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An interesting phenomenon has been occurring as of late: A group of people are "awakening" to their surroundings. The Spirit of Truth is here.
There is a weird phenomenon that has been going on now for at least a few years. Maybe it has been going on for long before and I’m only picking up on it as of late. I’m not entirely sure.
The phenomenon is that there are certain people that just “get it”. They can see what is happening, why it is happening, and what inevitably comes next. Then there are the rest that can’t.
They see the overall, bigger picture of it all.
It’s almost like a “spirit of truth” is within them. Something guiding them.
This isn’t intelligence based. There are people clearly not very clever that have it and there are geniuses that don’t have a shred of it.
It also isn’t religious based. There are people from all religious backgrounds that seem to share it: Christian, Muslim, Mormon, Atheist, Pagan, Agnostic. I can’t even really get a trend on it with these groups.
Neither is it sex based or ethnic based. There are both men and women with it. There are no discernible racial characteristics. I’ve seen blacks with it, Asians with it, Paki’s with it, and plenty of whites with it.
It’s not politically based, either. It is something that select leftists, libertarians, conservatives, and dissidents all share. Some at a higher propensity than others, but that may be my own sample bias.
There is just—almost at complete random—a group of persons that have this spirit of truth. That can just “see” what is happening, with or without data to back it up. Like they can see the Good vs. Evil at play.
Meanwhile, everyone else is blind to it.
Good and evil are at war, constantly. It’s almost as if Good is asking for some new recruits for whatever is coming. In the meantime, evil is getting more violent. What with the whole cult-like behavior, child sacrificing, dictatorial control, and such.
It’s kind of hilarious, but it is akin to that “They Live” movie, where the protagonist puts on the sunglasses and then sees things for how they really are, while everyone else is just stumbling along. But instead of sunglasses, our spirit-holders just have that: A spirit of truth.
I noticed this very starkly the other day when doing some back-to-back conversations both with a conservative relative and a fellow dissident. The other dissident I talk to on a regular basis shares this “spirit”, and I can be open about any dialogue with them. In contrast, the conservative relative was a mostly civic nationalist, didn’t-vote-for-Trump-the-first-time-cause-racism individual. There’s no spirit of the kind I am describing with him. He was being self-guided to be terrified of China and communism instead of realizing that bigger picture; the bigger enemies in action. Instead of having that truthful realization of the surrounding climate and being spiritually guided.
I don’t know what it is that gets people to have this, but it’s incredibly interesting. The people with this spirit are awakening even with no easily connected backgrounds. Meanwhile, evil is getting more brazen and the grey masses are getting even greyer.
We’re in for an interesting future, with whatever is coming.
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This is something I’ve clearly noticed as well. Some people can see the mouth of Hell opening up to swallow us whole, and other people seem to have no idea what is about to happen. I too feel that the bifurcating line is between good and evil.
The people on the evil side only seem to be able to see things at the most cursory of levels. Things are exactly as they appear to them, they can’t see underlying causes, nor predict how badly this will end. Not only that, they seem to be willing participants in their own enslavement, and seem to be fine with this, as if it’s the way it should be.
The people on the good side are deeply unsettled by recent events, they seem to understand the deeper motivations of the individuals orchestrating these events, and using historical precedents as a guide, understand that very dark things have been set in motion and that the hard times have only just begun.
Couldn’t have said it better myself. Great observation. It is frightening how little those people can see. It’s like something is psychologically stopping them from recognizing the reality of the situation. Either through ignorance, downplaying, or purposefully obfuscating everything that is happening.