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Weak Spots on The Human Body

Top 20 Weak Spots on The Human Body: Protect Yourself

Ever wonder what are the top 20 weak spots on the human body? Check out our list to protect yourself in a life-or-death situation.

Ever had someone slam on that middle part (the instep) of your foot? Hurts like hell, doesn’t it? There are certain areas that form the basis of the biggest weak spots on the human body. Depending on the situation, there are 5 key areas that are the best places to target in a fight.

Don’t abuse this information. These areas can cause serious injury or death. You could end up in jail for life over a stupid fight. Be smart. This information is only for true life-or-death situations.

With that in mind, the situation itself is the key to which area you should aim for. For example, if someone is coming at you where you have a good position to deliver a throat punch, that should be your goal. However, if they come up to you from behind, focus on where you can hit, such as a loving slam with your heel to the instep of their foot.

Either way, here are the Top 20 weak spots on the human body.

Weak Spots on The Human Body


Remember that these should only be used for self defense, many of them can cause serious potential harm. This is for education only.


1. The Eyes


This should be fairly obvious. If someone is attacking you, they need to be able to see to fight back. Take out their eyes, end the fight.

A quick double/triple finger-stab to the eye would remedy any problem real quick. Claw, throw particles into, do whatever you have to do to get at their eyes.

Eye strikes can either cause anything from watering to blindness depending on the severity. They are usually attacked with a raking motion.


2. The Throat


If you’ve ever had anything hit your Adam’s apple, even gently, you know why this one is included in this list. Simply put, it (literally) knocks the wind right out of you.

Plus, I think it’s even more painful than a groin kick. At least the groin kick most men have experience with. However, if you get hit in the throat for the first time, you’re bound to turn off the “fight” part of the fight-or-flight response.

The base of the throat (windpipe) is especially very vulnerable. A hit or choking can break the cartilage of the trachea, leading to nearly assured death.

Option 1) Closed fist (obvious).

Option 2) Open hand (see video).


3. The Nose


Knockout hit, anyone? Specifically, when we are looking at the summit of the nose.

Along with the obvious damage to an incredibly sensitive area (nose), you also get the added benefit of potentially blurring the attacker’s vision.

If you’re aiming to give someone whiplash, this should be your principal target.

Closed fist, no thumb. Hook preferred over a jab or cross, unless you’re going for a nose break where you should try for a solid cross hit.


4. The Groin


Need I say any more?

A kick to a man can cause pain, vomiting, and even unconsciousness.

But it’s not only with men. An upward blow to the pelvic area of a female can elicit similar results, but it takes more accuracy.

Regardless, it’s known as a sensitive area for a reason.


5. The Instep


instep human body weak spots

This one is best played if your attacker has you in a hold from behind. It’s at a prime location, right above the arch of the foot and with the added benefit of also being right next to the toes.

Slam your foot hard enough, and the poor bastard won’t be able to walk correctly for a week. Even more, he/she won’t be able to follow you to continue the fight without incurring serious pain in the process.

This area has a special bonus: damage here travels up through the plantar and nerves. Causing pain in the entire leg, hip, and even abs. Don’t believe me? Press on your own with a lot of force. You can feel it travel up.


Weak Spots on The Human Body


There you have it—The top 5 weak spots to target to protect yourself in a fight.

  1. The eyes
  2. The throat
  3. The nose
  4. The groin
  5. The instep

Keep this list in mind if you ever find yourself in a terrible situation. It may save your life one day.

15 Additional Human Body Weak Spots – Add on

This article is getting more attention than anticipated. So, I decided to expand upon it.

Here are an additional 15 vital target areas:

  1. Temple (weakest structural area on skull).
  2. Crown of the head (near coronal suture. Can dislocate frontal bone resulting in paralysis/death).
  3. Elbow (Obviously, if you can break the joint here, the opponent’s arm will no longer be an issue).
  4. Xiphoid process (This is one of the few effective blows that can literally bruise the heart. However, it’s a very hard hit and you have to be going upward).
  5. Intermaxillary suture (between the lips and nose. Useful for control techniques. Strong blows can cause death).
  6. Kidneys (Best for kicks. Expect heavy internal bleeding).
  7. Center of jaw (A hit here, especially a hook, can cause shaking of the brain. Hits here with a weapon are known for dislocating the skull, causing instant death).
  8. Nape of neck (weakest point of spinal column).
  9. Lower Ribs (The 11 and 12th ribs are only held on at one end. Thus, much easier to break).
  10. Sternum (Do a medical rub on your sternum and you’ll see why this is included).
  11. Knee (This joint is arguably the weakest area of the human body).
  12. Upper thigh region (Precise strike to this area where it joins with the torso can cause temporary paralysis. If shot or cut here, it will lead to bleeding out very quickly).
  13. Ankle (Same logic as elbow mentioned above but for immobilizing a leg).
  14. Shoulder (Same logic as both the elbow and ankle for immobilization techniques).
  15. Coccyx (Base of spine. A hit here will usually stop an attacker’s movement, sometimes permanently).

Got more? Put them in the comments.

Read Next: Prepping and Survivalism for Less Insane People


Kaîsar is the sole owner of The Hidden Dominion. He writes on a wide range of topics including politics, governmental frameworks, nationalism, and Christianity.

Hosea 4:6 & Ezek 33:1-11

Articles: 1390


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