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The question is: Why Independence? What are the reasons for seeking self-reliance? An article on the importance of independence.
The question is: Why Independence? What are the reasons for seeking self-reliance? The question is important on this website, because it is the principal reason of what we are doing here: Trying to teach people to be independent from a corrupt government. Let’s give a quick rundown of why independence is the key to your betterment.
Financial independence is the freedom of controlling your finances to ensure you are not saddled with debt or poverty. The benefits of financial independence are relatively clear compared to the others. This will result in more financial security, since you can afford any necessity. Financial freedom means that you can have the ability to pay for any event and have a steady income stream to do so.
Intellectual independence is being free from the dependence on others to formulate your own beliefs. Since you can think for yourself, you will have better decision-making capabilities compared to codependents. You won’t need the mass media to think for you. You will see through problems and find solutions outside the box of traditional schooling. Finally, you will also be much less prone to bias, propaganda, and manipulation by others (or your own).
Freedom from the government interference in your life. Sure, you will always have to pay taxes. But this doesn’t mean you should have to pay half of your income in taxes just for it to be shipped to dependent individuals. This decreases the burden on the state by reducing the number of people constantly relying on the paycheck from the welfare government. With more societal independence, you can be free from public leeches and the nanny state controlling everything you do.
The freedom to defend yourself, survive, and thrive. This freedom is less-discussed than the other, more popular, options. However, it is just as important. Survival-based independence helps with defending yourself from any threat. Are you truly independent if as soon as a threat comes your way, you have to surrender everything? Of course not. You must be able to defend yourself. To survive in any condition or scenario. Not always just survive, but to thrive in it. To take any situation, negative or not, and be able to control it immediately in the moment.
Become your own brand. You don’t need to model yourself after famous Hollywood celebrities. You also don’t need to rely on others to build your own identity. All of this you can accomplish yourself. Sound hard? That’s because it is. But it is highly worth it, and the end result will help you in any avenue you take in life.
Care for yourself. You can’t always rely on others to take care of you. Eventually, they will leave or will abandon you. So, why independence? Because it can allow you to control these necessities in life. So you always know you will be in good hands: your own. Sure, everyone needs someone at some points in life. But you can’t become addicted to this reliance, it needs to be reserved for only the most needed times.
Enhanced Reputation. You ever meet someone that is in their late 20s, lives at their parents, and doesn’t pay many bills? I have. It’s kind of sad. Their reputation as a person is diminished. They will have a very difficult time finding a stable, outstanding relationship. Or finding a reliable life. They seem to be clueless to life and its hardships. Sadly, for those individuals, mom and dad won’t be around forever. You can’t mooch off of them forever. Eventually, they need to build their reputation. With their friends, family, and loved ones. The best way to do this is by becoming independent and thriving on your own.
Let’s face reality: You can’t be independent if you weigh 500 lbs and need to be in a bed or chair all day. What kind of life is that? On a more reasonable scale (pun intended), even being overweight or unhealthy has its downsides. If you smoke and are overweight, how will you be physically able to do the things you love? Whether it’s hiking, rock climbing, skiing, skateboarding, running, I don’t care. You need that physical capability of being independent to accomplish it. That is why independence is so important.
Being physically capable also ties in with the above, being able to defend yourself and rely on yourself for existence. Strong, fit and able to fight back. Healthy and capable of living your own life without constantly going to the doctor for meds. Not to forget being more confident and assertive. It’s easy to say you are confident and get what you want. However, in reality, it is the constant fight to be more independent that will actually make that a truth.
Being in control of your own life means you can do whatever is necessary to reach a sustainable level of living. This is being self sufficient. You can handle whatever is thrown at you.
It also makes it a hell of a lot easier to be emotionally independent. This way, you don’t need to rely on others for emotional support. In fact, this even makes you much happier in life, scientists have discovered.
By being self sufficient, you can meet your own needs. No longer will you have to be dependent on someone else’s support for this basic life necessity.
We already discussed being less reliant on others. But by being independent it also gives you another gift, the gift of leading your own life. One of the top things that those dying have repeatedly stated was that they wished they “lived a life true to themselves, not what others expected of them”. These individuals figured out the importance on independence, but far too late to make a change. You don’t have to follow others’ advice, or be the same brick in the wall.
When you own your own destiny, you can seek new life challenges. But with these challenges come badass accomplishments. You will have some failures; everyone does. Being independent helps you embrace those failures to make it into an eventual success. In fact, it builds the entrepreneur in you. Which can then lead to financial independence as well!
With more and more people living an independent lifestyle, the government has less excuse and support to come in and take freedoms away.
Self-reliant individuals don’t need the government to siphon money away from others to support themselves. They don’t need to support overly controlling government mommy programs designed to neuter them. They can handle all of life’s difficulties (and awesomeness) themselves.
An independent person would also be in charge of their own self defense. They wouldn’t request the government to come steal that right away from them. The same goes for privacy rights. If our society becomes more independent, we won’t need the government to spy on us to keep us in line. We could be free and reliant without their wide-eyed supervision.
Finally, we can reclaim free speech. The special snowflakes that constantly assault free speech using false logic such as “hate speech” are simply puppets of politically correct agendas. With independence, we are confident and assertive enough to not care about their feelings. And to act accordingly.
These reasons are why independence is so important to support. Without independence, we all are pawns of those who provide it for us.
So if anyone ever asks you why independence is so important – Send them this article.
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