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In this article, I will explain why the right keeps losing. Along with its direct relationship to what I am calling “secular materialism“.
I am speaking about us on the “far right” (dissident right, nationalist right, alt right, whatever you want to call it), not neocons or the average conservative. Those failures have already been addressed elsewhere. (Good starting points: The Greatest Failure Of The Conservative and The Neocons Preferred Level Of Degeneracy.)
This article is going to be a labor of love. But stick with me to the end. It will be worth it.
As I started to write it, I quickly realized that I am forced to use a lot of big (and not exactly precise) words simply because we don’t really have proper terms to define most of the new political concepts that I am discussing.
This is generally an issue all throughout history, where people do not know what to call a new idea, philosophy, or movement until long after the fact. This is why when you go back and read history, different people all use widely different terms to define the same thing that we call it nowadays.
For example, this happened with “humanism” during the renaissance, which now has a handful of different definitions depending on the time period. Meanwhile, historical documents call “humanism” a smorgasbord of different terms. The agreement on the term did not come until the movement had long since passed centuries later.
A similar thing happened even with the Dark Ages. No one was so self-hating to call it the “Dark Ages” while they were living through it. That new definer of “Dark” came from the Enlightenment, when they redefined that era.
We now live in a similar predicament. There are a lot of new ideas in the modern West that are not yet attached definitively to a term, which makes it difficult to pinpoint and have all readers know what it is I am actually talking about.
So, I’ll do my best to relay this information in the best manner I can. But it won’t be perfect, because we don’t all agree on the definitions.
First, let’s knock out some common terms using a helpful simplification:
Idealism is the belief that the mind and ideas is the primary structure of reality and that physical or material reality is secondary.
Materialism is the opposite of Idealism and sees matter as the primary reality and all other things including thoughts as the product of interactions of matter.
Rationalism is the belief that the rational mind is the best way to know something. If you are a rationalist you believe that your mind is more trustworthy than your sense. A stick in the water might look bent, but you know rationally that it only looks that way because it is in the water.
Empiricism is the opposite of rationalism and it is the belief that the senses are the best way to know something. You might think something is true, but you only know it is true if your senses confirm it.
Realism is the belief that there are real existing entities behind universal or general ideas. For instance there is a “thing” called justice. Nominalism on the other hand is the opposite and it is a belief that there are no real existing entities behind universals. There is no “justice” per se, there are just individual instances of justice. Only the individual instances of justice are real.
Now for our last two terms we have Dualism and Monism. Dualism is the belief that mind and matter represent two different and distinct types of being. Monism is the belief that there is ultimately only one type of being. If you are a Monist you could also be an Idealist which means that you believe that everything is made up of mind or ideas, so even matter is ultimately made up of ideas. A monist could also be a Materialist believing that all ideas are ultimately products of matter.
These are important to contrast. Generally, a person is either an idealist or a materialist. A rationalist or an empiricist. Philosophers will argue and say you cannot truly be a hybrid, but I would wager that most people are some form of hybrid. But it does matter which way you lean.
Realism also contrasts nominalism. Dualism contrasts monism. You cannot be both.
Holding some of these positions is not bad. I do not care if a dissident is a rationalist or an empiricist, for example. It is only when certain combinations are put together that start making people wacky.
An ever-growing amount of people on the Right are those who would subscribe to materialism, rationalism, nominalism, and monism. This combination is especially dangerous, but even just the rational materialists are dangerous enough.
Given these, we will also need to add in the following:
Scientism is the opinion that science and the scientific method are the best or only way to render truth about the world and reality.
Physicalism is the metaphysical thesis that “everything is physical”, that there is “nothing over and above” the physical, or that everything supervenes on the physical. Physicalism is a form of ontological monism—a “one substance” view of the nature of reality as opposed to a “two-substance” (dualism) or “many-substance” (pluralism) view. Both the definition of “physical” and the meaning of physicalism have been debated.
“Physicalism” is a much better term than “materialism”, because it gets the idea across better. It combines all the worst elements of “monistic rational materialism”. But physicalism is not often used, so it just creates confusion. But normally when someone says “materialist”, they actually mean the definition of physicalism above. Everything is physical; there is no spirit.
