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Tulsi Gabbard Leaves The Democratic Party

A new gatekeeper arises.

tulsi gabbard

The newest Shiny Convert: Tulsi Gabbard

Normally I don’t wade into these partisan politics discussions too much, but this one is too good to pass up.

Conservatives just love to get swept up by supposed new converts. This joy seems even more so when they are popular, non-white, pretty women converts.

There is a type of mental justification that occurs with each conversion, that makes the average conservative immediately jump in excitement that they are truly the non-racist, correct ones.

But it doesn’t change the fact that converts are initially dangerous until proven trustworthy. Some more than others.

In the case of Tulsi Gabbard, there is much risk. But she checks a lot of boxes for the right-wingers that desire to remain within the moral framework of leftism. She is a woman, Hindu, and an Islander. That’s a lot of minority checkboxes. And she just left the Democratic Party:

Why I’m leaving the Democratic Party

I love our country. Our God-given rights of freedom, life, and liberty enshrined in our Constitution and Bill of Rights are my inspiration. I answered the call to duty and took an oath, dedicating my life to supporting and defending those freedoms, both in uniform and in public office.


I can no longer remain in today’s Democratic Party that is now under the complete control of an elitist cabal of warmongers driven by cowardly wokeness, who divide us by racializing every issue and stoke anti-white racism, actively work to undermine our God-given freedoms enshrined in our Constitution, are hostile to people of faith and spirituality, demonize the police and protect criminals at the expense of law-abiding Americans, believe in open borders, weaponize the national security state to go after political opponents, and above all, are dragging us ever closer to nuclear war.


Let’s remember the ideals our founders laid out for us. Draw inspiration from their hopes for this country, and take action to actually bring about a government that is truly of, by, and for the people.  

So today, I’m calling on my fellow common sense independent-minded Democrats to join me in leaving the Democratic Party. If you can no longer stomach the direction that so-called woke Democratic Party ideologues are taking our country, I invite you to join me. 

But is she to be trusted? Honestly, she reminds me a lot of Liz Cheney, but with the uniparty color flipped.

Let’s go through just three points of her history to see if we should trust her.

First, she has a horrible track record on guns. For instance, she is highly in favor of banning “assault weapons” (whatever that means).

There are certain beliefs I won’t budge on. One of them is guns, because if a person does not believe in the need for firearms given our current state of degeneration, they are clearly the highest order of insane. While also clearly being subversive.

While I know Gabbard fans will yell “she’s changed!“, that is simply not true. Gabbard says one thing and then does the exact opposite. Review her actual voting record here:

Tulsi Gabbard

supports Gun Control 100% of the time

supports a Robust Safety Net 100% of the time

supports LGBT Rights 100% of the time

supports Taxing the Wealthy 100% of the time

supports Women’s Rights 100% of the time

supports a Humane Immigration Policy 100% of the time

supports Higher Spending 91.9% of the time

supports Racial Equality 91.5% of the time

How quaint and conservative.

Second, she is a Klaus Schwab’s World Economic Forum member. While she “condemned them” recently and was subsequently removed from their website, this all seems like a ploy, especially given point three.

And if that is not enough, she is (was?) also a member of the Council on Foreign Relations, another incredibly corrupt institution that likely wants to kill us all off.

Three, she endorsed Biden in 2020. She was thrilled that he won. While few were truly happy with Trump (myself included), you’d—yet again—have to be of the highest order of insanity to be gleeful about a dementia patient as president. It’s not like Gabbard has been slowly becoming more conservative or dissident. Instead, she’s played the part of the moderate democrat for years.

Which is also part of her track record, considering she voted for #FeelTheBern in 2016.

These positions are the insidious ones that are actually harming us. It doesn’t matter what she says; it is about what she does. And all she has ever done is harm us.

If she changes that over time, I will retract my position. But she has given us literally zero evidence of this, aside from this one article posted today. That is not enough to rescind a decade of beating us with a metal pipe.

It is these types of converts that should be eyebrow-raising for the trained dissident.

My assumption is that the WEF and other international centralizers are trying to get a better handle on this new “America First” and dissident thing that is growing in popularity, so they need to move their assets into more conservative/dissident spheres. Obviously, they start with their more moderate variants to position themselves to do so. Tulsi Gabbard falls exactly in that bucket.

I could easily see a DeSantis/Gabbard ticket where they assassinate DeSantis and then have their WEF, CFR, anti-gun, and pro-open borders “moderate” ascend to the throne through the Red ticket. Wouldn’t be hard. Then the Reds couldn’t even complain. It’d be like Trump with Operation Warpspeed, but even worse.

Would be a fun idea for a dramatic comedy, if nothing else.

Additionally, I’ve said this before, but always look in the eyes. She doesn’t look normal. She looks like one of them. It happens even in the voice—She sounds like a robot that is programmed to speak what her masters say. God warned us about this. The eyes are the light of the soul; don’t negate their telling power.

These soft marshmallow, brand new converts, with such a shady history should not be trusted. Not until they prove their worth. And Gabbard, in particular, has about a decade’s worth of proving to do to make up for the harm she has caused.

But I’m sure the average out of the grey masses with lap this up with joy: they’ve got both a woman and a minority convert. What a treat.

Read Next: Christian Nationalism: Separation Of Church And State


Kaîsar is the sole owner of The Hidden Dominion. He writes on a wide range of topics including politics, governmental frameworks, nationalism, and Christianity.

Hosea 4:6 & Ezek 33:1-11

Articles: 1390

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