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Discussing a popular topic on The Hidden Dominion: The Centralizer. What they are, how they function, and why they are such a threat.
I talk about centralizers a lot on this website. While most of my readers already get the gist of it, I figured I should write an article that explicitly explains what they are and why I talk about them so frequently. This article goes hand-in-hand with my What Is A Sensitive Cultural Marker (SCM) article.
As a primer: Think of a centralizer as the worst type of an “elite”.
While rule by many systems start out strong, they eventually degenerate. Either from cultural degradation, moral degeneracy, financial centralization, or an assorted combination of the other manners which we talk about extensively on this site. Once the degenerative stage of rule by many approaches, it is obvious how the cycle of collapse (of nations) continues to degrade everything.
The reality in degenerative rule by many systems is that the average person controls nothing. The authorities and the education system like to present it as though we control the country through free and open elections. Yet, the political parties are controlled by these unaccountable, unelected elites. We may control the vote itself, but we don’t control the politicians that get pre-selected for us by these elite and by their power-players. The party system only props up whomever the elites support. Your choice is between grey face and gray face; both puppets on the string of the centralizers.
At the latter stages, as we have seen in the US, we don’t even control the elections anymore.
The media is no different. Companies controlled by vested elite interests that simply seek to subvert you. They hold tremendous power over the thoughts and minds of the population, yet they are also unaccountable to that very same population. Controlled instead through corporate greed and elitists. They seek to spark fear, confusion, and hatred solely as a means to get more revenue and fulfill their owners’ ideological desires.
Who controls these companies? Look them up, you will see a common trend. They are all friends among one another. They are all centralizers. Financial elite use their illegitimately-gained wealth to centralize their power across many different sectors to influence every aspect of our lives. The degenerative stage of rule by many showcases an egregious act of profiteering over civic responsibility or even morality. These systems provide cover for the elites that subjugate, indoctrinate, and control the population.
This causes the minds of our people to be molded by those who control the power to do so. An obvious example of that in the context of financial elites is the push toward consumerism. The mass scale consumerism of a country does not produce liberty; it begs to curtail it.
Unrestrained companies. Bloated corrupt capitalist marketers. Lying, deranged media manipulators. Corporate tax evaders. Fake elections. Politicized judges and courtrooms. Even puppet politicians. Eventually, the people see through the façade that is “democracy”. They begin to realize that it is not a free market. It is not what they tell them it is. It is an oligarchical control of the market and their government. It is a rule by few.
Once the nation’s inhabitants realize they reside in an oligarchy, resentment festers. This is what we are witnessing currently in the United States. Both sides of the political aisle notice this, they just do not call it for what it is. The leftists blame the corporations and things like wealth inequality. The right blames the media, degenerate culture, and giant tech companies. Yet, they are all targeting the result; not the cause. Poor societal institutions, loss of culture, low living standards, and dysfunctional businesses are the result. The cause is degeneracy of the original governmental system by this group we call “centralizers”.
The government framework itself is a shell. It is merely a set of rules and instructions on how best to organize a society. Some of them are better than others in how they are designed. None of them are inherently dysfunctional or evil. Instead, the framework is used by certain people in certain manners. During good years, the framework can be used by honorable people in honorable ways. During bad years, the framework is used by evil people for selfish gain. The people that manipulate that framework are centralizers. They take it and morph it into something that benefits them at the expense of everyone else residing underneath it.
Centralizers come from all sections of society. They are the financial elite, the cultural elite, the banking elite, the gatekeepers, and an assortment of other powerful individuals within the nation. What combines them is their lust for power that never ceases nor relents.
They want to be centralizers. They may pretend to fight against other centralizers, but behind closed doors they are each other’s closest companions.
Financial centralizers start off as greedy individualists that then acquire unlimited wealth and expand further, desiring more power above it. Cultural centralizers are those that become major cultural icons and use that power in a malicious, self-serving way to advance their own agendas. Media centralizers that use their position to push political positions are another excellent example, in the context of subverting institutional trust for their owner’s narrative.
Centralizers are the agents that bring about the cycle of collapse. They use the government framework to destroy the nation itself. They do it because they want to abolish the rule by many form and institute a rule by few form, where they are “the few”.
Over time in a degrading nation, these different centralizers eventually recognize a common-bond amongst one another and recognize they can acquire more power by utilizing the positioning of other centralizers. They then form into pacts, thereby being the overall “centralizers”. At the latter stages of the cycle of collapse, nearly every major power player is a centralizer and they all work in unison.
The effect of centralizers is clearly noticed through the power cycle and the cycle of collapse.
Then, the nation is no longer a rule by many (democracy / republic), but rather a rule by few (oligarchy / rule by centralizers).
Read Next:
The Republic Fails To Stop Centralizers
The Conservatives Are Centralizers, Too
The COVID Vaccine: Thoughts and Scenarios
What Is A Sensitive Cultural Marker (SCM)?
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