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Why do they still trust the science? Header

Why Do They Still Trust The Science?

What's the connection between an egg and the big bang? The experts are wrong about both.

Why do they still trust the science? Header

It always continues to amaze me how willfully blind some people are. 

Frankly, even some of our own dissidents!

One would think that (especially) after the past four years of scientism and “trust the experts” lunacy, that most people would stop trusting mainstream narratives about the “established” facts. 

But, you would think wrong. 

Our experts pretend like they know everything. Like for example, that the universe is billions of years old.

Let us pretend for a second that their modern pet theories like evolution, the Big Bang theory, and the age of the universe don’t radically change every 10 years… Even though they do. But just for the sake of argument, let’s ignore that fact.

Should we still trust them?

Luckily for us, these same experts also magically seem to know what was happening tens of millions of years ago, too.

But hilariously, if you ask the same “intellectual” community whether you should drink raw milk or not, suddenly they are retarded. They have no idea. It is a complete internal fight.

Even though all you have to do is drink some raw milk to know the answer to that question.

You could also ask them if it’s a good idea to put fluoride in the water. They’ll have no idea. Because that was all the rage just a bit ago, but now fluoride is officially linked (by the government itself) to lowering IQ levels in kids. You were a conspiracy nut if you said such a thing even a year ago, but now it’s just reality. Amazing how they missed that for the past two decades.

You could also just ask them if an egg is good for you. They think eggs are horrible. Many experts genuinely believe that eating an egg is less healthy than a candy bar. They have no idea how even basic nutrition works. A random online health guru with spiked hair is probably closer to the truth on nutrition than they are. 

But at the same time, people on our own side will trust these very same people with certain things and topics. Topics that are incessantly more complex than an egg. You know, like radiocarbon dating and its ramifications. Or evolution. Or the age of the earth.

Yes, you read that right! Some of our own dissidents will trust the experts with those much harder subjects. Subjects that the experts have a lot less evidence for and are infinitely more complex than basic questions on nutrition…the latter of which they even get 100% wrong.

Some of our own guys will blindly trust the minimal evidence of major theories, even when these same people can’t even get the egg question right. Even though the question of the egg is probably the easiest question of all. A foundational question to see if someone is a moron or not. If there is ever an answer besides “eggs are awesome”, they are a moron. Simple as.

These experts get the facts wrong on things that they can actually see. Things that exist in the here and now. Things that have massive amounts of obvious, empirical evidence to demonstrate their own truth.

But people will trust them with the things that we can’t even see, or frankly, fathom. Like the universe a billion years ago. It is wild. It takes far more faith… than faith.

Scientism. Experts. Not even once.

Half of their studies are fake. Another quarter of them can’t be replicated. The last quarter disagree with the former majority. It is all an insane asylum.

The intelligentsia of the West is fake and fallen. Stop listening to them. About eggs and big bangs. Plus everything else.

And never forget, these are the same people that lost their mind over Covid. When literally nothing happened out of the ordinary with the death rates. The very same people that forced the vaccine on everybody; a vaccine that did absolutely nothing. 

These people can’t even get an egg right. And yet some still trust them with how the universe was formed or how humanity came to exist.

What an utter fool such a person is. 

Read Next: Biblical Evil Versus The Modern Day


Kaîsar is the sole owner of The Hidden Dominion. He writes on a wide range of topics including politics, governmental frameworks, nationalism, and Christianity.

Hosea 4:6 & Ezek 33:1-11

Articles: 1390


  1. Would that the vaccine had done nothing. In fact, it’s still debilitating and killing people. I get your point though. Their pseudo-scientific postulations are very well packaged and presented. It all sounds very plausible, and the guys presenting it are wearing white lab coats and nerd glasses. The beguiled simple masses never question the conclusions, because they don’t think about the presuppositions or motives on which they rest.

  2. The Covid-19 progression, and the messy “science” done while doctors were fighting dire cases on oxygen and mini-pressurized breathing-assist machines, is a horrible example of Government-Dictat “science”, ignoring actual good results gotten by Doctors, because they had not published in “Peer”-reviewed Journals. Ignoring, of course, the long lead times caused by the Peer-review process – I see that INSISTENCE for Peer-Reviewed Reports caused the lack of actual progress in solving the problems of fighting a disease that KILLED by triggering an immune response by the lung lining that produced excessive amounts of mucus, causing self-drowning (if you had the generic coding vulnerable to that particular attack).

  3. Oh come on. It’s one thing to call out the agenda driven spurious science behind the plandemic and the mRNA vaccines and another to extrapolate it to evolution and cosmology, but can’t expect anything else from following a revealed religion that deals in absolutes and stubbornly clings to Bronze Age dogma about the world around us.

    To essentially claim that the institutional bureaucracy of health departments under Fauci has the same integrity as scientists going back to Charles Darwin is supremely dishonest and outright slander.

    “If ‘they’ are wrong about this then ‘they’ are wrong about everything else’ is an Olympic gymnast level leap. It’s not even the same ‘they’, for starters. You don’t like the idea of evolution? – you could see it in action right with the pandemic, the Covid virus itself evolved into multiple variants with different degrees of lethality, and the vaccines had varying effectiveness with all of them.

    • Interesting thoughts Rex. Thanks for the rebuttal and comment.

      Personally, one of my foundational beliefs is that the Enlightenment thought that has permeated the West since its widespread inception in the 1700s is our downfall, and almost all of it is based on fundamental corruptions or bastardizations of truth. They take a shred of what is true and then pervert the rest to a secular or modernist agenda. That would, of course, include Darwinism, which was created in the 1800s during one of the greatest periods of degeneration in human history. They both stem from the same tree that is happy writing history and science without faith or something greater than materialism, which is impossible. Which is why the “they” is absolutely the same they, as “they” are all Enlightenment jockeys. I wrote about this a bit here.

      ICR has already covered this topic well in places like this: How Darwin Poisons Science. And people like Vox Day have repetitively mathematically shown how evolution is literally impossible: especially using mutations, which you actually reference (evolution theory used to ascribe to “random” mutations. In fact, it was absolutely essential to Darwin’s theory. It was wrong. So they changed it without changing the overall theory because they care more about the theory than the truth. Exactly like they do in the modern day with their more modern Enlightenment scientism. Identical to what happened with the covid “science”—Just a rotating door of fools not saying they were wrong in the past each time but loudly proclaiming they are 100% right this time).

      I do need to do a more detailed writeup of evolution, so I’ll add that to the list for soon. Appreciate the thoughts and for getting me thinking. Cheers.

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