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Welcome to America. Where we have an overt cabal of malicious elites that are currently plunging the country into sheer retardation.
Where we are right now is single-handedly the stupidest point in American history.
This group of elites are doing everything in their power to centralize all power into their own, and their friends, hands. These centralizers are doing this through numerous methods.
Some of these methods include some of the stupidest things in American history, such as:
Even with just those above, this is easily the stupidest time in our history.
But there are plenty more. Truly, the list is endless right now. Our current time-frame should be recalled in history books as the circus years.
Overnight, everyone in this country became giant wimps afraid of catching a cold. They surrendered every freedom their entire history was built on because of a virus that looked spooky. It wasn’t even actually spooky. You can’t even walk around outside without seeing people wearing masks in their car.
Then they did nothing, and in many instances pandered, to radicalized race rioters that destroyed cities over false information pushed by centralizers.
Small businesses are going out of business in record numbers while major corporations are monopolizing and making the elites even richer. Amazon is not hurting from this. Walmart is not hurting from this. Your local store is.
Always follow the money.
Big Pharma and Big Med is making billions upon billions on vaccines, fake COVID deaths, and related COVID nonsense while taking on no liability or risks for their actions. They are making bank. Who isn’t? You. Me. The average middle-class person. The ones unemployed and run out of business.
Always follow the money.
The liberal types that used to push the “always resist”, anti-government philosophy have now fully flipped and are reporting people for not wearing masks or enjoying a get-together. The “liberals” are now the authoritarians.
You can eat without a mask at a restaurant but only if you wear a mask while walking to your table because apparently COVID stops once you sit down. All bars and nightclubs can operate normally but they must close early because apparently COVID stops as soon as 10PM hits. You can workout without a mask but you have to wear one when you first walk-in.
Welcome to “trusting the experts“; also known as the stupidest point in our history.
The FBI is investigating a Nascar rope while shoving aside in-your-face electoral fraud.
The entire republic is at risk of failing because of a few states that won’t audit their own election because it’s obvious they committed fraud. The entire judicial system is so pathetically undermined that they won’t even elect to see the evidence, rather dismissing it on procedural grounds. Even with full knowledge that if electoral fraud is left unsolved this election, there are no more free elections. If electoral fraud is at least not investigated, there is no trust in the system. Voting would became de-facto pointless, except for using the ballot as a fire-starter for a barbecue.
And we can’t even go to our families for the holidays because we need to Be Together Alone™. Whatever that means.
Who does this benefit? Not I. Not you. Not the middle-class.
But it sure does benefit monopolists, Big Pharma, the covid hysteria pushers, power-hungry politicians, and the like. Those people: the centralizers. The ones that have always wanted this.
And the worst part? The fact that the majority of Americans don’t see these people as the true threats that they are. Instead, we continue to fight amongst ourselves. Instead of aiming our anger at the ones doing this to us.
Regretfully, if all of this still didn’t wake us up, I’m not super optimistic about 2021. We’ll keep fighting, but it is definitely an uphill battle.
Going into 2021, remember this if nothing else: the centralizers have always been your primary enemy.
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