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What Is A Nation? Wikipedia Accidentally Gets It Right

Wikipedia is fully leftist owned. But they slipped up by accidentally exposing the truth about what makes a nation.

what is a nation?

What Is A Nation?

While doing some research on the Darfur Genocide, I stumbled upon an accidental snapshot of truth regarding nations on Wikipedia.

What a shock that was. I had pretty much given up all hope on Wikipedia, as many of you likely have as well. I made my thoughts known on them in prior articles on the topic:

But a semblance of truth somehow passed the censors on Wikipedia and peeked out into the open.

To be more specific regarding what I was researching: I was looking at ethnic groups affected by the genocide.

Within these ethnic groups, Wikipedia openly defined a nation. Believe it or not, they defined it correctly.

Here is one example regarding the Fur people of Darfur:

The Fur are an ethnic group predominantly inhabiting western Sudan. They are concentrated in the Darfur region, where they are the largest ethnic group. They speak the Fur language, which belongs to the Nilo-Saharan family.

Total population
about 1,100,000 in 1983, about 1,400,000 as of 2004
Regions with significant populations
Sudan 894,000, Chad 17,000, Central African Republic 14,500, Egypt 3,100
Sunni Islam
Related ethnic groups
Masalit, Tunjur, Zaghawa, Nilo-Saharans

Wikipedia then goes into a deep discussion of their history, language, art, social structure, social behavior (roles of men vs women, eating, etc.), economic base, institutions, and genetics.

Here, directly out in the open, Wikipedia publically disclosed what a nation is through an ethnic people: The Fur nation.

On Wikipedia, the Fur are entitled to every aspect of a “nation” as dissidents would define it: Historic land, shared identity, genetic relationship, communal religion, shared language, and similar characteristics/culture.

Their ethnic group is their nation on the Wiki. It’s not even hidden; but candidly stated.

This is incredibly hilarious, considering in every other section on “nation” or “nationalism” on Wikipedia, they solely put forward modernist views of nation/ethnic groups. Which is the idea that nations are socially constructed entities developed around civic engagement.

For example, glance at the “German people” Wikipedia entry, which is the German people equivalent to the Fur people entry I linked to above. You will notice that it is quite… different.

See for yourself:

Germans are the natives or inhabitants of Germany, and sometimes more broadly any people who are of German descent or native speakers of the German language.

The constitution of Germany defines a German as a German citizen.

During the 19th and much of the 20th century, discussions on German identity were dominated by concepts of a common language, culture, descent, and history. Today, the German language is widely seen as the primary, though not exclusive, criterion of German identity.

You see, the Fur people are an ethnic group through culture, genetics, and history. The Germans? Oh no, those guys are just people born in a certain land area defined by a constitution or those who speak the language.

If you want to be real technical, a German is just whoever gets German citizenship. If a koala gets citizenship, then the koala is a German, you understand?

But not the Fur. They’re an ethnic group bound by genetics, blood, and history.

Odd how that works.

The Germans don’t even get a sidebar with their language, religion, or similar attributes. The only subject listed in their sidebar are various regions with population. Even though we all know more people are looking up Germans on Wikipedia rather than the Fur people.

The Germans aren’t even allowed a culture section, unlike the Fur. Wikipedia whitewashes it:

The Germans are marked by great regional diversity, which makes identifying a single German culture quite difficult.

Half of the page about the German people isn’t even about Germans, but about Jews and the holocaust.

This trend is how it is for every white nation. But if you look up random ethnic nations, they all look like the Fur.

For whites, you don’t have a nation. For everyone else, the ethnic is the nation.

So, an ethnic community, according to Wikipedia, is identical to a nation…But only if you’re nonwhite.

Still, given Wikipedia’s propensity toward civic states, it’s humorous to see the truth leak through ever so subtly. Even if it is only for certain demographics, the truth is there to be found. Extrapolate it from the ethnics to whites and you get the right idea.

For A Full Definition of “Nation” Read This: The Nation-State As A Living Organism

The United States is no different. America has been atomized to absurdity by excessive individualism. Here we recognize no nation; only individual people—Even though this is logical delirium.

We are a part of our nation—As Wikipedia correctly identifies it, our ethnic—regardless of our feelings or identification about it. A Fur is a Fur by genetics. Which also means a German is a German by genetics. Which finally means that the American nations are the American nations by their genetics. This is true whether or not Wikipedia tries to hide that fact. It is still true even if no one at all believes it.

The American nations are told they do not have any of these shared national identifiers: Land, identity, genetics, religion, language, and culture. Even the modernist individualism of the day tries to convince the brainwashed fools of our own nation that we don’t.

But the truth is, we do. They exist and cannot be erased. We always will share it, unless they succeed in their goal to annihilate us.

As Wikipedia itself states, an ethnic nation is derived by a shared struggle and genetics.

Guess what? You’re in this struggle with us, and you share our genetics. Which means that you’re not just an individual. You’re our nation.

So start acting like it.

Read Next: Libertarians On Destroying Western Civilization


Kaîsar is the sole owner of The Hidden Dominion. He writes on a wide range of topics including politics, governmental frameworks, nationalism, and Christianity.

Hosea 4:6 & Ezek 33:1-11

Articles: 1390

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