as AI generates videos, voice, and images with precision.
- Enjoy this time while you can. Once AI fully evolves, we will never have it again.
- Biotechnology: Predictions suggest potential game-changing biotech breakthroughs, possibly leading to significant medical advancements but also getting us closer to the Mark of the Beast. They just can’t stop playing God.
Societal Trends:
- Polarization: Societies, especially in the West, will continue to experience heightened ideological polarization. We will break apart further.
- Personalism in Leadership: A trend towards personalism in leadership will emerge, with individual leaders exerting significant influence over national and international affairs. This has been happening with people like Milei and Trump. It’s only going to worsen. The people love demagogues.
- In the same vein, I expect cults of personalities to continue to rise with people (including dissidents) worshipping the false images presented by certain persons, as we have seen with people like Elon Musk and Tulsi Gabbard.
- Continuing Descent Into Degeneracy: The culture will only continue to degrade. I don’t know how it is possible, and I don’t want to know. More people will happily put chips in their brain, more incel-type stuff will arise, and the various and multifaceted versions of American idol worship will continue unabated.
Hidden Dominion Specific Predictions:
- The Book: I will finally finish publishing the Enclavism book. I know I have said this for the past two years, but I’ve actually started releasing it already in 2024. So it is happening.
- Find Part 1 here: The Enclavism Book: Chapter 1 – “The Need For A New System”
- Article Schedule Will Improve: I hope I can eventually return to writing five articles a week this year. I miss posting more. My goal is to increase the frequency once I am able.
- Libertarians: For my final prediction, I predict I will continue to make fun of libertarians into 2025 until they upgrade to nationalism.
Cheers To The New Year
Now, we look solely to the New Year ahead. What is in the past is behind us. It is time to move forward.
I’m sitting here wrapping up this article with a quality cigar in hand, sending you a personal cheers to the New Year. Enjoy that cheers whenever you may read this. I pray this year is a good year for you.
As always, let me know your own 2025 predictions in the comments or in an email.
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- Russia-Ukraine War: The conflict continued into its third year, with ongoing tit-for-tat attacks. Not much changed besides the U.S. provoking Russia even further every month. Thus far, Russia has not retaliated in kind.
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