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become an archivist - archive your story ways to contribute

Ways To Contribute: Archive Your Story

Become an Archivist today.

become an archivist - archive your story ways to contribute

Become An archivist

I need to do more articles exploring ways for our average dissident to contribute. It is easily the #1 email I receive and is often a top comment in major forums and news sites.

No one knows what they should be doing. Frankly, it is not easy to know, given our times.

Still, there are things we can and should be doing. Most of it depends on your risk tolerance.

But there are things to do even for those of you who need to stay under the radar. This article will address one of those risk-averse positions first, and I will write up more ideas later.

The first way to contributor is the Archivist position. A very useful one that we are sorely lacking. Vox mentions it here:

We had no idea how good we had it as children, but we can hardly be blamed for that since we never knew anything else. But if you’re a member of Generation X, it is very important that you write your autobiography in order to leave behind some written record of what Peak America was actually like. Because what we regarded – what we still regard – as normal no longer exists. And its the micro accounts of daily life that are actually the most informative about a historical society, not the usual historian’s focus on politics, wars, and other macro-level events.

Save your elementary school class pictures. Describe what life was like in an ethnically homogenous European society. Give future generations a vision of what is possible for their children and grandchildren if they set their minds to it.

We really need this. There are plenty of us (myself included) writing about the big picture stuff: the large-scale events and the movements of the centralizers. Additionally, there are many of us writing/videoing/podcasting about the happenings in the world, organizing activism, and other forms of activities.

But one (easily hidden) role that is not being tackled by many is that of the Archivist. You do not need to draw attention to yourself and you do not need to risk getting doxxed. You just record what is happening using a stable medium (i.e., not a website that you do not own or that is not backed up elsewhere). All you must do from there is write books, record facts, catalogue your history, and so on. It takes only as much time as you are willing to put toward it. There is no demand or pressure.

It is true in a minor sense that I am a partial archivist, as that is even noted in Part 3 of my goals in my About Me page:

My goal here? Three things:

  • Design a better governmental system.
  • Educate other dissidents on how to better themselves intellectually, morally, and spiritually.
  • Record the downfall of my nation and work to build a stronger version amongst the ruins.

But it’s one of many goals. We need hundreds of people functioning as full-time Archivists to truly record enough material that is useful. And not just about the Good Ol’ Days that Vox mentions, but about life right now. We need more records of Weimar America.

It is imperative that we have recordings of this clown world insanity. If we had better records of Weimar Germany, the pre-Soviet era, and so on, we would have a much easier time comparing and preparing.

But what happens in these degenerative times is that no one wants to do anything. Everyone becomes apathetic, so we lose all traces of the most important time periods during the decline. To prevent this from happening in the future, we need to know what it is like on the ground right now.

Few want to write, but we desperately need you all.

A small autobiographical book, an archived blog, simple recordings of pictures or memes, literally whatever you can muster the time for. Record the good and the bad. The past and the future. Record all of this current insanity.

The future generations will thank you.

Read Next: On Paganism


Kaîsar is the sole owner of The Hidden Dominion. He writes on a wide range of topics including politics, governmental frameworks, nationalism, and Christianity.

Hosea 4:6 & Ezek 33:1-11

Articles: 1390

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