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Both democracies and republics demonstrate a type of "zealot class" as they degenerate. What is this class and why does it form?
In most rule by many systems, a zealot class forms. This is a class of people that operate as extreme political activists.
Most other normal people in the nation take a limited role in politics. Not this class. These individuals do the opposite: they are constantly living and breathing political activism. They are notoriously the “progressive” elements.
While the more conservative elements are more focused on the usual conservative emblems: their family, work, community, and faith.
Progressives often don’t share this focus and are thus more active in the zealot class. As we know from previous posts, progressives are more known for progressing the cycle of collapse and anacyclosis.
A majority of the zealot class would be accurately categorized as “useful idiots” due to their misguided attempts to advance centralization that would inevitably hurt them in the long-run.
In the rule by many forms, the majority has some sway with regards to the governmental elite through activism, but they do not have a say in the other power centers in society (institutions, culture, academia, education, big business, and so forth). However, these entities often respond to the pressures brought forth from the activists through their persistent activism. Small action by normal people is small in comparison to the demands brought forth by zealots. These entities have to bow to the zealots, whereas minor action by normal people does little to change them.
The other power centers must respond in some ways to the political elites. Wherein the political elites are heavily funded and swayed by the zealot class. And the power goes both ways. The elites of all entities often bankroll, infiltrate, and direct the zealot class. The zealots then push for exactly what these centralizer elements demand, often to the contrary of what the actual majority wants. So, the majority eventually gets overruled by this zealot class, creating a quasi-rule by few led by the handlers of the zealots, the centralizers.
The power of these zealots is extensive and is disproportionally more powerful than the average voter. The problem is that these zealots are often the lowest ranking in society. Contributors are rarely in this category. The conclusion is that the worst possible group within “the many” becomes the one with the most power. The zealots get infiltrated by centralizers and then their actions are what drive the culture, institutions, and political leadership straight into the hands of the infiltrators.
The majority will sometimes respond rapidly enough to install their own strongman to combat this centralization effort and compete against the zealots (usually through a rightwing populist revolt), but other times they are limited to waiting for the rule by few to naturally degenerate into a rule by one under the centralizers. Either way, a rule by one is the inevitable conclusion.
The zealot class makes sure of that.
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