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Warning Indicators From The Economy

You can't say you were not warned.

Warning Indicators From The Economy header

Jobs report is down. Unemployment is up even by official numbers. Labor force participation rate is declining. 

The stock market is trending down. Many high profile rich people are making exit moves, even from major stocks, such as Apple. 

Other countries around us are declining economically, such as Japan. The entire world is taking financial hit.

But perhaps the most worrying sign is that the elite have even unleashed the infamous R word: recession. They have publicly said that it “might” be coming. Which means they are going to release something worse soon, because we’ve obviously already been in a recession for years at this point.

All of this together, along with the regional conflicts, and I’m not sure the stock market still has long to go before a major correction. 

As usual, we are waiting for the spark. We don’t know when that will be, but we know it’s coming. 

The warning indicators are getting louder by the day. So I encourage all of you to make your moves now. Do what you need to do to be in a stable economic situation now. Don’t wait. Get some cash out, buy some tangible goods (TCAs), exit risky stock positions, and so on. 

You don’t want to be holding the bag when this all falls. And it’s usually a good indicator to get out when the billionaires are getting out. 

Which, worryingly, was just this past week.

The foundational crack is showing. It just might be time to get out of the house before it crashes.

Read Next: Cash Is King…Until It’s Banned


Kaîsar is the sole owner of The Hidden Dominion. He writes on a wide range of topics including politics, governmental frameworks, nationalism, and Christianity.

Hosea 4:6 & Ezek 33:1-11

Articles: 1390


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