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Populous Countries

World’s Most Populous Countries

The most populous countries around the world. Looking at data from 1973 to 2023.

Populous Countries

Populous Countries Around The World: 1973 to 2023

Future worldwide population projections are fascinating.

But even the charts that simply record the past are telling.

Pay special attention to India, Germany, and Nigeria:

Populous Countries

It is mind-boggling to think of how fast India has been growing. It really demonstrates how much potential there is for the population to just balloon exponentially after a certain point.

But oddly, not the case for Germany. They are practically stagnant if you remove the immigrants.

Meanwhile, on the other side of the Earth, we have Nigeria. 60 million to 224 million in just 50 years. I understand the math, but when considering human populations, that just doesn’t seem like it should be possible. That’s nearly a fourfold increase.

Pakistan and Japan share a similar story to Nigeria and Germany.

A couple other helpful breakdowns to get a full idea about the population projections and current world condition:

populous countries article - world population by region projection
This is based on a “medium fertility” scenario.
the people in the world
Go here for full size version.

All of these populations are growing so fast. If they continue, it will be interesting to see how infrastructure and food-related technology keep up to sustain such growth.

We may have to eat the bugs after all, simply because there won’t be anything else left to eat.

Read Next: The World’s Population Nearing 8 Billion


Kaîsar is the sole owner of The Hidden Dominion. He writes on a wide range of topics including politics, governmental frameworks, nationalism, and Christianity.

Hosea 4:6 & Ezek 33:1-11

Articles: 1390

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