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Trump’s Future War With Iran

War is coming. Do with this information as you will.

Trump versus Iran: Trumps' Future War With Iran header

The elite’s game plan is pretty obvious at this point. Especially given the recent Trump appointments, the recent rejection of various regional cease-fires by Israel, and the recent news about the high probability of West Bank annexation.

They’re showing their hand. Which means the time is at hand.

Going through each of these three events:

  1. Virtually all the Trump appointments are warhawks or neocons. There are very few exceptions, maybe including only RFK Jr, or maybe a couple of others. But everywhere it matters, the picks are Zionist, anti-Iranians, or neocons. This is not a good sign. It also shows that Trump is very clearly one of the deep staters now. You cannot tell me this is ignorance. You don’t pick the wrong people twice, especially after a Jan 6. This is willful malevolence at best.
  2. The second big clue is the rejection of various cease-fire deals recently by Israel. If Trump truly wanted peace, and these Israelis knew this, they would make good on their end of the deal—Especially in Gaza. Instead, I think they know something that we in the general American public do not. The fact that Hezbollah and Lebanon both agreed to a cease-fire with the UN is extraordinary. But I doubt that this is a permanent ceasefire. It seems that this is a temporary ceasefire with Lebanon as the Israelis prepare for an Iranian retaliation, and so they can annex the West Bank. Once these happen, the ceasefire will fail, probably exactly as the Israelis want. The Israelis would broker other peace deals if they truly thought Trump wanted peace. The Zionists know that the continuation of this war and especially the West Bank annexation depends entirely on US support.
  3. The third big clue is the major escalation of a West Bank annexation. Seymour Hersh has reported this (linked below). If these Israelis do this, they know full well of their ramifications within the entire region; As does the US. They would never do this without covert American support. Support that sure seems like it’s coming soon, especially once Trump is sworn in.

Read Hersh’s report here or a snippet below: 

Israel to annex West Bank – Seymour Hersh

The move will be aimed at preventing a two-state solution, according to the US investigative journalist

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s government intends to announce the formal annexation of the West Bank in the coming weeks, a source has told the Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist Seymour Hersh.

According to Hersh, Israel has been “fortified by bombs and funding” from Washington and is ramping up the expulsion of Palestinians from northern Gaza to the south of the enclave. Meanwhile, the religious parties that “dominate” Netanyahu’s cabinet are demanding full control over both occupied Palestinian territories.

“I was told this week by a well-informed Washington official that the Israeli leadership will formally annex the West Bank in the very near future – perhaps in two weeks – in the hope that the decisive step will end, once and for all, any talk of a two-state solution and will convince some in the skeptical Arab world to reconsider financing the planned reconstruction of Gaza,” Hersh wrote in an article on his Substack on Wednesday.

I’m not sure I agree with Hersh’s timeline of only a couple of weeks, but everything else seems highly likely. We know this is Israel’s end goal. It is inevitable. But I would guess they would wait for Trump, or at least wait to be closer to his inauguration.

Regardless of the specific timeline, all three of these developments put together result in a very high probability that the joint US/Israel entity does not want peace in the Middle East.

Instead, they want war with Iran.

That is likely why Trump was allowed to win this election, compared to 2020. Given his massive election win, it is clear the elites didn’t even try to fraud this one. That is highly concerning. But it does explain a lot about why it happened and where we are heading.

Of course, they will need a catalyst to get a war going. But I have already discussed that here: Cataclysm X.

I don’t know why, but whenever they need to start a major war, they always seem to let Team Red win. Probably because then a bunch of naïve white men will sign up to go die for them. Harder to encourage such devotion under a Team Blue presidency.

Frankly, I would be truly completely dumbfounded if we are not at war with Iran within the next four years. I think this is a near guarantee.

This necessarily implies an indirect war with Russia, as well, at a minimum. Potentially even a direct war with them. Because Russia has stated that they will not allow Iran to become another American proxy against them.

Couple this news with the current escalation in the Ukraine war, and everything pieces together: Our rulers really are heading us into a world war for hegemony.

Do with this information as you will. But I encourage you to get ready. Dig into those community ties, get tangible consumption assets, and have plans in place for what you’ll do given any likely scenarios for your area.

That is all we can do. Because at this point, I am fully confident that the Middle East is about to explode. Potentially, the world.

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Kaîsar is the sole owner of The Hidden Dominion. He writes on a wide range of topics including politics, governmental frameworks, nationalism, and Christianity.

Hosea 4:6 & Ezek 33:1-11

Articles: 1390

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