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Another day, another Trump disappointment. We may as well make this a running series at this point.
I’ve written my post-election thoughts on Trump previously. I’ve tried to avoid writing on him any further since then. Not because I’m trying to avoid it, but because his time has passed, and he is becoming more of a failure each subsequent time he speaks.
But I have to make an exception for his most recent interview, which was completely asinine and needs to be called out.
Here is Trump gushing over the vax that doesn’t work and loudly proclaiming “I’m boosted!!” alongside none other than neocon Bill O’Reilly:
Trump tells supporters ‘you’re playing right into their hands’ by doubting the COVID-19 vaccine
Former President Donald Trump urged his supporters on Sunday to get a booster shot of one of the COVID-19 vaccines to protect themselves against the Omicron variant, telling them they were “playing right into their hands” by doubting the vaccines.
“Look, we did something that was historic,” he said. “We saved tens of millions of lives worldwide. We, together, all of us, not me.”
He added that without the vaccine, millions more people would have died from the virus.
“I think this would have been the Spanish flu of 1917, where up to 100 million people died,” he said. “This was going to ravage the country far beyond what it is right now.”
“You’re playing right into their hands when you’re sort of, like, ‘Oh, the vaccine,'” he said, referring to those of his supporters who have expressed hesitancy about or opposition to the vaccine.
The former president went on to declare that he had gotten a booster shot himself, which elicited booing and jeering from the audience.
“Don’t. Don’t. Don’t,” Trump said of those booing. “That’s all right. It’s a very tiny group up there.”
This man is making more of a fool of himself as each day goes by. Pretty soon, he’ll be universally hated on both the left and the Right if he keeps it up. The idea that these expedited Big Pharma shots “saved millions” is hysterical.
This is him claiming credit for fast-passing and ignoring the normal scientific research and review schedule to produce a worthless vax. Simultaneously, he admits to granting special immunity deals to Big Pharma in order to shield their liability. They have no liability because Trump took it all. Resulting in us putting lives at risk by ignoring the usual scientific process and leading to the absolute catastrophe that we are dealing with today.
The vax didn’t even help us return to normal like was promised, even though all of us on the dissident side knew it never would. Supposedly, a large majority are vaxxed, signaling herd immunity. Does Biden seem to be preaching normality to you? No, he’s targeting every unvaxxed person. Trump’s actions only added to the insanity by further driving fear and a need for government and Big Pharma to “save us”.
The entire covid debacle is easily the major issue of our time. It has completely engulfed the world into insanity and fear. Meanwhile, Trump is happily chirping a narrative to further it. All the while not taking credit for any of his massive failures that lead us here, such as not fighting against censorship, not strengthening election security, not shutting down the economy, not pushing inflationary bills, and not spreading fear that justified everything we’re still dealing with today.
Then we have the usual suspects like Lin Wood—that have been wrong about everything—continuing to defend the guy:
by Lin Wood – 20 Dec 2021
Many commenters are upset that Trump has not forcefully denounced Fauci and the vaccines.
I think the reason is self-evident.
The propaganda media have always been the real threat and enemy to the President and the American people.
If Trump declared the vaccines to be unsafe, we would still be under a complete government shutdown.
By making a war time decision, he forced the enemy to play their cards earlier than they wanted, and in the process, the hypocrisy and lies of big pharma have been exposed.
Trump made everyone aware of the therapeutics that work to treat Covid-19 starting back in March 2020.
Did you listen? Is their any lack of information out there for you to make an informed decision now that we’ve identified the propagandists?
Everyone with a brain knows that Ivermectin and HCQ work to treat COVID-19 and that the experimental vaccines are unnecessary.
You have been awakened and see the propaganda machine for what it is.
We the People are sovereign. We the People believe in choice and personal responsibility. Let’s act like it.
Trump does not, and should not, supply your thinking on what I or you put into our bodies.
Trump made the only decision he could make. A costly one, yes. But the only decision, nonetheless.
Trump is a genius.
I get not wanting to accept they duped you. It’s not a pleasant feeling to accept. But at this point, the level of cognitive dissonance to forgive and ignore Trump’s action is identical to leftist cognitive dissonance. It’s incredibly similar to how the leftists are in full-on cult mode regarding the vax, lockdowns, masks, and the like. They will viciously target any dissident. But when their leaders get caught partying unmasked during their own lockdowns, they ignore and justify it. It’s completely missing the hypocrisy. The exact same thing is happening here.
Trump is especially idiotic with this stance because he already had and beat covid naturally. There was virtually no reason or excuse for him to take it aside from virtue signalling his Big Pharma compliance. Even if you agree that older people should use a risk-reward or cost-benefit analysis when determining to take the vax or not, it didn’t make any sense for Trump considering he had covid and beat it without issue. He already has natural immunity. The only reason is compliance.
Whether or not he is pushing for mandates is irrelevant. He is furthering the demand for compliance while keeping the circus wheel spinning at full speed. There is no cost benefit analysis that makes sense to take the shot if you already have natural immunity. That goes doubly so for his “I’m boosted!!” comment.
We have to accept his failure and move on. Many of us—myself include—voted for him and were subsequently disappointed in his presidential actions. It is what it is. Learn and grow. Don’t hide behind some false logical reasoning or “secret 5D chess” dream to protect your feelings on the matter.
He started failing miserably in the last year in office. We didn’t ask for much, but he didn’t even fulfill the small list of tasks we asked of him. Trump was never going to be the savior. He couldn’t even fill the smaller role we asked of him first.
We need warriors, numerous men of action. While Trump painted himself as such, he is not nor will he ever be one. He was raised a millionaire that has likely never even been in a single real fight, so to have expected him to become a warrior like Caesar overnight is foolish. He is a man of words, cunning words, but words nonetheless.
I am still appreciative of the dialogue that Trump opened up regarding immigration and demographic replacement. That has drawn a lot of the softer cons to our side. But it came at a fairly large cost to the overall movement.
Regardless, we can’t keep letting past mistakes erode our future thinking. Trump is a sunk cost. It’s time to move on. If it wasn’t for him, we likely wouldn’t be in half of the mess we are now. A real leader could have stalled the cycle of collapse for much longer, buying us time. He couldn’t. As soon as he left, it resumed where it left off.
Thus, he failed. And he continues to do so as this interview clearly demonstrates. To expect future beneficial action from him is not learning from the mistakes of the past.
He is not the leader we need. Nor will he ever be. These latest comments just further solidify this fact, and will hopefully serve to wake up others to that reality.
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