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A feature of modernity: When we look around at the economy, nothing makes sense.
“We’ll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false.”
– William J. Casey, CIA Director
One of the most interesting things about living under modernity is the complete obscurity and uncertainty about nearly everything that is happening.
This is as true for us as it is for the leftists and the grey masses.
The economy is a great example of this effect.
We have had so many drastic, massive shifts in the economy as of late. Things that most reasonable people would have assumed would have caused certain consequences given our general understanding of an economy. But often these shifts just created even more odd, uncertain things that also made little sense.
Our rulers have been major contributors to this effect. For instance:
A rational person would, given these conditions, assume that something was going on. But you look around to the average American public and barely see any worry, except some slight anger over the increased price of gas.
Meanwhile, I would have assumed the opposite. It would make sense to me if we were enduring much more serious financial problems by now. By this point, I’m still not sure what we are running on. Where the average American is surprised about higher gas prices, I’m surprised we’re not currently undergoing a great depression.
This would seem to indicate that the desires of the CIA under Casey were achieved. Most of us don’t know what to believe. Nothing makes sense anymore. No one really knows the rules or laws of economics as they apply when the worldwide leaders are all connected in a clown world. The old laws designed by early economists like Adam Smith don’t seem to actually exist anymore. Or if they do, they somehow don’t apply at this moment.
Just consider a few examples:
The government printed levels of money that most of us would have thought unimaginable in the past year. Inflation has been hitting us, but then simultaneously the prices of certain goods have been drastically reduced. Amazon Prime Day just blew away their prior record sales due to discounts amid an apparent inflationary recession. This is odd.
We also have a dollar crisis that coincides with the fall of the petrodollar, but the euro is falling faster than our own and has recently reached near a 1-1 ratio, something that has not happened since the founding of the European currency. This is odd.
The government continues to ban energy worldwide in the name of climate change, even though we’re enduring an energy crisis and prices are skyrocketing because of a self-inflicted embargo against energy (both because of the Russian conflict and simply because of our refusal to use it/drill for it). We’re also simultaneously lowering our own reserves. This is odd.
These are a few out of many. I’m sure most readers could probably add another handful of contradictory economic elements with little thought. The takeaway is that no one really knows what is happening. The general laws and expectations we had for an economy don’t seem to exist anymore. I believe this is by design, as people like William Casey desired.
There is a certain rationalism and “enlightenment” that we were supposed to achieve following the French Revolution and the subsequent actions that it caused, but that rationalism seems to be fleeting. If it ever truly existed at all. Instead of sacrificing a lamb hoping that a god would give us a good season of crops, we’re sacrificing energy hoping that Mother Nature will grant us a one degree reduction in the temperature.
We are far from ‘enlightened’. If anything, we’re more confused now than we were before. We can’t even figure out what a woman is. Like the CIA desired, the majority of things we collectively believe are false.
We are certainly living in clown world. But we’re living in a clown world that doesn’t even make sense the majority of the time. I don’t know which is worse.
Regardless of what happens, this time period will be a phenomenal one for future humans to study. It will appear like a madhouse of sorts, with clowns, demons, and constant confusion over even the most obvious of things.
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