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A simple article sharing a useful resource for analyzing worldwide vaccine compliance rates
Sharing a vaccination compliance website today.
It is my preferred one because of the wealth of information it provides and the ease-of-use. Data seems fairly accurate, given an initial assumption that the underlying source of the data is likely not the full truth. Still, it’ll at least show relatively accurate trends, especially over time.
Find it here: Our World In Data
It’s useful to get a “worldwide” perspective of vaccination rates. Remember that certain regions aren’t using Western vaccines – Russia has their own; as does China.
If you want to see some hilarity, make sure to manually add in Gibraltar to these charts and maps. They have a 117% fully vaccinated rate as of today the 22nd, which is a blast. They are also having a massive covid crisis at the moment. Which is certainly solely coincidental.
Some examples of data provided:
Useful information to have and comprehend as we go forward. I also like to use worldometer to compare the vaccination rates with the active cases and deaths, either weekly or daily.
Read Next:
Down The Memory Hole: “You’re not going to get covid if you have these vaccinations”
The “Experts” Strike Again: Lies From Scientists And Doctors
Absolute Covid Authoritarianism Is Here: Biden’s Vaccine Mandate
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A comment about Japan’s rate, the constantly changing numbers is what made me go from “I don’t trust the media at all” to “I will never even consider to trust the media ever again”.
Over the past 2 months, they keep flip flopping from 10% to 30 to 50 to 80 to 40 to 75 to 33 (!!) to 51 now to 68.
Actually, I’m glad that the idiots (I mean all countries) just choose to extinguish themselves, their compliance is what enabled the totalitarianism throughout the world in the first place.
So once they’re all dead, it’ll be very easy to fight back into libertarianism, since anarchists are the only ones who are absolutely refusing the jab (and know how to bypass pretty much all mandates and restrictions).
“But isn’t it a better idea to save them?”
What’s the point?
They don’t want to be saved, each time you try to they’ll call you crazy and all that.
And even if they somehow don’t die, it’ll be impossible for them to function in an anarchist world.
So as dark as it all seems to be now, I know that in the end we the people will win.
Probably by spring next year, assuming that they have no one left to jab from next week onward.
Isn’t that the truth. Half of my own family is in that camp. They can’t be saved. Nothing we tell them or show them will save them at this point. Their compliance is what is leading most of the world to lose their job and be unable to buy groceries without a VaxPass. They are just as complicit at this point.
And agreed on the media. I don’t trust the historical reporting, I don’t trust what’s reported as happening now, and I will never trust them in the future. Even if we fully win and fully fix the media problem, I still won’t even consider trusting them at all. Far too risky.
I researched, and looked at the case numbers and government policies of many different countries worldwide including my own (of course) since I first heard about it back in February 2020, and the more data came in, the more I researched, and the more I researched, the less sense everything started to make, to the point that I started to question this whole virus narrative at the end of April 2020.
And then Burn Loot Murder riots started in America at the end of May 2020, every policy broken and yet the case numbers were still on their way down, so it confirmed that there is no virus.
I already woke up from the ISIS propaganda back in 2014, so it didn’t really take much for me to wake up from the corona propaganda as well.
But I managed to wake up my closest family (mother, siblings I grew up with, and wife), which was quite a process since it was their first time waking up, but at least they are remain unjabbed today, they never took a PCR test, they know what’s going on, wife does wear a mask just to not make people around her feel uncomfortable, but nobody else does.
And I too remain unjabbed, untested, and unmasked.
However, my other family members are pretty much doomed.
Good job with the close family, that is more than most can say.
Same. And I intend to keep it that way.