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Why It Is So Obvious?

It's a mystery... But only to some.

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“That Can’t Be It, It’d Be Too Obvious”

Some people struggle when trying to wrap their mind around why everything the rulers do is so obviously corrupt and in-your-face evil.

Some people (the grey masses) even claim that there is no way this stuff is true at all because it is so obvious.

One example of this effect is Operation Northwoods/Mongoose regarding the CIA. The elites publicly released this top secret information directly admitting that the CIA wanted to attack American citizens to provoke a war. The only reason it did not happen was because JFK denied it. Then he ended up dead. Odd.

Now people still think that it is a conspiracy that the United States government would harm their own citizens for geopolitical purposes, even though we literally have an exact example in Operation Northwoods. It is so plain and unmistakable that you would have to be willfully blind to miss it.

But people still deny it. Why?

Well, most claim something like that could not be true because: “Why would the rulers allow something that obvious? They would never be that undisguised. It must be something else.”

This argument sometimes ties into the equally silly “it’s a distraction” argument, but this one is often found separately with the grey masses. Most normies don’t think things are a distraction, they just think everything you tell them is all one big conspiracy; that the rulers work solely behind the curtains.

Another example is the pride and tranny stuff. “Pride” is literally a sin and they use God’s logo regarding his promise to not flood the earth again over sin as their flag. You cannot be more direct than this unless they directly slapped “We are reprobates and hate God” on the flag, which I am sure is coming in the next rendition of the flag circa 2024. It is so obvious.

Another is Jan 6. We have actual political prisoners in this country that are getting sentenced to massive prison terms while leftists walk free for doing the exact same thing. Yet, most grey masses would argue that “the rulers would never be that obvious, that’d spark a civil war!” or similar dialogue.

Because the rulers’ actions are so obviously wicked, people doubt its truthfulness in even occurring. It seems too clear-cut. Why would the elites allow things this objectively clear if they were trying to dominant, strategize, or create hegemony for themselves? Why wouldn’t they be more sly/calculating in their approach?

In effect, the argument is that the elites would not—or do not—allow the truth to get out.

I believe this is incorrect. Let me explain why.

Ever since converting to Christianity a long time ago, I have not shared the difficulty in understanding why this happens. It is clear to me why it is so obvious.

It is because hegemony is not the ruler’s first priority.

If you come at this question with a Christian mindset, it really becomes quite simple:

  • The enemy’s main objective is to damn souls. To do that, the truth must be evident and obtainable, but still rejected on an individual basis.

What is the best way to do this? Simple. Make the lie popular, but make the truth available. Enact punishments for speaking the truth and reward those who indulge in the prevarication.

You know, exactly like they are doing?

The enemy, of course, is evil itself. God wants souls to be saved; Satan wants souls to be damned. For Satan to acquire this, he has to allow them to see glimpses of the truth, but then convince them to reject it. So the truth must be evident, in some fashion.

And the more obvious the truth is, the easier it is to damn many souls. But also the harder it is to not “wake up” people like us.

Thus, there is a balancing act being performed by the evil in this world. They want the truth of what is happening to be obvious—enough to lead to damnation for many—but not popular enough to cause mass awakenings that would restrict or bar their main goal. Evil is always floating on this line, sometimes going too far and sometimes going too lenient.

But we know for certain that truth will always be available, because of the simple reason that both good and evil use it, even if it is to very different purposes. Good uses it to save; evil uses it to damn. A true Orwellian “no truth” nightmare will never occur because of this effect. Both sides want truth to be evident, but for competing reasons and to competing extents of exactly how available and accepted it is.

How “obvious” the corruption, evil, and wickedness infesting our land is does not make it any less true.

Quite the opposite.

It is proof that evil is evidently at play here by making it so obvious, because evil loves to affront good however and wherever it can.

Read Next: What The People Want Does Not Matter


Kaîsar is the sole owner of The Hidden Dominion. He writes on a wide range of topics including politics, governmental frameworks, nationalism, and Christianity.

Hosea 4:6 & Ezek 33:1-11

Articles: 1390

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