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Using two case studies, we explain why fortitude is the most important of the seven virtues.
The seven virtues:
Using our first case study:
Author: Your Grandkids Will Still be Wearing Masks in 2050
And they won’t remember why.
“If people don’t object to this now, their grandchildren will be wearing masks in the 2050s, although nobody will remember why,” tweeted Hitchens.
He was responding to a new report which reveals that despite the UK government vowing to lift all lockdown and mask restrictions for “freedom day” on July 19th, airlines, shops and other businesses will keep them in place.
Back in February 2020, Dr. Anthony Fauci admitted that a typical store-bought face mask “is not really effective in keeping out virus, which is small enough to pass through material.”
A peer-reviewed study in Denmark involving 6,000 participants found that “there was no statistically significant difference between those who wore masks and those who did not when it came to being infected by Covid-19,” the Spectator reported.
“1.8 per cent of those wearing masks caught Covid, compared to 2.1 per cent of the control group. As a result, it seems that any effect masks have on preventing the spread of the disease in the community is small.”
Our second case study:
Canada’s National Archive Cancels Country’s First Prime Minister
History will be “rewritten.”
Canada’s national archive has effectively canceled the country’s first Prime Minister Sir John Alexander Macdonald by deleting a page about him because it was “offensive” and didn’t represent Canada as “diverse and multicultural.”
“Sir John Alexander Macdonald, born in Scotland, was Canada’s first prime minister. He is famous for his role in the establishment of Canada as a country on July 1 1867. Some of his other notable achievements include building the Canadian Pacific Railway and forming a strong Conservative Party,” writes Dan Frieth.
In other words, history will be “rewritten” to satiate the mob.
As we previously highlighted, while Canada is canceling its historical figures, representation for the LGBT movement is more ingrained than ever before.
The Canadian government recently announced that it is expanding ‘Pride Month’ for the entire summer and calling it ‘Pride Season’.
Meanwhile, the mob is also toppling statues of Queen Elizabeth II and Queen Victoria outside legislatures because they are symbols of the country’s past.
Good luck, Canada.
The other six virtues are essential, don’t get me wrong. But fortitude is the most important. These above examples clearly demonstrate why.
It does not matter how prudent, justice-seeking, temperate, faithful, hopeful, or charitable you are internally. If you lack fortitude (courage, endurance, and strength), then none of the other six will last forever. Eventually, you will lack the courage necessary to fight for them. In which case, they become solely inside-focused virtues. And therefore, un-impactful to the world.
We are meant to bring a light to the world. The light is not meant to be solely for ourselves or hidden away.
This is why fortitude must always come first. To be willing and able to fight for your convictions found within the other six. Without that strength, endurance, and moral willingness, the others become meaningless. They won’t survive for long, because you won’t fight for them.
None of the other virtues rely so heavily on a single virtue. For example, you can not be charitable, but have still all of the other virtues with no impact to them. You can sometimes lack hope, but still be a great light for others through the other six. But if you lack fortitude, or the ability to be that light to others, then they all fall in their effectiveness, reach, and impact. You could be flawless in all of the other six virtues, but without fortitude they would have little effect once resistance comes your way.
To build the proper base of virtue it must always start with fortitude. You can learn, and train, to be better with the other virtues later. But the foundational building block must start with fortitude, so that as you develop them further, you will have the strength necessary to retain them in times of struggle. Which you will endure.
Using our case studies: We were forced to wear masks and submit to illogical stupidity because of the lack of moral courage to resist against it. Canada, along with the rest of the West, are destroying their traditions and heritage because they do not have the moral strength to fend off the assault by proudly proclaiming: “No, I am right and I will not allow you to push this evil“. No amount of charity, hopefulness, faith, temperance, justice, or prudence would have stopped this. But moral courage and strength would have.
The West has lost its fortitude. With it, it lost its ability to safeguard the other virtues. They are now freely available for the vultures to attack. And regretfully, they are now under constant attack.
But luckily, I am certain my readers have the hopefulness and fortitude necessary to weather those attacks and still envision an optimistic future.
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