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Build A Primitive Fire

Worthwhile Skills: Knowing How To Build A Primitive Fire

Sharing my top video on how to build a primitive fire using two different methods. Rekindling the ways of the old and seeking nature.

Build A Primitive Fire

Build A Primitive Fire

This is the best video I have watched on making a primitive fire. You can watch it below on YouTube or find it on Odysee (I can’t embed Odysee videos):

While I don’t think I’ll ever need to use this tactic for a survival-type situation, I still found it useful. It was a lot harder than the video made it seem, but it was my first time attempting it. This guy looks like he has been making primitive fires for decades.

In the modern day, since we have lighters, matches, and even long-lasting camping items like magnesium fire starters in abundance, this has become a dying art. It’s definitely not a “needed” skill per se, but there is something incredibly raw and instinctual about making your own fire from nothing but the surroundings. It’s a reconnection to the way of old and a bridge to our ancestral past. Not to forget the added spiritual benefit of spending some time with nature and the outdoors. The arrow method is also a cool family trick that kids love.

Fire is one of the most important cultural leaps of our species. If not the top one. It’s always fun to take some time to see how our ancestors understood it. That’s hard to do with modernity and the industrial revolution that pins us to everything modern while detracting from everything former.

There is a lack of skills in our youth when it comes to the ways of old. Hell, I can’t even say that truthfully. Most of our modern elders probably don’t know how to do this.

Luckily, this is arguably one of the easiest skills to rekindle. It only requires some sticks plus time.

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Kaîsar is the sole owner of The Hidden Dominion. He writes on a wide range of topics including politics, governmental frameworks, nationalism, and Christianity.

Hosea 4:6 & Ezek 33:1-11

Articles: 1390

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