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Don't throw away your life fighting for a political solution that is unattainable. Fight where the true victory lies.
It is wild to think about how radically different everything is now from only 10 years ago.
The world has changed. This country has changed. Almost everything has.
The further you look back, the more different it gets. We’re on a spiral to only God knows where.
Even 10 years ago, it was already too late for a political solution. But now, I don’t know how anyone can even hint that it is not too late.
If we are compared to the late-stage Roman Empire, then we are at the point where the emperor has already fallen, the military is weak, and the barbarians are already within the gates.
It’s just too late. A political solution can’t work anymore.
In those final few months of Rome, they could not have changed a few laws here, elected someone new over there, and seen any tangible difference. The outcome would’ve been exactly the same. It was too late for them.
That is where we are right now. It is too late for us. There are too many weak men and institutional powerhouses at play against us to overcome this. And there’s not enough time to make those weak men strong or to conquer those institutions before the crash.
I remember when I first started my political activism and writings. I had a lot of hope back then that things could be changed. Hilariously, I look back on that now and realize it was all a folly. It was too late then even as it is now.
I did not understand it at the time, but the physical reality we see follows the spiritual reality that is happening inside of us. So by the time the degeneracies were walking around everywhere, the spiritual battle had already been lost for decades.
By the time there are warning indicators appearing in the physical reality—The spiritual is already far too infested.
Our people’s culture, heritage, beliefs, and customs had all been so thoroughly corrupted that these physical realities we are now facing became inevitable.
For example, you cannot expect to have an individualist, materialist society and not have corrupt financial elites. It’s literally impossible. A society of that type will naturally pre-select the most wicked and corrupt people to gain as much wealth as possible who then use it against the average person. But it starts spiritual—the materialist/individualist mindset—before the actual physical financial elites become reality.
The same thing can be said with stuff like the transgenders. If you erase a traditional moral foundation like Christianity from providing definitive answers to moral questions (such as the difference between man and woman, or the laws surrounding both), then you will inevitably get trannies and the whole LGBT circus. But the trannies don’t come first. They come way, way later.
For example, in that particular case, the first thing to go is Christ’s law. Then some weird sexual behavior pops up. Then rampant sodomy. And then transgenders. By the time you get to the trannies, it’s already so far late in the process that even political solutions like outlawing cross-dressing would do nothing to fix the root spiritual issue that caused this in the first place (the desecrated traditional moral foundation). The wickedness is already rooted everywhere. It requires a complete upheaval of cultural beliefs and attitudes to fix. The best you could do is hold off the worst cases for a few more years.
I’ve said this before, but I think it’s a good visual. In medicine, you often don’t know you have a terminal disease until symptoms show. But the symptoms result from what was happening before. They are not the cause. You don’t treat the symptom of lethargy by itself; you want to treat the cancer that is causing it.
This works the same regarding nations. The things plaguing us had already been firmly set in decades before by the underlying disease. This true disease was the Enlightenment lie and everything that came with it: Secularism (“freedom of religion”) Individualism, losing true Biblical Christianity, Materialism, worshipping economics, and on and on.
Our men became weak, our women became profligate, our culture was debased, we started to seek after competition against one another over community, we abandoned God, we ignored morality, and similar vices.
This internal spiritual degeneration then leads to our immigration crisis, or leadership crises, our weak men, our pathetic military, and the whole host of problems that we are now facing.
But those problems are the symptoms of the root disease, which was always that spiritual degeneration. By the time we could see the actual symptoms, it was too late. It had already become a terminal illness.
We could try to hold off our death date, but that’s the best we could do. And I don’t know who would want this walking corpse to stay alive at this point.
This is where the problem comes in with people seeking a political solution. A political solution is a Band-Aid. It is a physical solution to a spiritual problem. I.e.: It’s dumb.
(I expand on this particular topic even more in this article: Starting From The Spirit)
We cannot fix our problems now with a law change, or an election, or even a host of political changes. The only thing that will fix it is a spiritual change. Our people need to go back to the traditional mind. But that requires struggle and suffering. It requires a loss of our abundance and ease of living. In practice, it requires a collapse.
You don’t have to take my word on it. Look up all the historical examples. No empire has survived once it had lost its spiritual underpinnings. They may face different physical collapses on the way out, but that root degeneration is always there. It is always taking precedence.
But even if you don’t buy into the history side of things, just look around our land right now. A political solution is wholly impractical given our current condition, even without consulting historical knowledge.
Any instance of even the slightest political solutions being implemented is quickly crushed by our rulers. Charlottesville, January 6th, and the whole host of other examples are everywhere. If any of us even got slightly close to a true political solution, we’d all end up dead or in prison. They’ve proven that to be the case. That is the entire purpose of the show-trials of Jan 6. To make it known that we have no true means of change by traditional methods.
A political solution is not possible. Those that hope for it are the starry-eyed optimists that I once was many, many years ago. I hate to crush that optimism, but we are at a point where we must confront reality.
And that reality is accepting that all we can do is fix ourselves. Fix that root spiritual degeneration that we have been hit with. Then save our own family; save our own friends. Continuing outward from there.
And most importantly, prepare. Because the collapse is coming.
But therein lies our genuine hope. That is where we can win.
As I said in “Western Civilization: Preserved Through The Fire“:
When it gets tough, and those struggles arrive, are people will once again need strong men. it is our job to become those now. So we are ready for when those days arrive.
For those of you still seeking after a political solution, I urge you to reconsider. Seek not after the physical, but the spiritual.
Seek after those spiritual solutions, starting within yourself.
Don’t get yourself thrown in jail or toss away your life for a political solution that is already doomed.
We need you, but we need you in the spiritual and edification fight, not in a hopeless meat grinder for the elite’s twisted enjoyment. Don’t get sucked into activist propaganda thinking you’re fighting for some fabled political solution that has no chance of succeeding.
Fight for the soul of our people and our land. Because that’s the battleground where the true victory lies in wait for us.
Read Next: The Great American Remnant
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I keep suggesting building parallel institutions, but almost no-one seems interested in doing the actual work. We need our own churches, charities, schools, shops, financial institutions, payment processors, internet services, insurers, trade unions, professional associations, etc. In certain Western countries, like my own, this can be done through credit unions, co-operatives, fraternal societies, and partnerships. The most important requirement is a thorough vetting of everyone involved in these institutions, since so many times we have lost institutions to infiltration.
Agreed whole-heartedly with this one. We have far too many dissident complainers and far too few actual dissident activists.