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In this article, I continue to pester the secular materialists.
After publishing my last article on the secular materialists, I have been getting some comments and emails complaining about my position.
But I will keep trashing on them, because they are what guarantee we will keep losing.
They are blind and ignorant to what is going on. But I believe we can save them by showing them the error of their ways.
Consider this essential article by Gab:
Conservative Inc And The Deal With The Daily Wire Devil
This week Steven Crowder made headlines for turning down a 50 million dollar term sheet offered by The Daily Wire. The term sheet, which would have forced Steven to sign over his email list, social media accounts, and revenue streams from his Mug Club, among other things from his life’s work, raised concerns about censorship and the gatekeeping of content creators by large conservative media companies and their owners.
One of the main issues with the term sheet was that it would have required Steven to censor himself to avoid being banned by Big Tech platforms or face steep financial penalties from The Daily Wire. In other words, Steven would have had to compromise his principles in order to maintain his operational income and continue to reach his audience. He would be beholden to the gatekeeping whims of Ben Shapiro and Big Tech.
Gatekeepers of the Regime are not our friends.
We live in a time when the Friend/Enemy Distinction is essential to understand. This may be difficult for many of you to accept, but Ben Shapiro and The Daily Wire are not our friends. Nor are Fox News, Prager U, The Blaze, Charlie Kirk, and many others in the “conservative” media landscape. Not even Crowder himself, for that matter, but hopefully, that is about to change.
These people are working on behalf of our enemies. They aim to keep you within a tightly controlled narrative box of what the Regime deems “acceptable oppositional discourse.” Anyone who steps outside that line is blacklisted, smeared, and banned by these “conservative” media outlets for daring to speak the Truth.
Ask yourself why in a culture of censorship unlike anything ever seen before in this country, has Ben Shapiro, The Daily Wire, and all of the other “popular” conservative media outlets I mentioned never faced any modicum of censorship over the past seven years? Why is Ben Shapiro “shadow-boosted” into Facebook and YouTube feeds while the rest of us are banned, demonetized, and shadowbanned?
What happens when you sell your soul to Conservative Inc?
Let’s look at what happens when someone signs on the dotted line with a Conservative Inc company like The Daily Wire. Jordan Peterson did just that several months ago. The first videos Peterson released after joining The Daily Wire chastised Muslims and Christians with criticism and scolding. Noticeably he provided none of the same complaints and scolding to people of the Jewish faith. Instead, he is now making trips to Israel, crying on stage, praising them, and doing glowing interviews with Benjamin Netanyahu. This is what it looks like to sell your soul for money and become a dancing clown for Ben Shapiro and Israel.
We Need to Support Christian Leaders At Christian Media Companies. Period.
Last summer, I said that to be a leader or influencer on the right, you need to accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior and be a Christian. I said in no uncertain terms that people like Ben Shapiro and Jordan Peterson have no place in any serious right-wing movement and resistance to the Regime unless they become Christians. I got a lot of flack for this from the media and many people on the right, but I stand by it, and now you see why.
This Daily Wire situation with Crowder is a great example. Christians don’t act the way Ben Shapiro and Jeremy Boreing act. They don’t refer to themselves as “god-kings.” They don’t write soul-buying exploitative contracts. They don’t refer to employees as “wage slaves.” They don’t force people to throw their friends under the bus. These people don’t act like Christians because they aren’t Christians, and the Christians who do work for them and have made a deal with the Devil–people like Matt Walsh–should be ashamed of themselves. If they had any self-respect and cared about the truth and fighting the Regime, they would move on to bigger and better things.
When you support The Daily Wire, Ben Shapiro, and Conservative Inc, this is the behavior you are endorsing and making possible. This is why we need to explicitly support Christian businesses, creators, media companies, and leaders only. Period.
It is a great article. Read it all when you have time.
What Torba is addressing here is what we more collectively call “taking the ticket“. Ben Shapiro took the ticket. So did plenty of others like Peterson. Crowder appears on the fence with it.
The fact that the “ticket” even exists is why we should be careful with the secular materialists.
At some point, every influential right-winger is going to be offered this golden ticket.
They are going to be offered millions, exactly like Crowder, Peterson, and the others, and if they are not die-hard Christians, they almost certainly will take it.
They will do so because the physical returns will seem worth it, because they do not factor in the spiritual cost. These people will justify the offer (no matter what it is) in their head, selling their soul without even realizing it. They will convince themselves that they are doing great and honorable things, or will do so with the offer. But therein lies the serpent’s snarl.
What Crowder called “the fight against Big Tech” is only a partial truth. It’s a fight against the principalities that rule this world. And newsflash: they aren’t all physical.
But the secular materialist will always go down that path. They all start to support completely insane positions, because that is all that physicalism can do once it meets its inevitable conclusion.
Bad times are coming, and those who do not believe this fight is greater than the physical realm will cave. If you are Christian, it is literally a guarantee that this will happen: read Revelation.
If we trust these secular materialists, they will lead us straight off the cliff, just like they have since the beginning of the Enlightenment. Our people have been constantly destroyed with this rationalistic, physical-only mindset.
Simply repurposing this foundational mindset of the Enlightenment (“rationalism”) with a ring-wing tint will not solve the fundamental problem that it holds, which is that it is wrong. As I explained in the prior article.
It is just the right-wing way to be reactionary to modernity, but still safely rest within the confines of the intellectual framework that the leftist Enlightenment created.
A true revolution requires a complete schism from this foundational mindset that our generations have been engulfed in.
We have to break away. And therein lies why I will not align with the secular materialists; left or right leaning.
I will not agree with unity to the slaughterhouse.
Like Torba said:
To be a leader or influencer on the right, you need to accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior and be a Christian
I don’t know what it is about the hyper-rationalism of the secular materialists, but they all go bonkers, eventually:
It is these types of “rational” policies that make you understand why we have derisive sayings about these types: “some ideas are so foolish that only an intellectual could believe them, for no ordinary man could be such a fool“.
To prevent the “rational”, “scientific”, and “data-oriented” demonic solutions like these, I will continue to fight against the secular materialists. No matter where they are found—on our side or the enemy’s.
Read Next: The Leading Principle Problem
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