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Discussing the difference between dissident strategies and general preparedness. An introduction to the series.
One of our commenters posted a useful question in a recent article titled No One Is Coming To Save You:
Could you provide examples of “suitable positions” ? Or do you just mean generally prepared? Thanks.
I recognized that I should have clarified this within the ongoing series “Ways to Contribute“. There is a tangible and important difference between dissident strategies and personal preparation. I talk about both on this website, but many people mistake the two.
So, to make a note of this imperative difference, I responded with the following:
Great question. I should have clarified.
“Generally prepared” is good (a first step), but being in suitable positions for a decline/collapse scenario is better.
There is a difference between being prepared with some food storage and gold coins versus being in a position to really make an impact on a new, emerging system. Someone that is hiding in the woods with a few resources will have no influence on what comes next. Someone who is active in their community, has built a network of hardened news sources that can survive a decline, and can rally a group of people in troublesome times will have a massive influence on what comes next. The two groups are very different.
I am working on a series of articles right now to cover them, but I only have two written as of now. I have eight others on backlog for future articles. The two completed editions are:
- Ways To Contribute: Archive Your Story (The position of recorder and knowledge proliferation, so the next system will not forget our history and how we got here)
- Ways To Contribute: The Benefactor (The position of system-independent financial security, so when the system falls we can still support each other)
This other article talks about a third position, in the capacity as an infiltrator within the current system:
- Three Inside-The-System Lifestyle Strategies (The position holding power/influence within the current system, to help a transition to a better future system)
The topics of some future articles are the following positions:
- Community Leader (The position of a community leader, so when the federal/state levels may fall, our guys can organize their local level)
- The Preparer (The position of locally needed resource accumulation, to use with others if/when economic resources fall)
- The Builder (The position of those who are building alternative economies/social environments, so we have an existing, functional alternative for when our current systems fail)
- Media Mogul (The position of those who have the know-how or systems in place to share news and reports, even when our current system starts to lock them down)
- Essential Skill Mastery (The position of knowing an essential skill for your local area, that will be desperately needed in a collapse/decline scenario. Such as how to get enough water in a small Arizona town or how to produce energy for your town if the power plants shut off. This will put you in a major bargaining/influence position if anything happens)
There are others, but those are a few positions. I certainly do not claim to know them all.
The best thing to do is to imagine what you personally think the decline or collapse will look like, and then to imagine what would be needed at that time to help us come out on top.
For example, imagine if I believed we will face economic insecurity, food issues, tech centralization by nutcase leftists, and a faltering federal level. That means whoever has economic security (in the form of local economic alternatives like local businesses/farms), men with abundant sustainable food, tech alternatives that can withstand censorship, and local leadership/skills—Those people will be the ones who influence the next system. They will be sustainable, and everyone will flock to them to survive and thus be subject to their leadership.
The goal is for that to be us, not groups just as bad as the current system. But the problem is most of our guys are just sitting around hoarding MREs, silver, and the like, which will not help us as a whole. Still useful on a personal level for some preparedness, but we need to do more if we want to actually win.
One person obviously cannot hold every position on a personal level. I encourage people to pick one or two that interest them and work on only those. That is what I am doing, personally.
Thanks for the comment. I need to work on being more specific with my writing when I can.
Hopefully that clarifies what I mean when I discuss “preparedness” versus when I discuss “ways to contribute / influential positions”.
Get prepared, but also start working toward acquiring a useful position. We need both.
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