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If you’ve been keeping up-to-date with health news, it’s no doubt you’ve seen the troubling news of the cultural decline of manhood and weakening of men.
If you’ve been keeping up-to-date with health news, it’s no doubt you’ve seen the troubling news of men’s testosterone levels declining. Different studies have confirmed that men have 20% less testosterone than men just 20 years prior. It’s even worse the further you look back.
If you’re not under a rock, you’ve also probably noticed the general cultural decline of manhood and masculinity. Both go hand-in-hand.
The 20 years difference is a small time gap, and a huge dip in the building block of man. Testosterone is the most primal function of every male, it’s the key to their personality and abilities. Men with low testosterone many times have psychological issues and appear much, much more “feminine”.
This also has resulted in less fertility and drive amongst men. When our test is low, and we don’t feel manly. Neither do we feel confident. We seek women less; We are afraid more. These actions are all a driving force leading to the fall of man.
It doesn’t help when many of our women treat us like disposable bullet-fodder, or as their personal checking account.
How has our society torn us down so much that we have lost our basic manhood?
We’re not raising men. We are raising wimps. The nation-state is raising children under governmental and “child support” programs that tend to neuter them from a very early age. These negative characteristics continually reinforce themselves throughout all levels of education.
Part of the blame on the fall of the Western man is to be put on those who put them in these situations—the parent. Men should be around to raise adequate and strong men. But they aren’t. Single motherhood is astronomically high. We can sit around and blame promiscuous society or women all we want, but at the end of the day it is the responsibility of the man to raise that child to the best of their ability (if they have one). It takes two to make a kid.
The children are being raised by single moms, put through schools staffed fully with women, and forced to be in “inclusive” all-gender programs so they have to constantly be around women. The kids never get to see what brotherhood or manhood is supposed to be. We can’t fault them.
Growing up, most men are doing significantly less manual labor than previous generations. Many gawk at the thought, because they’re sheltered little snowflakes in a big suburban house where their parents can pay $100’s fixing every little problem, instead of doing it themselves.
In generations past, if something needed fixed they didn’t immediately run to pay for it. They tried to do it themselves. We worked on farms, and we helped around with auto repair. In the age of the instant oil change and programmable everything, we are doing this less and less.
Part of this fault is the parenting. As we slack into an easy, automated lifestyle, our fathers aren’t teaching us these essential life skills. But it is also personal in the way that men should still seek these skills. You can’t always play the victim. If your father didn’t or couldn’t teach you these skills, you must learn them yourself. Be a man.
Our society has resulted in men considering physical altercations as just completely terrible. Not as a reality in life.
Our position as safe and secure nation has resulted in complacency. But we didn’t get to this point of safety and prosperity by being nice, gentle, wimps. It resulted from our forefathers’ gruesome deaths and hardships. It resulted from strong men paving the way so you could sip that latte and talk about your feelings without getting slaughtered by wandering tribes.
Men should be involved in physical altercations, but women (mothers) tend to shield this. A man should know how to fight and defend himself. It is a travesty of justice if they are never taught.
Raw physical ability does wonders for men. It makes them more confident, more physically adept, and even more psychologically sane. It tams that beast that lays within every single one of us. And it helps us develop as a man. But it also teaches them their limitations and their limited existence in this world.
Without it—well, it’s no wonder so many men look like women.
Our young men feel like they don’t have a purpose. They feel confused about their manhood. Because no one teaches them it’s okay to be a man. No one teaches them their purpose. It’s okay to have violent feelings, you just need to control them. Otherwise, it results in outbursts and grabbing on to extreme ideologies to feel like they have a place in life.
Men were built to be strong. That’s why throughout life we have been the hunters and the fighters. Yet, we are now encouraging their weakness. This must stop. We must reclaim our manhood for the sake of keeping our society. Otherwise, other stronger societies will steamroll past our twiddling masculinity.
It’s no big news that we are moving toward a more feminine society. Third-wave feminists and man-haters have been slowly chipping away at the foundation of manhood since they first arose decades ago.
