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I hope you got your vaccine. Because now you have to wear your three masks, social distance, and hide in your house again anyway.
It couldn’t even make it one variant down the line. The very first new one to came along (Delta) and here we are:
CDC to reverse indoor mask policy, saying fully vaccinated people should wear them indoors in Covid hot spots
The CDC is expected to recommend that fully vaccinated people begin wearing masks indoors again in places with high Covid-19 transmission rates, according to people familiar with the matter.
The updated guidance comes ahead of the fall, when the delta variant is expected to cause another surge in new coronavirus cases and many large employers plan to bring workers back to the office.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is expected to recommend Tuesday that fully vaccinated people begin wearing masks indoors again in places with high Covid-19 transmission rates, according to people familiar with the matter.
And they sure did:
U.S. CDC recommends vaccinated Americans wear masks indoors in many cases
Americans fully vaccinated against COVID-19 should go back to wearing masks in indoor public places in regions where the coronavirus and especially the Delta variant are spreading rapidly, U.S. authorities said on Tuesday.
The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) also recommended all students and teachers at kindergarten through 12th grade schools wear masks regardless of vaccination status. The CDC said children should return to full-time, in-person learning in the fall with proper prevention strategies.
The changes mark a reversal of the CDC’s announcement in May that prompted millions of vaccinated Americans to shed their face coverings.
Get your shot and then go put on your three masks again, pleb.
This reversal trend isn’t new. It started a little while ago:
Los Angeles County Reinstates Indoor Mask Mandate, ‘Regardless of Vaccination Status’
And it’s not just the leftist states:
Savannah, Georgia, Reinstates Mask Mandate: ‘This Is Not a Political Issue’
The City of Savannah, Georgia, is one of the latest areas to reinstitute a mask mandate, Mayor Van Johnson (D) announced on Monday.
But why? Why is this massive reversal happening?
Because the vaccines, internationally and domestically, are not doing anything to fight against the (less lethal) delta variant:
Israel now has 108 patients severely ill, five times as many as a month ago. 71% are fully vaccinated, a proportion that keeps rising. And remember the percentage of vaccinated elderly is closer to 90% than 100%. Getting hard to square these numbers with even moderate protection.
More on Israel, specifically (useful because they are a very highly vaccinated nation):
Israel Finds Pfizer Jab Only 39% Effective At Stopping Delta Variant
Over the past month, Israel, the world’s most heavily vaccinated country (with leading mRNA jabs, no less) has seen the number of positive COVID tests has risen by more than 30x as the number of active infections in the country has surpassed 10K.
Alex Berenson, a former NYT journalist who has often reported on scientific findings that don’t support the official narrative on masks and vaccines, shared the findings in a tweet, and speculated that the true efficacy in offering protection against the Delta variant might be even lower – perhaps as low as 30%.
But never mind all that: As President Biden said earlier this week, “if you are vaccinated, you are safe.” Unless you’re not.
The same is true for other vaccinated international populations.
Remember: This is the first new variant. There will be plenty of others because it is a coronavirus, it’s natural. It’s not going away. The very first new variant decimated the “protection” of the vaccine by this much. How much worth will the vaccine be 5 variants down the line? 10? ADE and leaked vaccine mutations are becoming much more likely threats. Far more than any perceived “protection” granted by it.
And also remember: This same scenario would have occurred even if 100% of the population of the entire world had gotten the vaccine. It’s the vaccinated themselves that are getting it that is causing the new mask recommendation, not the unvaxxed. They are mandating this specifically for the vaccinated, because the vaccinated aren’t actually protected.
This was designed to fail from the beginning.
At least Big Pharma is making bank, right?
All of this for something that most of us wouldn’t have even recognized, if not for the media:
Let’s be honest. Totally honest. If the media hadn’t been in a frenzy the last 18 months, would those of us who aren’t frontline medical workers have any idea Covid even exited? Not one of our fears of February 2020 have come to pass. No mass burials, no food shortages, no one dying in the streets. Hospitals have been open and able to treat everyone who arrives at their doors, with Covid or without.
Do you know one person who died? Or became seriously ill? Have you even HEARD second- or third-hand of a person who was not over 75 or already seriously ill or morbidly obese who died?
I’m just going to say it: 600,000 deaths has never looked more like zero. If you’d never heard of Covid, maybe you would have been surprised last year to hear that your grandma with Alzheimer’s – no mind left, but healthy – had suddenly died of pneumonia from an outbreak in her nursing home. Maybe that 400-pound guy down the street would have dropped from what you thought was the flu instead of the heart attack you expected.
Covid barely exists for most of us.
Still the media and public health authorities won’t leave us alone. Every day they have something else: Long Covid, the variants, the back-and-forth over masks, and now the vaccines and the vaccine mandates. EVEN IF THE VACCINES WERE HARMLESS TO EVERYONE – and they are demonstrably not harmless – under the circumstances forcing anyone to take them would be wrong.
But they can’t help themselves.
Not about the vaccines, and not about anything else. This morning, the “chief health officer” of an Australian province told her subjects – I mean the free citizens of a democratic country – that they shouldn’t talk to each other because someone in the province had died of Covid. “Now is the time for minimizing your interaction with others,” she said.
Get your vaccine and then go put on your three masks, hide in your house, and never use the clear reality that you can witness around you to question the official narrative. That’s the only way we’ll beat covid – right, CDC?
Read Next:
Risk Versus Reward: A Vaccine Analysis
An Optimistic Outlook On COVID: Community and Family Reunification
A Race To The Bottom: China Vs The United States
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