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Website Improvements: Most Popular Articles And More

I have been spending some time working on the technical side of things around here. So, we have some new features available.

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New Pages, Open Tags, and Refreshed Categories

I’ve been spending some significant time this week trying to tweak some of the website technical stuff, which is why some of the recent articles have been a bit lesser than usual.

Being a one-man shop has its advantages, but one disadvantage is that I usually have to focus either on articles or the webdev stuff. I do not have time for both. Often, that developer side gets neglected for what actually matters (the writing). But every so often I have to put the time in or the website will continually crash, and we were getting to that point. So here we are.

As usual, I went through and did general code improvements and hosting/performance enhancements. But that’s the boring stuff. This article is to let you know of the interesting things you may actually care about:

  • We now have a “Most Popular Articles” page. It has numerous listings, depending on what you are interested in. I always enjoy when websites have these, so you can quickly find some of the top performers. Now HD has one.
  • We now also have the top 50 popular tags available for viewing. I replaced the social icons in the footer for a tag-cloud-list for two reasons: 1) I no longer have any socials, so it was pointless to keep them and 2) I have at least one person ask me for tags every month or so. It’s apparently more helpful than archives, and many readers enjoy using them to find particular topics of interest, so they are now provided.
    • Find it in the footer (at the bottom of any page).
  • We have new category featured articles and refreshed category pages. They should be working well now and have new articles featured in them.
    • Find it on any category page. (Menu -> Topics -> Category)
  • We have a new working contact page form. For whatever reason, I was not getting certain emails sent to me. That should be fully fixed now. I have also reached out to many of those who have been missed. If I have not responded to a prior email of yours, please resend it using the new form.

Hope these changes are useful for you all.

Have a great week.

Read Next: The Recommended Reads Page Updated


Kaîsar is the sole owner of The Hidden Dominion. He writes on a wide range of topics including politics, governmental frameworks, nationalism, and Christianity.

Hosea 4:6 & Ezek 33:1-11

Articles: 1390


  1. > 1) I no longer have any socials

    I know from experience, at the beginning you’ll crave for some SNS posting after deleting all your SNS accounts, but after a while, you’ll see all sorts of life improvements.
    I went back to computer use as if it’s still the 1990’s, and slowly did more and more.
    Now that modern video games all suck, I went back to playing the surprisingly many Nintendo 64, SEGA MegaDrive, PlayStation 1, and Super Famicom games I have never played before, as well as PC games from that same era, thinking how the hell did we even get from making short and simple games that remain enjoyable for decades upon decades and require skills to beat, all the way to making long and complex games you quickly lose interest in even thinking about playing it and requires a loaded credit card to beat in just a span of 20 years.

    Same thing I can see in technology, internet, and even real life.
    Back then you had to go back home, turn on your desktop PC, and connect to the internet to communicate with friends far away from where you live, compared to today where close friends communicate through some chat app on a smartphone while literally being right next to each other.

    Internet is the same thing.
    I still remember the personal homepages, internet forums, IRC chats, and BBS during the 1990s, which you could spend hours going through, while still being able to get your work done with lots of energy, whereas today you’d scroll over social media all day long, and be completely miserable by the time you finally had enough of scrolling down, so miserable you end up moving up work to a later time, and never even complete it.

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