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cannot coexist with these people

We Cannot Coexist With These People

Even if we could, why would you want to?

cannot coexist with these people

To Coexist With These Freaks: An Impossible Task

We cannot coexist alongside our current political enemy because they do not want to peacefully coexist alongside us.

We did not start the war, but we have to respond to it.

A partition, secession, or balkanization is the only way.

The leftists and ethnics continue to prove this time and time again. It is just the conservatives do not want to listen.

So here are ten memes to demonstrate this reality, courtesy of End Times on Telegram:

The story can be found here. The above images are a curated selection of leftists, trannies, and those from the BIPOC community. If you want more for verification, just go search the headline on social media. You’ll find plenty.

They won’t even let your kid have a lemonade stand. And you think you can coexist with them as equals in a successful, stable civilization?

Nah, try again.

For a bit more in-depth thoughts on this subject not typical of a Meme Monday, read these articles:

While most of these articles focus on the political and demographic situation, the same thing goes for religion:

Contradict - we cannot coexist with them
Coexist - no

In all walks of life, there is truth and there are lies. There is one path to peace or many paths to violence. We have to choose: homogeneous peace in both civilizational demographics and faith, or diversity—which begets violence for hegemony.

It is simple: We have to choose. Our way of life or theirs. There is no compromise.

Be strong and stand up for lemonade kid. That’s the right side.

Happy Meme Monday. Have a great, courageous, and decisive week.

Read Next: Republicans In 2042


Kaîsar is the sole owner of The Hidden Dominion. He writes on a wide range of topics including politics, governmental frameworks, nationalism, and Christianity.

Hosea 4:6 & Ezek 33:1-11

Articles: 1390


  1. I found your site while researching the degeneracy of the Weimar Republic that led to the rise of the Nazis. I’m in my early-mid 20’s and just barely missed the explosion of homosexuality/transgenderism and overall degeneracy we face nowadays. During my very early 20’s, I stupidly fell into the trap of believing all of these sexual and social perversions were normal and natural. My drug-addled brain (I was a terrible addict to Xanax or anything benzodiazepine related, now been clean of any substance for years) was to blame for all of this.

    It’s truly astounding to me to see how many people my age or younger are permanently destroying their bodies with recreational drugs, exogenous hormones, and “reassignment surgeries” (AKA legal experimentation).

    I truly believe there is a reckoning coming soon. The tension, anger, and frustration that’s been built up in society has to reach a boiling point soon. We’ve already had a pride flag flying at the same height as the American flag on the White House. How much farther can these people push before the rebound is too much to handle?

    I’m very interested in hearing more about enclavism.

    • Happy to hear that you’ve passed the censors to get here and that you’re digging into my Enclavism work—I have a wealth of articles on it so far. But I’m most pleased to hear you have broken free from the traps of modernity. Major congratulations on escaping the vice of drugs and the social propaganda of our current world. Stay true to it brother, and may God bless you on your journey.

      One could only hope for a reckoning. I sure hope it comes sooner rather than later. But I am not optimistic, many men wiser than I have been waiting for that reckoning for decades at this point, but I do admit it is getting far worse as each year goes by. Exponential degeneracy is occurring, if there is such a thing. Let’s hope we can rebound it all before it is too late.

    • Hi, I highly recommend you watch -> Europa: The Last Battle and the other documentary Adolf Hitler: The Greatest Story Never Told, both censored documentaries that shall open your eyes.

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