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Discussing the War on Monogamy while using plenty of examples from individuals who support widespread, normalized polyamory.
One after-effects of the rise of degeneracy in America has been an increased assault against traditional family values. Of these traditional family values, one that I have a particular interest in is this newly modernized “War on Monogamy“, whose proponents support widespread polyamory.
This trend obviously lends its ears to the book Brave New World, which features a dystopian society where everyone is the sexual property of everyone else. Of course, the anti-monogamy crowd doesn’t seek to go that far, but one can’t help but notice the similarities.
In summary, the War on Monogamy seems to want to create a culture in which no one is truly committed. Instead, they “play a part” of a relationship, while other individuals outside of the relationship play a different part. Whether this is through cuckolding, “open” relationships, or whatever else, makes no difference.
And I think this is a really interesting topic to target because it shows how far down the rabbit hole of a failing family culture we’ve gone. Where we don’t even have the capacity to commit to one person and try to build a life as a stable family at all. Unless you consider your wife’s third boyfriend as a part of that family, I guess.
I pulled a few screenshots from some of the anti-monogamy crowd that I want to look at. I’m not going to link to them because they don’t deserve ad revenue.
Anytime people talk about degrading cultural values, it always seems to have “modernizing” or “current year” somewhere in the article. This one is no exception.
Particularly interesting is this part:
facing up to the fact that a life partner-should we choose to have one-fulfills only one corner of our emotional, romantic and sexual needs.
For the past hundreds and hundreds of years, it’s been the exact opposite. One person did fulfill all of those needs. That’s why they are called a life partner. Are modern individuals so abysmal at choosing our own significant others that we pick one that can only fulfill one aspect of the relationship?
Why have we gone so far away from discussing issues in relationships, that instead of finding mutual ground to be emotionally, romantically, and sexually happy, we just run off and find two new mates to fill the lackluster roles?
This section ends with the idea that traditional family values will be “radical” in the future. I highly disagree with that. Our society would collapse before then as we need those family values to educate future generations, unless we delve into a Brave New World scenario.
This article is especially enticing because of this little line:
I’ve always felt that our society isn’t built for people like me
Built for people like whom? Built for people that constantly seek self-gratification and lust over any type of virtuous, morally fulfilling life?
This society was built and made strong because of traditional family values. So no, it wasn’t “built for you“. In fact, it wasn’t built for anyone in particular. It was built by a strong, stable culture to promote its legacy and privileges to future generations. The same legacy that things like the War on Monogamy seek to destroy.
This article in particular goes over how “monogamy is biased in science”. Well yeah, because it’s been proven to be a stronger way to have a family structure. No giant surprise there.
With sensational click-bait lines like these, who needs to actually study to be a journalist?
Stop pursuing the impossible dream of sexual satisfaction with a single person
Monogamy is a “patriarchal myth”
[Monogamy is a] culturally compelled… unreasonable expectation
Since when is it impossible to be sexually satisfied with one person? Sure, there are ups and downs. As with anything in life. Sure, there will be times when others appear more attractive. But your sexual satisfaction is ultimately up to you. It’s up to how you approach the topic, how you talk about it with your S.O., and how you engage yourself in what would make you happy.
And of course, anything that goes against whatever narrative they espouse is obviously “patriarchal”.
Finally, they hit the nail on the head with the last quote. It is culturally compelled; that’s the point. But unreasonable? Maybe in your {current year} mindset. But it has been very reasonable for millions of people before you, and millions of people after you. In no way is staying by your partner’s side unreasonable.
Relationships are about love and support, not lust. It’s about wanting to help the other person succeed, and to succeed in your own life along with them. It’s about making a single person a part of your family, and you a part of theirs. In short, monogamy is there because we have only one life to live, and we want to share it together with someone.
If you don’t want that, fine. But don’t act like what you are doing is some morally righteous task or attempt to normalize it. It’s just insatiable lust and sexual gluttony. And any efforts to make this normalized is simply another angle of attack against traditional family values in the West.
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