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Recognizing the hostile wasteland of lies surrounding us.
There is a famous quote, often misattributed to Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn but more likely comes from A Mountain of Crumbs by Elena Gorokhova that is followed:
We know they are lying, they know they are lying, they know we know they are lying, we know they know we know they are lying, but they are still lying.
This rings equally true today, as well as during the Soviet era. Everyone paying attention knows that the ruling class is lying to us… constantly.
That ruling class is not stupid or misinformed. Quite the contrary, they are very well-informed and know exactly what they are doing. They know each and every lie. Sometimes to a terrifying precision.
But the most humorous part of it is the last piece of the quote. Both groups also recognize that the other realizes the very same thing. We know that they know that they are lying just the same as they know we know that they are lying.
But they still keep lying.
And this past year, it has become about practically everything. Even the final pillars of medicine and science have completely fallen. There is only untruth now; truth is nowhere to be found from our information handlers in this wasteland.
We are told that white supremacists are the biggest threat facing the country. Even though “white supremacists” barely even exist in this country. Meanwhile, BLM, Antifa, and assorted other radical leftists are actively destroying the culture and burning down cities.
We are told that the vaccines work, are safe, and will fix the “pandemic”. Then we’re told that even the vaccinated need to wear masks again, take a twice-daily pill, and get booster shots.
We’re told that the vaccines are fixing covid. Then we’re told that hospitals are filing up with covid again.
We were told that the covid vaccine was over 95% effective on initial release. Now, it continues to slowly decline. As of this writing, it’s only at 66 percent. And will likely continue to decline.
We were told millions were going to immediately die from covid. Now, even stretching the numbers by including co-morbidity deaths and hospital incentive deaths, it’s still at a death rate similar to that of a bad flu year. The population has increased and excess deaths are not abnormal.
We were guaranteed by the experts that covid did not come from a lab in Wuhan. I got banned from Facebook for saying that that may not be the truth. Then, we’re told it almost certainly came form the lab in Wuhan. I did not get unbanned.
We’re told that we have to go to war to save Afghanistan from the Taliban. Then, we’re told we have to leave Afghanistan in the hands of the Taliban.
We’re told that any medicine recommended by Right-wingers will not work and is akin to voodooism (such as monoclonal antibodies). Then, when said by a leftist 10 days after the fact, we’re told that everybody should get the antibodies and some people are discussing mandating it.
We were told that Trump colluded with Russia. Now, it seems that most likely the exact inversion is what actually happened (Hillary and Biden colluded with Russia/Ukraine/China).
We were told the elections were hacked in 2016. We are now told that our elections are the fairest elections and 2020 was the most secure election in the history of the world.
We were told that election interference by Russia was bad. We are now told that election interference by Israel and China are fine because it’s just lobbying and geopolitical financing.
We were told that Hunter Biden was the smartest guy the president knew. The same guy that smoked parmesan cheese off of the floor thinking it was crack.
We were told to wear no masks. Then one mask. Then two masks. Now three masks, vaccination, and daily pills.
We expected the Afghanistan government to hold out just fine. Then the narrative changed and we “fully expected” the Taliban to seize control. (Honestly, I’m just flabbergasted that the Taliban took over the country while not double masking – how irresponsible of them).
You get where this is going. Everything we are told is a lie. About everything.
Even if it benefits them by telling the truth, they will likely report it in such a way as to lie. It truthfully does appear pathological at this point.
The political lies are one thing that is to be expected, but corruption of science and medicine are another. They are even saying that “99% of covid cases are in unvaccinated”, but give it a few months and they’ll say it’s less than 50%. Then as it continues to drop, they just won’t talk about it.
I have a hypothesis that I would love to test. It is: If you believed the exact opposite of what the media told you in regards to political or science matters, you’d likely be right far more often than wrong. Whatever the headline says, I’d wager to believe the inverse of it is true more often than not.
There is little we can trust and much we must recognize as lies. Now, more than ever, it is essential that we reject what is blatantly false. Even from our own side that is being infiltrated by their distortioners. Discernment is an essential trait in the years to come, and is perhaps one of the most important traits in the current era.
Skepticism is dying. And with it, the ability to find real truth amongst the ruins.
But it’s not like we weren’t warned:
We’ll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false
– William J. Casey, 1913-1987, Director, CIA, Statement at his first CIA staff meeting, 1981
William Joseph Casey was the Director of Central Intelligence from 1981 to 1987. In this capacity he oversaw the entire United States Intelligence Community and personally directed the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA).
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Love your work. This site has some great articles. Thanks for telling the truth in a time when almost no one will.
Thank you, I appreciate the kind words.
I love your work as well. I truly enjoy reading articles that are not full of BS. Rarely do I visit media sites anymore due to the overwhelming fear-mongering and LIES! LIES! LIES! I am glad that I still have a strong mental capacity in order to sift through the horses*it. I admire your writing skills as well. I have been reading books more often than ever before in hopes of growing my vocab. Anyways, thank you and please keep it coming! 🙂
You are welcome and I appreciate the comment. Thank you.
I am in the same boat. A brief skim is the most I can handle.