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Private Company

“They’re A Private Company, They Can Do What They Want”

That darn government. They're always impeding a friendly solo curb-stomping by the private billionaires and international conglomerates.

Getting Curb-Stomped By A Private Company

That darn government. They’re always getting in the way of a friendly solo curb-stomping by the private billionaires and international conglomerates.

The Babylon Bee may have just struck a fatal blow to the libertarian’s ego:

There are other societal institutions that are threats besides the government. The fact that many of our libertarian friends still cannot see this, even though Big Pharma and Big Medicine are currently decimating them, is getting ever-more frustrating.

The libertarian-types are far too focused on one component of the equation: the politburo. They are a threat, certainly, but they are far from the only one. This tunnel-vision blinds them to other threats.

I have some good articles on this topic:

The lack of realization of the threats from something other than the big bad Gov is getting meme-worthy, clearly.

But I, for one, look forward to the new memes. It means that more people are finally starting to get it. They’re waking up to the other threats and adjusting their thoughts accordingly.

This topic is even a big part of my upcoming book about Enclavism.

I hope this trend continues. It’ll be a big help for us once people realize all of their enemies, instead of just focusing on the one that enjoys the center-stage.

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Branch Covidians Move The Goalpost Again: “It Wasn’t Meant To Stop Transmission”

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Kaîsar is the sole owner of The Hidden Dominion. He writes on a wide range of topics including politics, governmental frameworks, nationalism, and Christianity.

Hosea 4:6 & Ezek 33:1-11

Articles: 1390


  1. There’s a reason why I run a business without a company registration (so I’m running one in the shadows).
    A “private company” certainly can’t do whatever they want, they’re still bound to business-specific laws which on one hand provide protection to a certain degree, but on the other hand makes you extra volunerable.

    Especially here in Japan where every innovation is treated like a thread to the government, and therefore must be punished.
    This guy ranted about it in quite a bit of length, but he explains this situation better than I can possibly write down: https://peertube.anon-kenkai.com/w/7YLp5zpJ3wAn1uwyimmqfE

    Also, I think “libertarian” is a bit misused in this article.
    It’s actually the people on the libertarian side (not to be confused with the authoritarian “LGBTQ+ANTIFABLMWHATEVER” left shreeking about “racism” whenever somebody says “I eat chocolate”, and also not to be confused with the authoritarian “MAGAQANONTRUMP” right shreeking about “pedophilia” whenever a drawing of a fictional character pops up on social media) who are doing the most research work when it comes to this whole covaids scam.
    Meanwhile the authoritarian left goes full blown “you must be vaccinated or I will get sick”, while the authoritarian right (still) goes either “Qanon will save us all”, or “it’s the Juice”, or “check out this new free speech alt tech platform (that will be caught in 4k censoring and banning a lot a few weeks later), everyone must join this shit”.

    • It sounds like Japan is suffering from a similar crossbreed of individualism and collectivism that the West is dealing with. The government is the collective focus, but the individual elites still skirt by under the normal individualistic tendency of ignorance due to their money and power.

      I don’t mind your branch of libertarianism, especially with the privacy focus, but sadly the libertarians here in the States are a lost cause. I’ve heard that the libertarian types in the East are different, but have little knowledge of that. But from your latter paragraph, that is likely the case, because our libertarians are exactly what you just spoke against: They are the “LGBTQ+ANTIFABLM” folk. The libertarian party fully endorsed BLM on numerous occasions, they love LGBTIAMAP+, they support open borders, hate nationalism, are more worried about racism than ethnic replacement, etc. They are leftists in all but name, just not the authoritarian variety. Really the only good stance they have is on the Biden covid mandates, which they disagree with. However, they are against them for the wrong reasons—Because they fully support private businesses forcing vax jabs on everyone, just not government doing it. That’s why the meme fits them perfectly. Only old school libertarians like Ron Paul are against both the gov and business mandates (and honestly, that’s only because he’s gotten more nationalistic/conservative as he’s aged and distanced from nearly all of the current libertarian philosophies, even though he still calls himself a libertarian).

      But agreed on the authoritarian left and right points. Especially the last one, the new “truth social” by Trump will be very anti-truth in action, I guarantee.

      • I guess there just are no universally agreed upon categories of political stances, but rather depends on what type of people “identify” themselves as such a group in a certain geography.
        Same with “conservatism”, in Asia it means “don’t stand out from the norm, blend in with the crowd as much as possible”, while in North America it seems like it means more like “love Jesus above all else, be so religious that you get super sensitive towards just drawings”.

        I have no issues with religion, it’s getting an issue if the whole world has to adjust to a person rather than the other way around because religion.
        After all, this is why “scientism” is considered a religion too, which you even wrote an article about earlier on.

        I’ve been getting into spirutuality more and more recently, which I think I like more than religion, since the goal of spirutuality isn’t to spread your believes to as many people as possible, it’s to recognize that your mind is your biggest enemy, that’s it’s you that need to change from within in order to change the world around you, and so on.
        If that sounds interesting, I can recommend you look at Sat Yoga and Ralph Smart on YouTube.

        • Too true regarding the regional stance, it’s silly but it’s definitely a thing.

          I have been getting far more religious/spiritual recently, as well. I am a religious person for the most part, but fully enjoy spirituality and all things related to understanding Divinity. So thanks for the recommendations—I will definitely check them out.

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