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Why The Pen Name “Kaisar”?

Answering a very common question: Why did I choose "Kaisar" as a pen name?

Explaining The Pen Name ‘Kaisar’

Some clarification on the pen name choice, since it has been asked repeatedly:

1) Because it is the original, and correct, pronunciation of Julius Caesar:

Gaius Julius Caesar = GAIVS IVLIVS CAESAR (Classical Latin orthography)

In Latin, the “c” is a hard “k” sound and the ae sounds like “eye”. Therefore, “caesar” is pronounced Kaisar/Kaiser.

Kaiser is the German word for emperor, so I opted for Kaisar to differentiate.

No one gets this pronunciation right, so I thought forcing the convention would be useful in educating others on the correct Latin pronunciation. Now, look up “veni, vidi, vici” for another surprise.

2) Caesar was the final catalyst for the fall of the most famous Republic in history (The Roman Republic). I likewise would enjoy seeing the fall of the degenerative republic we live under, or at the very least, watch it be massively renovated. Most of this website is built around researching governmental frameworks. Predominantly the issues with the rule by many variants (which a republic is). Our republic is just as unstable and just as unlikely to survive my lifetime, so it felt fitting.

3) This website is named after a “dominion”: A territory or sphere of influence or control; a sovereign realm. I felt a strong name would be necessary to convey ownership of this realm. Thus, Kaisar (a derivative of emperor) fit better than other and prior options.

So, there are a few different reasons. They all work. Take whichever you prefer as justification/reasoning, I used a combination of all three.

Now, if you’d like, take a stroll down memory lane and read about the history of HD.


Kaîsar is the sole owner of The Hidden Dominion. He writes on a wide range of topics including politics, governmental frameworks, nationalism, and Christianity.

Hosea 4:6 & Ezek 33:1-11

Articles: 1390

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