I’ve heard people use various terms for what I am about to discuss. You may have heard “rational materialist” (I’ve used that in the past) or perhaps you’ve heard “secular monist”, which also has been floating around. Some people use “scientism”, but that’s more often geared toward the crazies on the left (even though it is just as relevant on the right as we will get into). I’ve even heard “panphysicalism”, which works the same.
I believe, for the most part, all of these mean the same thing. They are trying to get across the same idea of a right-wing physicalist who ignores the spiritual.
They are the data jockeys, the science-lovers (but only their approved science, such as race-related biological sciences), but the ones who abhor spirituality. These are the ones that talk incessantly about the fallacy of the blank slate, but then completely reject divinity or spiritual impacts on personal souls.
These individuals are physicalists if we are being specific, but most people more readily recognize the term “materialist”.
Whatever you want to call them: These people are our topic for today.
From this point forward, I will be just using the umbrella term “secular materialism” to describe these people.
No matter the term to define it—The Right keeps losing because these people keep leading us. As both our thought leaders and our actual on-the-ground leaders.
But the secular materialists are starting from a fundamentally problematic position. They keep using the foundational logic, morality, and belief system of the leftist Enlightenment. Which was secular materialism.
In The Eras Of Western Civilization, I explored Western Civ through our three broad eras: Greco-Roman, Christendom (including Feudalism/Renaissance/National States), and the Enlightenment.
We still reside under the Enlightenment. Modernity and contemporary periods are all still under the same curse.
The Enlightenment was always about secular materialism. They literally created those terms in the first place. They wanted separation of church and state along with a more rationalist, material-focused worldview. Everything was and is physical. That is supposedly why it was “enlightening”.
This was even our founding fathers. The deists said that miracles didn’t exist. Thomas Jefferson went so far as to create a bible where he crossed out all the examples of Jesus’ miracles, because they weren’t rational.
And you wonder why we keep losing? Those who focus on the lower form (the physical) will always lose to those who focus on the higher form (the spiritual).
We have not “won” since Christendom. None of our systems, our leaders, or our movements have been successful under the Enlightenment. Name one. I will wait.
Even the oft used examples of Pinochet, Franco, etc., while temporary wins, did not live out past the life of the leader. They both reverted right back to Enlightenment conditions right after the leader left the office. Not discrediting either, but neither was successful long-term because neither escaped the mindset of the Enlightenment. They were all minor hiccups on the road to further degeneration.
The right-wing secular materialists focus much on making money (material), capturing the military (material), building up institutions (material), and organizing numbers (material). But they completely neglect the spiritual: culture, faith, fortitude-laden mindsets and philosophies, a united national spirit, and so on, which create the strong spiritual men needed to win.
I am not discounting the material. But the secular materialists only see the physical. They cannot see anything else. They don’t realize that we need both. If we only have one, we won’t win.
This is not a money battle. We don’t just get enough millions and win. We don’t just get 51% of the institutions and the left caves and we all sing songs. Instead, we need to win the hearts, minds, and souls of our people to win this struggle. We need to fundamentally change our people. That requires an escape from modernity, which requires an escape from the condition that encapsulated modernity: the Enlightenment mindset.
This battlefield is more on the higher (spiritual) than the lower (material). But as you listen to the secular materialists, you would have no idea. You’d think we just need more money and businesses and guns, then we’d have a revolution and everyone would immediately act exactly how they want.
But to get the culture and mindset that the Right wants necessitates a spiritual approach. The people’s soul needs to be healed. We can’t do that with the physical. I spoke about that more here: Starting From The Spirit.
There are Three Essentials That Make Legacy-Enduring Societies and the secular materialists only recognize the first two, the physical pieces (the people and system). Which is exactly why they don’t have any legacy-enduring societies. The secular materialists cannot point to a single one. Because they can’t endure. Even the classical Greeks had the spirit, something that is a forlorn hope for our modern types.
The Enlightenment is largely when everything went wrong. Yet, the secular materialists worship the very foundation of that degeneration.
Greco-Roman and Christendom were not perfect. Far from it. But they were progressing in a traditional manner. Our entire civilization went off course during the Enlightenment.
We are no longer progressing; we are becoming some weird trans-gay-cultist-alien hybrid in clown world. This is because of our rational, material, secular approach to society.
