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Continuing the series with another inside-the-system strategy: the infiltrator.
Next up on our list of ways to get involved—a series on how to contribute to the dissident cause—is the infiltrator role.
I’ve spoken on this one before, so I will be linking a few past articles.
First, from my Three Inside-The-System Lifestyle Strategies article:
2. The infiltration strategy
Another potential strategy is the Infiltration Strategy. Do exactly what the cultural Marxists or post-structuralists (or whatever your favored term is) did. Take over the institutions, quietly and meekly. Get to top positions and then enact your preferred cultural narratives slowly and discretely until many of us do the same. In effect, this strategy seeks to do exactly what the leftists are currently doing. Combat them at their own game of institutional takeover. This strategy is a fight for the culture, rather than money (Prosper Strategy) or a tactical mass noncompliance (Lying Flat).
The drawback here is that it takes a tremendous amount of time and commitment, and can fail spectacularly along the way. Making this strategy a high risk, but potentially high reward strategy. It also only really works if many people follow it, as one institution can do little in the face of thousands of leftists competitors. Adherents to this strategy will also need to benefit the institutions as they work their way up through them, giving aid and benefit to the system during this interim period. However, if they are successful, that interim system benefit will be very minor compared to the final results of the institutional takeover.
There is no “best” strategy or one strategy for everyone.
A man with a family should stick to the Prosper Strategy, because we do not want a budding family to be harmed by the mob like what could happen to an infiltrator.
A youth could consider the “do nothing” strategy if they do not feel they are intelligent or cunning enough to infiltrate. The more intelligent and calculating youthful dissidents should at least attempt option #2 [infiltrator strategy]. If they fail, they can re-align to option #1.
One of the benefits of infiltrating system positions is that you can simultaneously do the benefactor strategy as well because these positions usually pay good. You can support people outside the system while infiltrating and prospering within.
Not a bad gig for those who cannot or do not wish to go public. Just need to be careful because any inside-the-system strategies need to be used carefully.
I recently expanded on the need for this in another article titled Implicit Surrender:
If the enemy captures every city, do any of you honestly believe that rural areas will be safe? You can try your best to make a parallel-economy Waco or Ruby Ridge in the rural lands, but they’ll just come snipe your wife in the head or set your entire community on fire.
Perhaps the most famous is the employment argument, most common to libertarians: “If you don’t like x, just build your own”. Building your own does not work in the age of globalization. The elites have made sure of that. If an actual competitor or threat arises, it is quickly infiltrated.
Project Veritas booting James O’Keefe is a great example of that. You can build your own anything, but if you do not defend it, it will likewise be lost. We should not keep surrendering private institutions that have been corrupted from the inside-out; we should be reclaiming them.
Especially influential ones. Even if we cannot retake it, it can still be a battlefield.
Then we have another common belief: “If you work for the government, you are the problem / Every Fed is evil.”
But let me respond with this: What is the alternative? That every government agency is solely staffed with nutcase leftists? That will surely turn out well for us. I’m sure they are going to totally leave your parallel economy alone, because why not?
They certainly won’t tax you out of existence or regulate you to death. And there won’t be any whistleblowers or insiders willing to counteract this breach in your interests.
It is my belief that we need more of our guys in government—they can be benefactors or infiltrators. The recent IRS whistleblower has done more good for us this year than most. We would not have those revelations on Hunter Biden if we did not have good guys taking bad guy jobs.
We also need more of our people in education and in academia to fight the brainwashing and help people get through it. How great would it be if we had more contrarian research being done to combat the 90% leftist-trash that is being pushed out?
We need more of our guys in local law enforcement and business regulations positions, so they can take it easy on our parallel economy participants.
They do this to encourage us to give up every essential arena so we have absolutely no power, influence, or say. To relegate all our guys to zero status in the current system, so they can destroy us easier.
Our task is to stop falling for it. The enemy is inside the gates and wants us to abandon everything and everywhere. Do not let them.
We are in a war for our nation right now. In what other war would you willingly secede everything of importance to the enemy?
An individual who chooses the infiltrator strategy would agree with this logic. Take over positions in government, law, academia, medicine, and so on, to the benefit of our people. Invade the institutions exactly like the cultural Marxist strategy did in the past. Use those positions to whistleblow, to keep the heat off of our guys that are outside-the-system, or to forward our agenda in a more subtle institutional manner.
There are many options of how to use the infiltrated position; much of it depending on the career route you take.
But you have to first reclaim an essential position, which requires being within the system.
If you’re not going to be openly outside-the-system, then the second best thing you can do is use the system to the advantage of those who are. One way to do so is to infiltrate the higher, sensitive positions of the system. The essential, influential spots that are within reach. (This includes even small-time but influential positions, such as a local county health director, state regulators, and tax people).
Obviously, those working outside the system are doing the majority of the heavy lifting. However, not everyone can be so direct. That much we all understand. But the insiders should at least get out of the way or (preferably) help the former from behind the firing line.
There are many strategies to do so, and one of the stronger ones is the infiltrator.
Read Next: Marriage: The Most Important Decision A Man Makes
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