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United States elections are rough right now. We have a few good guys working on it, and a lot of good guys sitting on the sidelines.
For any article on voting or elections in the nationalist sphere, I always have to preface it with “I don’t believe voting will save us”.
If I don’t, I immediately get flooded with the usual comments about how voting won’t fix our problems.
So, yes, I agree. Voting won’t save us. I’ve written plenty of articles attesting to that fact. A political system solution won’t save us.
But that doesn’t mean it is wholly worthless, especially on a local level. Don’t throw the baby out with the bathwater. My locale has thrown off horrific leftist advances on a local level, and without those votes, we’d all be screwed where I live.
Should You Vote Even Though We Have Rigged Elections? The answer is yes. For your local area and state. Federal is lost.
I also understand the extent of the fraud. I have a compilation list that covers over twenty articles that I have on the subject:
But the extent of the fraud and shenanigans depends directly on the local activism of the area. It is minimized where people are more active; it is very high where our guys are not. This is why you see issues arise most often in degenerate, corrupt, leftist cities.
I have not hidden my activities or my encouragement for local activism in past articles. I’m involved in precincts and have helped others get on theirs. Even further, I encourage both outside- and inside-the-system strategies and have given examples. Personally, I have been following both with this website and with some of my local activism. I bellow about enclaving and peaceful noncompliance often—And I’m building that in my area right now. I tell my readers to try to make men’s groups and find good churches, which I am a part of both.
My involvement in the GOP, other political parties, local activist organizations, nonpolitical local institutions, and election security organizations has blown up my understanding of elections in the United States.
All of these things are immensely helpful, because they give me insider knowledge of United States elections. I don’t have to just read things that don’t show the full picture. Because of my positions within various local organizations, I am plugged in.
We need more people in these spots. I know there are a lot more that are similar to us nationalists that live in my locale, but they are not engaged. They stay home. So all we get showing up is boomercons, neocons, and the occasional wacko.
We have far too many people that stay solely online and never show up in person. They then spend all their time complaining online. The internet will be the death of us. Show up first. Complain later.
I get we need parallel institutions. I talk about this often—On Fostering and Building A Parallel Economy. But we need parallel people “plugged-in”, too. Recall my mantra: ‘In the world; not of the world. In the system; not of the system’. Not everyone needs to make a business or start a website. Some should become local kingpins and political experts, but no one is telling our guys to do this. But they will be needed the same as the other guys. If that is your skillset, then do it.
We also just need more people active on the local level and in local organizations.
The United States elections are in shambles. This includes local. I would nearly guarantee that no matter where you live, they need help on the local level. Your actions could make or break your specific regions’ ability to weather the storm.
All we have to do is hold out until this entire thing falls. If you’re in an area that doesn’t hold, you’ll be screwed.
Because of my local involvement, I worked a lot on the midterms of the past year. I’ve finally consolidated my thoughts on them.
I have given my initial thoughts on the midterms here: Making Fun Of The 2022 Midterms. Now, I want to dive in on the status of our elections.
On the ground, my local area is akin to a war zone between the two dominant parties right now. We could use everyone we can get. But we can’t get anyone.
One of the most maddening things from this last election was voting. Most Team Red voters vote for the party guy on the national or state ticket, but then leave blank the rest. They literally leave blank the only ones that matter, such as judges, law changes, and local people. If even just 75% of the Team Red national voters would have voted for the correct local guys, we would have had a clean sweep. Instead, in my area, we barely have a little over a majority. Because no one voted.
Those numbers even include any mischief by Team Blue. Even with the mischief, if we just had 75% vote down-the-ballot, we’d have every single spot. That is how ridiculous this all is.
I know most people just want to say that it is the fault of fraud or Democrat cheating that leads to the failures. But it is not. Those definitely have a factor in it, of course, but it is also because none of our guys actually vote for who they’re supposed to be or at all.
In my local area, I helped with the auditing and oversight over the auditors. Election fraud isn’t widespread in every county in every state. It isn’t especially a factor in mine. So I am not familiar with it on a local level because it did not really happen here. The stuff like flipping votes by machines (adjudication) wasn’t really a concern here, because of how my area works.
The auditing still came up with minor issues. But again, we have no one to actually help work with it, so our hands are mostly tied.
We were able to get a few notarized affidavits of people where a vote was cast, but they did not actually vote. Ditto with quite a few dead voters who voted. But all that happens in those cases is the judge takes them off the voter rolls. It’s not enough to change an outcome, so no one pays much attention to it.
And often, the judge who is in control of it is the one who benefits the most from it, so they have no incentive to do anything. The system is hopelessly flawed in that endeavor.
However, that particular problem is much smaller than the actual biggest threat, which is ballot harvesting.