Regardless of your thoughts on C. S. Lewis, he was correct when he said,
We all want progress. But progress means getting nearer to the place where you want to be. And if you have taken a wrong turning then to go forward does not get you any nearer. If you are on the wrong road progress means doing an about-turn and walking back to the right road and in that case the man who turns back soonest is the most progressive man. There is nothing progressive about being pig-headed and refusing to admit a mistake. And I think if you look at the present state of the world it’s pretty plain that humanity has been making some big mistake. We’re on the wrong road. And if that is so we must go back. Going back is the quickest way on.
When one says “return to tradition,” it should mean a return to the spiritual focus. That is, if they had any idea what tradition actually was. Because regardless of the hopes and dreams of certain post-Enlightenment secular materialists, real tradition in Western Civilization was spiritual.
That’s the only way to actually progress from where we are now. Sadly, the secular materialists don’t mean it like this. They envision a return to tradition as some return to some imaginary history that never actually existed, because all of Greco-Roman and Christendom were spirit-lead. They just pretend that it wasn’t.
But us as right-wingers are not immune to this civilizational degeneration. And the secular materialists prove it. Because they are it. They are the Right’s version of the Enlightenment degeneration. They can only see the physical just like the leftists.
These people don’t see it, but they are actually in the same camp as the enemy. They are just fighting over the technical particulars. Both want to be lead by whatever they deem as rational, secular, and material.
The Right just focuses more on empiricism (which is ironic—But they do. They focus more on what they can first see, such as racial differences, then they use rationalization to confirm it). Whereas the left focuses more on rationalization using flawed logic, while ignoring empiricism completely. But make note that both are rationalizers. And both only care about the material, physical realm. They are equal; worshipping at the same corrupt cornerstone.
So it is no wonder why the far right continues to fail in the same capacity that the leftists are failing.
Because both are degenerating along the same philosophical lines.
Even the leftists recognize certain aspects of this:
When Sam Harris wrote The End of Faith he received–in addition to the usual angry letters from fundamentalists–equally angry letters from atheists and materialists because he had dared to suggest that genuine spiritual experiences were possible to achieve–through meditation, psychedelics, etc.–without buying into nonsensical religious dogmas. To some ideologues spirituality is taboo, and Harris had violated the cardinal tenet of materialism: if you can’t touch it, it doesn’t exist. Which pretty much throws modern physics out the window. When’s the last time anyone made sensory contact with a meson or a black hole?
It’s true that some people are suggestible. But it’s even more true that people hate to have their world view challenged. Materialists are just as guilty of this as fundamentalists. To discredit the personal experiences of millions simply because they contradict an ideology is to mire us in the traditions of the past and retard cultural evolution.
Secular materialists get the race question right because they can see and experience it. They get the other essential questions wrong (such as the covid jab and pedophilia [discussed later]) because they cannot see or experience it. But therein lies the root problem, that they will get those latter questions completely wrong.
The worldview of the Enlightenment and every leftist is rationalism. But material rationalism was a significant contributor to the downfall of the leaders of the Alt-Right. The Alt-Righters worshipped data and denied religion (except for the occasional paganism) just the same, and we see how far that got them. They looked like insane people. But that’s what happens when a man loses his soul; he becomes insane.
It was all pride. And God hates pride. So he makes them into a joke.
Just look at how the most radical leftists define rationalism themselves. It is scientism, no different from what a secular materialist would call “rationalism”:
Rationalism is a philosophy in which a high regard is given to reason (specifically logic) and to empirical observation.
The term is more commonly used to refer to a synthesis of continental rationalism with its former rival philosophy, empiricism. This looser rationalism holds that empirical observation is more useful than intuition for gaining one’s starting axioms, but one can use deductive reasoning from these axioms just as well. The best embodiment of this way of gaining knowledge is the scientific method; hence, rationalists tend to give high regard to science, designating it as the primary or sole proper source of truth.
The above is many in the Far/Alt/Dissident Right. Not just now, but also historically. Our deist Founding Fathers even fit in this camp. They are all secular, rational, materialists. The only way they can find “truth” is through some scientific or crowd process. Even though as Christians, Truth should be known to us personally.
The only difference between the secular materialists and leftists is the former prefers right-wing data over the left-wing data. Which means they will both end up just as insane as the other, because the Spirit is the only thing that actually grounds people and makes them normal.
