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Conspiracy theory... or verified fact?
Reddit is a cesspool of trash.
But every once in a while, a small nugget of truth shines through the ever-growing mounds of refuse.
Such as this gem:
It amazes me that more people don’t innately consider “conspiracies” as more probable than the mainstream narrative. With even just a little historical reading, those same people would quickly come to realize that half of the conspiracies are not even considered as such anymore, but openly admitted facts that have been declassified.
There are so many examples, it’s hard to narrow them down. But here are some of my favorite old-school “You’re right. We did it.” revelations:
For once, Reddit is right. One of the weirdest things about American culture is how openly our elites rub it in our faces the power they have over us. Even the monarchs of old usually demonstrated more restraint.
But then again, under the monarchs of old, they also had strong men willing to fight those monarchs if they stepped out of line. Something we’re sorely lacking today.
It is definitely strange how openly our elites hate us. More reason to support a removal of this system in favor of one that produces better elites.
Happy Meme Monday. Have a conspiratorial week.
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The wierd thing is that nowadays they don’t even operate covertly. When the WEF openly proclaims how it’s going to restructure our society, it’s not a conspiracy but decrees from our true rulers.
Very true. They have no fear anymore.