Ballot harvesting is:
the gathering and submitting of completed absentee or mail-in voter ballots by third-party individuals, volunteers or workers, rather than submission by voters themselves directly to ballot collection sites.
Leftists don’t even hide it. They are now embracing it, calling it “ballot collecting” and saying it’s how elections have always worked and should always work.
The practice of ballot harvesting is problematic for quite a few reasons, most of which would be obvious to my audience.
Ballot harvesting used to be illegal, but now not only is it a gray area, it is becoming a “human right”. Without it, the minorities supposedly get disenfranchised.
My local area got decimated by ballot harvesting this last cycle. For example, we have an Indian reservation not too far away that usually has a vote representation of less than 10%. This election cycle magically it was over 80%.
No one on the reservation was excited about the midterms. I guarantee you. We know that they went up there and harvested ballots. Especially because the only ballots that were submitted were the ones for their team (Team Blue).
The democrats just go up, collect all the ballots, toss out any ones they don’t like, and then go bulk submit them. It’s insane.
We had another instance where a tremendous amount of ballots were sent to college dorms. However, the catch was there are no college students in class at the moment. We found out about this because the dean made a public comment about how he was so excited and happy that so many college students have voted in the midterms.
But then the college students started talking, because many of them had not voted. Some of our guys started to look into it and found out that there is almost definitely a harvesting operation that happened there. The ballots got mailed to the college. Someone came to pick them up when no one was home and voted for the students.
We have some affidavits that attest to that fact, but again there’s not much we can do about it from here.
This is happening everywhere across the country. And it’s not always illegal or fraudulent, which is why we can’t combat it effectively.
Ballot harvesting works because it’s a very easy way for Democrats to get ballots. They just beef up the numbers and it’s not even technically illegal half the time. The other half of the time they can hide it so they don’t get caught.
This is why the whole mail in ballot thing happened. Mail in ballots means that there’s a bunch of ballots floating around that can then be harvested a lot easier.
If everyone gets a ballot, it’s a lot easier for Team Blue to go pick up all the ballots. This is also why they’re fighting so hard to never allow this to end. They want to at least keep mail-in as a continual thing. Because then they can just keep harvesting them all.
Team Red doesn’t often do this because the ballot harvesting isn’t nearly as effective for them. Most conservatives wouldn’t be willing to handover their ballot to a random person, like a leftist or normie would. Additionally, there’s probably not as many incentives involved. If the right wing offered any incentives, they will be thrown in jail. The leftists don’t face the same repercussions.
Still, the Republicans probably should start doing it where they can. They should be going to gun ranges, men’s groups, gyms, and other organizations that would be friendly to their type of ballots. Otherwise, they are going to keep losing, especially as Team Blue perfects the Art Of The Harvest.
But Team Red probably won’t because they want to “play fair”, whatever that means.
Still, this is one thing that our people will need to get comfortable with—and to understand—if we are to have any chance at saving our local communities. Otherwise we might as will handover the leadership of them directly to the crazy clown world transgender leadership right now.
Additionally, what we really need to be fighting for is real election security. Real election security revolves around forcing someone to actually vote in person, on the day of the election, and by using a paper ballot. If we just had that, there would be practically no issues we couldn’t actually overcome.
Because then voting would at least have a useful place in the management of the states. Voter identification and other stuff are nice additions, but what really should count is this form of in-person only paper voting. That would weed out the unethical ballot harvesting, the lazy and stupid voters, and it would weed out the unscrupulous and easy-to-fraud votes.
It won’t happen in most states. But it could in yours. Fight for it.
Once the American Experiment falls and the new state arises, if we continue to use voting, we have to ensure that we ban ballot harvesting and mail-in votes.
The current United States elections are really rough right now. We have a few good guys working on it, and a lot of good guys sitting on the sidelines doing nothing.
We are getting hit from every angle. But we are doing everything we can to hold out. The ones that overcome will be the ones that hold out. It will not be the ones that allow evil to fully take them over.
We are meant to fight for our people and I will continue to fight for them as long as I can, right here at the local level. No matter how bad it gets.
But the situation is dire. That much we can all agree upon.
Read Next: What Is Nationalism and Is It Viable?
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The rule that’s used in certain countries, like my own, is if it can be demonstrated that a certain percentage of randomly selected ballots are fraudulent, such as in certain polling divisions, than the same percentage of votes in the entire electoral district must be assumed to be fraudulent. This has often resulted in an election being repeated. Of course if the legal system is perverted, than democracy is dead. Equally bad is the replacement of hand-counted paper ballots with electronic voting; which may happen in my own country in the near future. Even foreboding is the fact that the chief electoral officer of my country has discussed preventing “bad people” from running for office.
Which country, if you are willing to share?