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I'm doing a short, one question survey on firearm preferences. Let me know your thoughts on your favorite single stack 9mm.
I created a Survey Monkey study to figure out which single stack 9mm is more popular by the gun enthusiasts that frequent my site. It’s a short (single question) survey, but I’m hoping to get quite a few responses.
I’ve only had the opportunity to shoot a few of these. Specifically the Beretta Nano, Glock 43, Ruger LC9s Pro, and the M&P Shield. Those four tend to be the most popular on discussion forums, so I’m curious to everyone’s opinions on the rest.
If you have experiences with these firearms, please take a quick 5 seconds and put in your $0.02. (I’m focusing on the mid-sized versions, so not including tiny pocket pistols like the Ruger LCP, Bodyguard, etc).
Naturally, I couldn’t possibly include all of them. So if your favorite is not in the answer list feel free to fill out the “other” option.
Let me know your answer in the popup, or directly through SurveyMonkey by clicking here.
[Survey Now Closed]
And while you’re here, you might as well check out some photos of all of these firearms.
Thanks for considering to answer my survey. I’m pretty interested to see the results (I have a hunch for which direction this will go… We’ll see if I’m right.)
And if you like firearm articles, check out my very detailed article about the Differences Between AK-47, AK-74, AKM, AK-101, and AK-12
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