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Where Did The Term “Melting Pot” Come From?

The history of the American melting pot theory. Even more ridiculous than you can imagine.

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Our Glorious Melting Pot

A lot of grey mass types believe that the United States was always designed to be a “melting pot”.

This is wrong, but they believe it nonetheless.

Few of them realize that even the term ‘melting pot’ did not arise until the 20th century.

Hilariously enough, it came about by a guy named Israel that lived in a completely different country.

No, that is not a joke.

Israel Zangwill invented the term. Here is a brief biography of the individual:

Zangwill was born in Whitechapel, London on 21 January 1864, in a family of Jewish immigrants from Lithuania, then part of the Russian Empire. His father, Moses Zangwill, was from what is now Latvia, and his mother, Ellen Hannah Marks Zangwill, was from what is now Poland. He dedicated his life to championing the cause of people he considered oppressed, becoming involved with topics such as Jewish emancipation, Jewish assimilation, territorialism, Zionism, and women’s suffrage. His brother was novelist Louis Zangwill.


Zangwill was also an outspoken voice of the Zionist movement. He later separated himself from the movement and advocated for the creation of a Jewish homeland wherever land might be available, including Canada, Australia, Mesopotamia, and Uganda among other areas, recognizing that “Palestine proper has already its inhabitants.” Zangwill became an active supporter of pacifism, and with his wife, feminist Edith Ayrton, also an outspoken proponent of women’s suffrage.

You would think I am making this stuff up, but it’s all right there.

The guy that invented the term “melting pot” was none other than a Zionist-flipped-to-territorialist that was born, raised, and died in a completely different country (UK).

Israel Zangwill 1 - The United Kingdom based Jewish Man that invented the term "melting pot"
Israel Zangwill 1
Israel Zangwill 2 - The United Kingdom based Jewish Man that invented the term "melting pot"
Israel Zangwill 2

The phrase came about by the play of the same name, which he produced:

That same year he wrote a play called The Melting Pot, about a Russian Jewish immigrant family, which helped popularize the phrase. The main character, David Quixano, whose mother and sister were killed in a pogrom, hoped for a society free from ethnic divisions, and a refuge for all those suffering persecution for political or religious beliefs. Zangwill wrote, “America is God’s Crucible, the great Melting-Pot where all the races of Europe are melting and reforming… Germans and Frenchmen, Irishmen and Englishmen, Jews and Russians – into the Crucible with you all! God is making the American.”

The image for the play is just as symbolic:

the melting pot play image by israel zangwill

Notice how all the unique peoples of the world are walking into the great American pot.

And then being burnt alive by the fire beneath.

Again, if I wasn’t showing this to you directly, you would think I am making it up. But I assure you, this is the reality.

To summarize:

  • The “melting pot” idea was not invented by the founders. It was invented by a United Kingdom-based Jewish individual in the 1900s that wrote a play by the same name and produced images of people being culturally annihilated in a cauldron.

Absolutely nothing about the phrase is truly American at all.

Welcome to reality, often times stranger than fiction.

As a final note, if you are still locked into the “nation of immigrants” psyop, read this: The Big Lie: “America Is A Nation Of Immigrants”. It should help you escape the lies.

Read Next: Legal Immigration Is The Problem


Kaîsar is the sole owner of The Hidden Dominion. He writes on a wide range of topics including politics, governmental frameworks, nationalism, and Christianity.

Hosea 4:6 & Ezek 33:1-11

Articles: 1390

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