This is why so many right-wingers were fine taking the myocarditis covid jab, because the data and empirical evidence on it wasn’t all that bad at first. “Rationally, it can’t be that bad,” they said. But they were all wrong. And those of us with a spiritual connection that just knew it was corrupt were right. This is how we won that argument, and how we should win future ones.
This is why we keep losing. Because we allow these people to be the leaders. The secular materialists, the neocons, the normiecons, and so on. The people who share the worldview of the enemy and who will inevitably go insane. What a winning recipe.
Those who only see the physical do so purposely because it’s all they want to see. It’s not hidden from them. They just reject it. They deny what is known to all men.
That is why we also cannot trust the secularist that only uses rationalism. Because they have no motivation, no underlying morality, that provokes them to love their people and risk everything they have for those people. Those with the spirit are driven by a love to save their people and to please the divine. Those driven by the physical are self-interested, uncourageous, grifters. They would never stand up if it put them at risk, because their material conditions matter far more than their spiritual reward for fighting.
We can’t trust them as leaders. We can’t trust them as ideologues. Because if any pressure arises, they will succumb, because they don’t view this battle as one of the spirit. If something comes to attack their materialistic conditions, they will cave.
Many of them are also lead by hatred of something physical rather than love of something spiritual. An inversion. A complete evil.
It gets even worse because the real enemy, the spiritual enemy, still uses the spirit. The average leftists are too stupid to see it, and the right is too prideful to accept it. But the high-level enemy uses it against us. And many of our own fail to use it.
That is why things like Bohemian Grove exist, where the elites go to chant cult slogans around an owl. It’s why degenerates create musicals saying that they are coming for your kids and why Balenciaga has dozens of occult connections in every advertisement. It’s why they create guidestones that explicitly detail their plans.
The real enemy knows this is a spiritual battle. So they fight on that front. But they convict their minions to fight only on the physical.
I am sorry to say, but part of those minions are our own far right-wingers that refuse to accept the spiritual. They are causing far more damage to us than they will ever know.
Some important considerations to take away by this point in the article:
Before I get the usual retort: This isn’t to say we shouldn’t use logos or be rational. They are important pieces, essential as any other. But they must be paired with the spirit; not against it.
This is why theology is normally defined as “faith seeking understanding“. We start with the spirit, then use logos to further understand. The beginning of knowledge is spoken about in Proverbs. If you don’t have it, go find it.
Without the spirit, we won’t win. Secular materialists have no way to sustain essential tenets of civilization, such as justice and morality. They cannot build a society on their own. Their entire belief structure rests on the wickedness of the past few centuries. Thus, they are doomed to failure.
Without the spirit, we will get another Hitler, another Mussolini, another forty-year Franco, or similar. But we will not get another Greco-Rome or Christendom. We will not get a civilizational revival. Just a temporary band-aid until the march of Enlightenment degeneration continues.
Be cautious of every secular materialist right-winger. I do not say this to provoke hostility or division among our guys, although that will probably come. I only say it because I love my people, and I don’t want to keep seeing them be destroyed. And the physical solutions that the secular materialists keep presenting will do exactly that.
Do not forsake the importance of the spirit. If we are to win, we have to win on both the spirit and physical battlegrounds.
Read Next: Maladaptation To The Modern World
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American exceptionalism was not based on government, culture, technology or even fortuitous circumstances. Christianity (even diluted and flawed) is what made American unique. When people try to live their faith and subordinate natural human selfishness, the world is a better place.
Now that America is in rapid decline as a result of abandoning Christianity, plans for a future recovery should include provision for this vital element.
The transition to the religion of secularism (the worship of man in general and self in particular) was greatly aided by public education (indoctrination) particularly colleges. Evolution (there is no God), relativism (there is no right or wrong), psycology (human behavior canbe described without sin), and the idea that people have to seize control of the world using the power of self-righteous indignation and legislation seem to have defined this new direction for our country. is it any wonder that the elite have no ability to even know what truth is.
Great comment. While I wouldn’t agree with the sole Christian focus (we certainly had fortuitous circumstances that lead to the world’s unipolarity condition following WW1), I agree with the overall position.
Whatever arises out of the ashes—if it wants to survive—will assuredly need a return to a moral framework that averts human selfishness, avarice, and disunity in broadness, and a return to Christ in the particular.