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VIP provides new information on the Georgia Election Fraud, including an analysis of enough ballots to directly throw out the election.
We all already know the election was fraudulent. Even democrats know it. But there’s always use in spreading more information on exactly how it was stolen:
In the days after the 2020 General Election, many concerned citizens and public figures, including President Trump, raised several questions about the integrity of the election. Given the close margins across many states, Matt Braynard and a team of researchers commenced the Voter Integrity Project (VIP) to run several experimental analyses. The team designed these analyses in such as was so as to determine if illegal ballots were cast and, if so, whether that number significantly impacted the outcome of the election.
Despite providing results under extraordinarily difficult and unique circumstances, our initial results never received a fair hearing in a court of law nor did any elected official thoroughly examine our work, and so the deadlines passed. Now under the aegis of Look Ahead America (LAA) and leadership of Braynard, Research Director Ian Camacho oversaw forty highly-trained volunteers known as The LAA Research Group who further examined the initial finds of the Voter Integrity Project.
This report provides the results of the initial and subsequent investigations.
We have identified six tranches of illegal ballots
Tranche 1: Early and Absentee Ballots Cast In the Names of Voters (EABCINV) registered illegally.
Tranche 2: EABCINV matched to permanent, out-of-state moves in the National Change of Address Database (NCOA). At the time we processed this match in mid-November, the database contained records as recent as October 1, 2020 to as far back as three years prior (October 1, 2017).
Tranche 3: EABCINV matched to Out of State Subsequent Registrations (OOSSR) using our national voter database (NVD). In these cases, the voter had registered in Georgia and matched to voters subsequently registered in another state.
Tranche 4: Election Day Ballots Cast In the Names of Voters (EDBCINV) registered illegally.
Tranche 5: EDBCINV matched to the NCOA and OOSSR.
Tranche 6: Unmatchable Invalid Residencies Among EABCINV and EDBCINV
Due to the limitations of time, budget, and the inability to access necessary government databases, the VIP could only analyze the first three tranches.
We established the following numbers of illegal ballots cast in each of the following tranches:
Initial Analysis – Percentage Valid – Projected – Margin of Error
Tranche 1 – 1,056 – 100.0% – 1,056 – 0%
Tranche 2 – 15,700 – 67.8% – 10,651 – 5.7%
Tranche 3 – 4926 – 17.1% – 840 – 6.2%
Tranche 4 ??
Tranche 5 ??
Tranche 6 ??
The total projected number, not accounting for any illegal ballots in Tranches 4, 5, and 6, is 12,547. This exceeds the margin of victory in the 2020 General Election in Georgia, which was 11,779.
Thus, we conclude beyond a reasonable doubt that the deserved winner of the state of Georgia’s presidential electoral votes in the 2020 General Election is unknowable.
We all know who those fraudulent votes went for. It certainly wasn’t Trump, because if it was, the FBI would be exhausting all man-power possible to figure it out.
It is especially interesting that the three “tranches” that would likely produce the highest amounts of voter fraud are unable to be studied (4-6). Just from the difficult-to-uncover fraud cases there is enough to justify calling out the election. Which means in reality, it’s far, far greater than what we would initially surmise.
I will say it again: The money is fake, the freedoms are fake, the markets are fake, the media is fake… is it any surprise that our elections are fake too?
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