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We Were Never United In The First Place

Addressing the civic nationalist argument that "they want us divided"—With the obvious fact that we were never united originally.

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Nations Never United

A common civic nationalist talking point is that “the enemy wants us divided”. This argument is the supposed holy grail for the average conservative against any form of race recognition. It is used to immediately shut down any facts presented or even simple discussion of ethnic incompatibilities

In this statement, the normiecon postulates that the enemy wants us all at odds based on the differing nations and races within the state. E.g. blacks versus whites, indians versus Mexicans, and so on. This spiraling internal conflict somehow makes us easier to control. Thus, we should “stay united” instead to combat the true enemy. We should not focus on the obvious ethnic-nation issues, just focus on the bad guys at the top and then we’ll all miraculously live in harmony in the end.

This is fundamentally incorrect. “They” (the centralizers) actually shipped the foreign nations to our countries specifically knowing that it would obviously cause division, because that’s what human nature clearly tells us would happen.

The “they want us divided!” mantra is foolish because we were never united in the first place.

If we research just 60 or so years ago, we would find in nearly every major European country that no significant population of non-Europeans existed there. In the few that did have minorities, they were ruled over by the dominant ethnic. This is even true for America in the 1960s.

Every single European nation was European only, and usually only a particular Caucasian such as French or British (subtracting, of course, the European melting pot of America).

That is why they were united. Because they were one nation, or dominated and lead by one nation. We have no such condition anymore. Instead, we have significant populations of completely incompatible nations vying for dominance.

There is no utopian solution to mix these two or more drastically different nation souls. It cannot be done. You will just get a Brazil or a South Africa.

There are no examples of successful multi-ethnic republics, but dozens of successful multi-ethnic empires. There is a clear reason for this. Because one system allows a hegemonic group to have dominance over all the other groups, while the other system requires homogeneous harmony. I’m sure you can guess which is which.

In every country where foreign ethnic populations explode, violence occurs and “democracy” (or republic systems) breakdown. Because it is fundamentally impossible to retain the underlying trust and cohesion required to maintain a republic with different national peoples. Instead, these systems turn into empires. Exactly as America did and continues to do.

We can never be united with other nations. We are our own. Any proposed unification will end in force as one inevitably dominates the other.

We were united when we were one nation. Now the real division is by trying to force other nations to unite with us, which cannot happen.

Still, in one sense, the normiecon argument is correct. The enemy does want us divided. But they do not do that by stoking racial tensions and “causing division”. They do that simply by importing millions of them here in the first place. The disunion is created by them just being here.

foreign-born population in london over time graphic - never united image
One example of this true division: The sad loss of London

If you want to actually end division, then you need to support a return to a one-nation state.

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Kaîsar is the sole owner of The Hidden Dominion. He writes on a wide range of topics including politics, governmental frameworks, nationalism, and Christianity.

Hosea 4:6 & Ezek 33:1-11

Articles: 1390

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