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Looking for social media alternatives? Forget FB, Twitter, and Reddit, try these free speech/privacy rights versions instead.
With the recent Infowars banning and likely upcoming attack on Stefan Molyneux, social media is no longer safe. Any type of opinion that goes against the grain can result in an auto-ban.
So, what do we do? To start, continue to keep fighting against these social media conglomerates. They may be private companies, but their massive influence on free speech should make them public.
Now I’ve already discussed how I view social media. It’s incredibly vain and quite honestly, just a waste of everybody’s time. Nobody (should) got time for that.
But hey, not everyone is like me. Some people love the stuff.
So if that person is you, then this post is also for you.
But before we get to that part, let’s discuss Option 1: The Nuclear Option.
Quit all social media.
My buddy TheDaytimeRenegade recently quit social media altogether. His post on it is very interesting, I found it an insightful read. And he makes some solid points. The banning sprees are mostly targeted against conservatives. And yet liberals always complain about corporations abusing their power. This is that exact definition, just against their opponents (so then it’s totally fine).
Luckily, there are some solid alternatives to the mainstream social media versions. And as time goes on, more and more keep popping up. It’s just natural for people to desire an escape from the constant lameness that is mainstream social media.
Here’s a quick list that I will try to update as time goes on with good places to turn when you get sick of the mainstream garbage.
(Feel free to share the infographic!)
Minds is easily my favorite of the alternatives. It’s somewhat of a Facebook/Twitter hybrid-clone. They recently introduced currency, so people can pay to support the site by boosting their own content or by giving it to creators.
It is starting to get a really active base of users. Anyone can find some group to fit into on Minds.
The support team is also amazing, so I have to give them a shout-out as they have helped me numerous times.
Really cool website. If you signup, make sure to give me a subscribe.
OneWay is the catch-all social media alternative. You can be public or anonymous. You can use it as a Facebook or a media aggregator.
You can even utilize affiliate connections, crowdfund, and build an online business on it.
So if you’re looking to only have one social media (that is not a mainstream version) I’d probably recommend OneWay to start.
Just read the slogan: “The free speech and human friendly alternative to Google, Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, Reddit, Imgur, and Patreon.”
And honestly, they actually do have everything that they say they do. Compiled into one.
It’s relatively new (started in Jan), so I’m interested in seeing how it grows.
Gab is the main Twitter alternative. Its entire platform is built around free speech.
Check out my article on it here: Gab: The Free Speech Alternative.
Voat is the Reddit alternative. It’s a pretty interesting website. But be forewarned it can be quite, eh, “violent”, at times.
Naturally, since it is free speech oriented, it’s dependent on how people act. So if more normal people show up, it’ll get better. Regardless, it’s still a relatively anonymous board to discuss sensitive topics and utilize your right to free speech. I fully recommend it for someone looking for something less “indoctrinatey” than Reddit.
See my post on it here: Voat – The Privacy Rights Alternative
Know any others? Please share them in the comments!
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This is a great roundup my friend. I have not really explored OneWay or Voat much, but they seem interesting. I think I do actually have a Minds account I set up at the recommendation of a friend, but I’ve never used it. Maybe someday I’ll check it out again. For now, I’m enjoying the freedom that comes from not bothering with social media.
I think about promotions and announcements for books and so on, but the thought of getting back on Twitter and whatnot fills me with more anxiety than I care to admit.
Social media will do that to you. Enjoy your hiatus, whether temporary or permanent.
You sure do realize how much actual free time you have, after cutting it out though. That’s no question
Social Media List has compiled 200 social networks used worldwide. You can find it here:
[Admin edit: link removed]