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The ruling class lets the leftists run amok, riot, and attack us. But the ruling class will not let us do that.
We do not share the leftists position of power. The ruling class lets them run amok, riot, and attack us. But the ruling class will not let us do that. We can’t even defend ourselves most of the time.
Most right-wingers get this, but there are a few holdouts still. I keep seeing comments or memes like the below that completely miss the mark:
These statements are a common belief or meme rebuttal with the normiecons, but they aren’t effective. Right-wingers can’t actually do this, and leftists are not intelligent enough to comprehend the hypocrisy.
If we were to do that with guns (or any right-wing alternative, truthfully), those same Feds that ignored weed would have an entire federal workforce created to solve the problem, with immediate minimum 20-year prison sentences for anyone that dared to own a bump stock. Along with local, state, and federal hit squads that focused solely on this new “rising fascism”.
The Feds would hunt every person down methodically, like they did with Jan 6ers.
I wouldn’t even be surprised if they committed a false flag attack using said alternative to paint us as the bad guy and subsequently Patriot Act everybody for decades.
The leftists do not need to follow the law. We cannot employ that same strategy.
The truth of our situation is the exact opposite: We have to go far above the law. If we’re even found hovering around the gray areas, they will send in the stormtroopers.
The process is the punishment [1].
The root issue of this and similar statements is that the person has not yet fully realized that we are 1) actively at war with the leftists and 2) living under a tiered society where dissidents are at the bottom and normiecons are one step above us.
They don’t get it yet. But they will someday.
This particular statement is even more silly than the usual “the left does x so we should do x” statements. Because it uses weed as the leftist base.
Of course weed was encouraged. That shouldn’t surprise anyone.
Weed makes people docile and stupid for the duration they are under the influence, so they are no longer a threat to the state. It’s just like any other substance that can keep the masses compliant and submissive.
For what absolutely insane reason would a modern centralizer want to enforce that law? They get a bunch more drugged up, submissive populations and plenty of black market funding from it.
It was banned before because our nation actually wanted to have a mentally healthy citizenry. Now, the ruling class couldn’t care less about that. They want a submissive and stupid population, so weed is perfect.
It also suits their pocketbooks well: The New ‘Big Tobacco’: Marijuana and Schizophrenia.
They can encourage it, while still punishing people for it. It is a win-win for centralized industry, government, and prisons.
Regardless, we can’t operate like the leftists. In this field or any other. They have a privileged position under the empire. We do not.
Get out of the mindset of us being equal. There are (at least) two separate political classes in the United States, and you are within the subjugated one.
Act appropriately.
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