As our society focuses more on feelings than on reality, we hit an impasse. Men aren’t taught on how to deal with their own feelings, just to display their momentary baby-like emotions. We see this through cultural media, such as when men cry on television over not getting their way. That isn’t being a man. It’s being a wimp. And it’s destroying us from the inside out, like a cancer cell in society.
The cultural decline in our society also has deep connections and contributions to these effects on manhood. The cultural decline in the West has caused many men to not feel in touch with the founding principles that made the West. Instead, they inspire to attach to radical ideologies such as far-left tribalism.
It’s already had a huge impact on our women. Many of them see the West as an evil force that should be destroyed. Even though it is the single best, freest, and most respectful of women’s rights societies’ that this world has ever seen. Still, they seek to tear it down.
When we lose our women to a false perception of what the best culture is, we lose ourselves. Men and women go together well. We need one another. If they become very staunch anti-West, what do we do? We want to keep fighting on for the West, but we want to satisfy our basic instincts of acquiring companionship as well.
This is an additional cause of what makes us become more feminine. To get that companionship, at any cost. Even the cost of losing our own manhood. But it is a dual-edged sword. Women want a strong, confident man. By becoming more feminine and following their false perceptions, we appear weak. Then they leave again because they want the strong man.
This cultural decay, and the move toward a feminine society, is destroying manhood. And the end result won’t be pretty.
They’re taught to be robots.
Men are taught to follow the leader.
This comes through years and years of schooling, where any inclination of a man being a man is frowned upon.
We’re taught to stay in school, get a good job, provide for a family, and then die. We’re not taught to be confident and assertive. To seek our inner-most desires, like past men have worked hard to achieve. We’re taught to be a good husband, to let the woman win every argument, and to never speak up to someone. We’re not taught what a spiritual, true man should be.
But why? Men aren’t meant for any of that. Men are the ones who paved the way to the New World. We fought all the wars for territory and security of our women back home. And we were the ones that built every single thing you use.
We weren’t built to be checking accounts for over-zealous women that get knocked up, then decide to go all crazy “culturally insane” on us. We weren’t built to sit back when insulted, or let others target what we claim as ours.
We’re built to explore, fight, conquer, and protect. And we’ve lost all of that. Society just wants us as robots, not as man.
Men in the West have been losing testosterone, fertility, confidence, physical aptitude, and their manhood itself.
We can attribute all of these to the cultural decay, feminine society, and loss of personal and parental responsibility.
As history has shown, the strongest will always prevail. And if we don’t fight to be the strongest, most protective, and freest men on this planet, we will be overtaken by others. Just look at the cultural decay already inflicting the West, it’s destroying us from the inside-out. This decay didn’t come from nowhere. It came from the weakening of men and the rise of a feminine society without personal responsibility.
The men in the West need to do a complete 180 if we are to survive and continue building upon this amazing society that has brought us so much prosperity. Or we will lose it.
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We are raised by women or the government. What did our ancestors expect when they put us through this? How are we supposed to be “masculine” when everything in this country is becoming feminized?
hey what do we mean of the fall of the Western man?
Quite true. Have noticed women want a lapdog for a boyfriend or yes they treat men like male prostitutes on a leash. not all women of course but there aren’t many who are worth the bother to be honest. Some of the men are pathetic.
I have a father but I still feel fatherless
Very well put. Articles like this need to be read by young men, whether they adhere to it or not.
Thank you for the kind words, friend. I agree wholeheartedly.
im in the middle east thank god =)
“Islam is immune to feminization” right?
Today they are, but this can change as time goes on.
Just like Islam, Christianity always had a focus on strong men and solid family units, until it didn’t.
Here in East Asia we used to have very manly men, until we got at least 2 generations of womanly men.
Men over here used to be strong, we’re even the first non-western power who successfully defeated a western power in a war, and now we need military bases all over the country from a far away country in order to protect our own people.