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We have a new theme, but the same heart. Regular readers click here to learn about the new design.
It finally happened. At long last, I got around to updating the website to a new design. Welcome to the new Hidden Dominion.
So to my regular readers: Let me introduce you to the new website. Now, with (marginally) improved design (hopefully).
Don’t worry, it is still the same website and idea. Effectively, all I did was switch out the theme.
As far as the website’s content and purpose, nothing of substance was or will be changed. I am still the only one posting here and we will be continuing on as usual. Just with some more flare, perhaps.
You may wonder why the big change: Well, this change was brought on more by necessity than desire. My old website theme had been falling apart for many years. The seller stopped updating my “lifetime” subscription a few years back. (Have to love how companies promise “lifetime” things that last 1-3 years on average).
I was barely keeping the old theme alive with a ridiculous amount of constantly changing CSS code in the background. Even then, everything kept falling apart. The amount of time I had to keep putting into that theme just to keep it afloat was getting exorbitant.
It was kind of like keeping a car around that just has far too many miles and breaks down far too often. Eventually, you have to give it up. That is where I was at with the old theme.
Hopefully, you all like the new one. I can’t promise it will work better, but I am hopeful it will. It has already been tremendously easier in the background. I wish I would’ve switched sooner.
There really is not much that is new besides the look of things. However, one feature I know people have asked for in the past is a dark mode. That is now available by selecting it up top in the header.
Also, some articles, emails, and comments have been inadvertently deleted. I could not switch over the theme live. Therefore, many comments in the past couple of weeks had to be sacrificed due to the time lapse between building the new site and shutting down the old. I apologize if your comment or email was one of them. If you do not hear back from me, it is likely that your email or comment was one of the ones lost. Please resend or repost it if it was important.
I hope you will give the website a thorough look over. Let me know if you find anything that is broke or you think should be changed.
I will be working on getting this website design change finished for the next couple of weeks. So article postings will be low. But I hope to be back in the swing of things after the New Year.
Thank you for being a reader here at my humble corner of the internet.
Merry Christmas to you all and a Happy New Year in advance. God Bless.
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