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The industrial revolution is out here making the birds gay.
In fact, they have been turning them gay for over a decade now:
Mercury poisoning makes male birds homosexual
Low levels of mercury in the diet of male white ibises cause the birds to mate with each other rather than with females. As a result many of the females can’t breed, and fewer chicks are produced.
It’s the first time a pollutant has been found to change an animal’s sexual preference. Many chemicals can “feminise” males or reduce fertility, but males affected in these ways still prefer females.
Mercury is extremely toxic, particularly in the form of methylmercury, which reduces breeding in wild birds by disrupting their parenting behaviours. To find out if it also affected mating, Peter Frederick of the University of Florida in Gainesville and Nilmini Jayasena of the University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka, captured 160 young white ibises from south Florida. They gave them food laced with methylmercury and monitored them closely.
The birds were split into four groups. One group ate food with 0.3 parts per million methylmercury, which most US states would regard as too high for human consumption. A second group got 0.1 ppm, and the third 0.05 ppm, a low dose that wild birds would be exposed to frequently. The fourth group received none.
All three dosed groups had significantly more homosexual males than the control group. Male-male pairs courted, built nests together and paired off for several weeks. Higher doses increased the effect, with 55 per cent of males in the 0.3 ppm group affected. Male-male matings were responsible for 81 per cent of unproductive nests in the dosed groups.
Meanwhile the heterosexual pairs courted less and were bad at parenting – patterns of behaviour that were both already known to be caused by methylmercury poisoning. The combined effects of male-male pairing and poor performance by male-female pairs could be severe. “In the worst-case scenario, the production of young would fall by 50 per cent,” says Frederick.
The article referenced then immediately states that there is no way this could happen in humans. Nope, only birds. Human homosexuals are clearly just born that way. Even though this chart is a real thing:
Mercury is present in many things that the average consumer consumes. Public drinking water, and the products requiring public drinking water, are two big ones.
Additionally, make sure to note that mercury is just one of the many heavy metals contaminating the public drinking water. There are also things like lead, arsenic, and fluoride (the latter added by the experts for your “health”, of course).
Maybe Gen Z is notoriously gay because they’ve been pumped full of contaminants in the water their entire lives (mercury, arsenic, fluoride, lead, etc). I’m sure it’s not helping, at least.
And to reiterate—This study is just mercury. We generally ingest less mercury than the figures in this research, but imagine if you combine these heavy metals with soy, seed oils, sedentary lifestyle, pesticides, microplastics, and the like. If you did, I bet 20.8% or so of the humans birds would be gay.
“Born this way” should be edited to “poisoned this way” or “groomed this way”. Both work, depending on the route of conversion.
Don’t shoot the messenger. This is just scientific consensus, after all.
Read Next: Scientific Consensus
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Alex Jones will sure love this.
The reason why the younger you are the more likely it is to cut your dick off is really a societal problem.
People on the left keep “kindly asking” for acceptance or else, it even got so far to have the entire month of June dedicated to celebrating the umbrella of mental illnesses.
People on the right just cuck out, and keep standing in the way whenever people try to put an end to it before it escalates because “you’ll be just as bad as them”, and then they complain that nobody’s willing to do anything about it.
And yes, I don’t align with any of the 2 sides nowadays.
I used to think that both have a good point at some things, nowadays I rather think that both are retarded in their own ways.
Dead on. Especially with the recognition that both are retarded in their own ways. Too accurate.