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Trump is becoming increasingly defiant in his speeches. Rather than lay down and accept the obvious election fraud, will he fight?
Donald Trump’s speeches on the (obvious) election fraud are becoming increasingly more resilient and defiant.
While the media continues to push doom and “try again in 2024” defeatism, it doesn’t appear as if Trump is buying it. His speech today on Dec 2 demonstrates quite the opposite:
Some cliffnotes courtesy of TheDonald:
Synopsis from watching it (will edit as I go, paraphrasing not direct quotes):
“Our elections are under seige by coordinated efforts”
“Biden was told not to even campaign – told don’t worry ‘we got it'”
“Democrats systematically put in a fraudlent mail-in ballot scheme – Democrats politicians and judges used the pandemic as means to changes elections laws rapidly before the election.”
“Voting rolls are packed with people who moved out of state, dead, or not citizens of our nation.”
“We have all swing states with major infractions and fraud that amount to enough that we would have easily won each of the states.”
“We are talking about hundreds of thousands of votes.”
“The only secure system is paper.”
Regarding Dominion voting systems: “We think the votes were counted in foreign countries – not the United States. Every county that uses these systems must be monitored and investigated.”
“Republicans were supposed to lose many seats in the House but instead we won many we weren’t supposed to.”.
Regarding Georgia: “Hundreds of thousands of absentee ballots have been requested – check out who requested them.”
“Candidates who I helped campaign to get elected are saying to me they don’t understand how it could be possible they got more votes than Trump in their respective areas as he is way more popular than they are.”
Regarding Georgia Recount: “If you are not going to check signatures it doesn’t mean anything / doesn’t matter”.
“Democrats were rigging this from the beginning using the China virus as cover. There is no one happier right now than China.”
“Hopefully the Supreme Court will see our case and do what is right – we cannot just look to the future and ignore the past – we cannot allow this one to be rigged.”
“We can show far more fraudulent votes than needed to win multiple states – not just 25, 50 or a 100 votes – but 100s of thousands.”
“These entrenched people don’t want me to be President because they want all the power – not for you the people to have the power.”.
“We caught Comey, McCabe cold”
“The hardest thing I have to do is explain why nothing has happened all of these people who spied on my campaign.”
“Everyone who sees the fraud and evidence – goes ‘wow it is so obvious but it’s too late to do anything about it’ – no it is not too late elect the correct winner. All across the nation people are saying to ‘Stop the Steal’.”
Speaking on Democrats weakening voting integrity: “These are not the actions of people who want fair elections.”
“Democrats are trying to steal the 2020 election. They would not even allow transparency during the vote count – they blocked our observors in multiple Democratic run cities in swing states.”.
Talking about some of the things the various whistleblowers / witnesses have come forward about (duplicated ballots, same signatures, suspicious birth dates, no enevelopes for absentee ballots, etc. ).
“This election was rigged – everyone knows that.”
Concluded with a bit about how we need to do this to restore trust with the American public and we must safeguard ALL future elections.
Maybe I’m just a hopeful optimist, but I certainly don’t see the doom and gloom that the media has been reporting in this speech. Nor do I notice any type of surrender.
I know people like to picture Trump as a fighter, but I’m not quite sure that is true. A person raised as a millionaire is not likely to risk it all, but who knows, maybe I’ll be wrong.
But time is running out. If time runs out before proof can be furnished, will the fight begin?
Read Next:
A Baseless Guess For The Election Results
The Nine Key Points Of Election Fraud So Far
Comparing Voter Machines Versus Slot Machines
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