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Next up on our list of strategy options: The narrative wizard. Also known as a media mogul.
The media mogul is an essential piece for the overall movement. Friendly news in a hostile climate.
This group needs little explanation. It is a person or an organization that controls some sphere of media. To our benefit and for us, of course.
Most dissident material you read online comes from people who are doing this exact strategy.
My website, for instance, is an arm of the greater dissident media sphere. All similar websites are a piece of the overall media mogul arm within the greater movement.
While we are not traditional media, we do fill their role in an alternative sense.
This role is risky. I would put it at a medium risk. The main risk is being doxxed, which is common for people like us. Even if you try to be in the shadows, you run a real risk of being exposed. You need to be able to accept this risk if you’re following this strategy.
The purpose of the strategy is twofold. First, to get the truth out there into the public sphere. We combat the lies. Second, to provide a counter narrative to the enemy’s narrative.
However these two goals are accomplished is up to the individual taking the strategy. Different individuals will take different approaches to reach the same end goals.
Different people will be better suited to do different aspects of this strategy. Not everyone will do what I am doing here: a one-man workshop tackling a mix of issues. Other dissident would be better suited running a full media platform. Or a platform dedicated to one single topic. Some may even be better at social media, or things like telegram channels. All approaches are valid.
We are not limited to traditional media. Anything that could accomplish the objectives of the truth and the narrative could be considered a media mogul for the purposes of our movement.
To give a specific example, I really wish we had more local media guys on the city and state levels. There are some organizations that do this, such as Tennessee Stands and Tennessee Star Newspaper, but we really need this in every single major local city and state. These base media organizations—decentralized and dispersed throughout the nation—are essential. They are not tied to one source, so the enemy cannot target us all in one fell swoop. We are clearly hurting in this area in many states and cities.
We can’t all have one-man shops, but we also can’t all have full media organizations. This is where the individual dissent can come in and shine with whatever their expertise is. They just need to work on the truth and the narrative and getting it out there anyway possible.
This strategy is how we edify other dissidents who are doing other strategies, and how we pull more of our own people into the dissident sphere overtime.
We need all the media guys. The ones that run their own websites, the ones that start media organizations in their state or local area, the ones who become big names in social media, and even the funny meme accounts. They all have an essential role to play. They are all media moguls.
If you are good at writing, editing, or social engagement, this could be the strategy for you. Just remember you do take a fairly moderate risk if you go with this approach. But don’t be afraid. Stand up for what you believe in. Get out there and contribute. We need more people getting involved in this way.
Consider becoming a media mogul today.
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Ironically, this task of doing news on the local level might at once be both the greatest red-pilling opportunity and the least Dissident Right in its nature: black criminality is now so bad and widespread, and MSM coverage of it so non-existant or distorted, that simply reporting news in general without any ideological angle, but WITH mugshots and descriptions, would likely be far more than enough to kill the official narrative in the minds of normies.
A great idea. We truly do need far more dissidents with activism like this.
Big fan of this series. I hope you continue to put these out. When compiled, they will be an immensely helpful resource to share with others when they ask what to do.
That is the goal. Thanks, Michael.