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You Have A Higher Chance Of Getting Struck By Lightning Than Dying Of Covid

You Have A Higher Chance Of Getting Struck By Lightning Than Dying Of Covid

What do you think is more likely: Getting struck by lightning in your lifetime or dying of COVID? The truth should make you rage.

Dying Of Covid? Hardly

Where you is defined as anyone under age 50.

The CDC has come out with a new report that breaks down the “pandemic” using best estimates per age range:

Infection Fatality Ratio

0-19 years: 0.00003
20-49 years: 0.0002
50-69 years: 0.005
70+ years: 0.054

Percent of infections that are asymptomatic§


dying of covid probability CDC

Image above is courtesy of the CDC.

So if you’re under 50, the best estimate death rate for COVID is 0.0002.

Whereas your chance of getting struck by lightening is 1 in 3,000, or 0.00033.

0.00033 > 0.0002.

You have a higher chance of getting struck by lightning than dying of COVID.

Should everyone be mandated to wear an anti-lightning conductor shield from now on?

Sh*t, I shouldn’t give them any ideas.

Did we mention the CDC backtracked on the initial warning that the virus is airborne? Yeah, turns out its not. Which everyone with a brain realized back in April. Just like they backtracked on everything else.

Oh, and the best estimate by the CDC finds that nearly half (40%) of COVID cases are asymptomatic. Meaning you wouldn’t have any symptoms at all.

Oh (x2), and only 6% of COVID deaths were from COVID alone. 94% had some level(s) of comorbidity such as the flu or something absolutely insane like heart failure. Nearly half of the “comorbidity” deaths were coupled with the flu.

Crazy how that works. COVID killed them but they had heart failure, cardiac arrest, respiratory arrest, or “Intentional and unintentional injury, poisoning and other adverse events”. Yeah, but the corona cold virus did them in.

If COVID was a Chinese bio-weapon, it was sure a terrible one. Or it was simply a test run with a less lethal option to test the transmission rates and how nations would respond.

Either way, we failed on each front.

Even with these facts coming to light the entire country remains under a worthless mask mandate and quasi-lockdown.

We are surrounded by morons being controlled by evil but intelligent actors.

The mask helps the mentally unstable find psychological peace by granting them the illusion of safety. The fear helps grant more power/control to the evil elements lording over us. The lock-downs help transfer the wealth away from the middle-class and small business to the elites (whose wealth has exploded) during this event.

And your fellow countryman is too blinded by the media to see it.

Congratulations, you’re living through the lamest pandemic of all time.

Relevant Articles:

So, COVID Was Complete Bullsh*t

How To Stop The Riots In A Single Day

Masks and Lockdowns Are Still Bullsh*t


Kaîsar is the sole owner of The Hidden Dominion. He writes on a wide range of topics including politics, governmental frameworks, nationalism, and Christianity.

Hosea 4:6 & Ezek 33:1-11

Articles: 1390


  1. Mask = Compliance = Acquiescence*
    *Passive assent or agreement without protest
    Mask = Social Conditioning
    Mask = Muzzle

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