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A rebuke of soft Christianity.
Many Christians have mistaken “meek” for “weak”. CultureWatch does a good job exposing this form of Soft Christianity:
We must return to a muscular and aggressive faith:
There have always been believers who have thought that if we are just really nice and smile a lot and never seek to make waves or ruffle feathers, then we will have a real impact on the surrounding culture. Just be gentle and kind and never get involved in controversial issues and we will win the world over for Christ.
Um, no. This soft, anaemic and spineless sort of Christianity which is all the rage today just does not cut it – it never has. Only those on-fire believers with Holy Ghost boldness who fearlessly proclaim truth even when people hate them for it have made a lasting difference for Christ and the Kingdom. The prophets, John the Baptist, Jesus and the disciples all are examples of this.
All of them were hated and most of them were killed. So much for just trying to be nice, winsome, and all lovey-dovey. Sure, we ARE to love others, including our enemies, but that does not mean watering down the truth, avoiding crucial battles, and refusing to be confrontational. The biblical Christian, like the prophets of old, must be willing to challenge, to rebuke, to confront, and to agitate.
The days of just trying to be nice and accommodating and compromising in order to get along with the world in the vain hope of reaching the world is long over. Indeed, it never was acceptable. Soft Christianity must come to an end. Only an aggressive, masculine Christianity, as Catherine Booth wrote about, will suffice.
As she wrote, “If we are to better the future we must disturb the present.” And three brief quotes from A. W. Tozer are worth finishing off with:
“Modern Christians are too tolerant, too nice, too anxious to be popular and too quick to make excuses for sin in its many forms. God’s people should be willing to stand for God.”
“It is true that the church has suffered from pugnacious men, but she has suffered more from timid preachers who would rather be nice than right. The latter have done more harm if for no other reason than that there are so many more of them. I do not think, however, that we must make our choice between the two. It is altogether possible to have true love and courage at the same time.”
“Yes, if evangelical Christianity is to stay alive she must have men again, the right kind of men. She must repudiate the weaklings who dare not speak out, and she must seek in prayer and much humility the coming again of men of the stuff prophets and martyrs are made of.”
A great article. Give it a full read. More Christians need to understand this.
I’ve written on similar topics. One article in particular being a refutation of the “meekness” argument—You can’t be meek unless you’re strong: To Be A Gentleman, You Must First Be A Man.
There was no time period that this form of moral weakness was more apparent than during covid. Many Christians just… shut down. We can learn a lot from that event.
The Christians that dive into the Word understand the problem with soft Christianity and its anti-Biblical position. It is the formalists that often do not. It’s glaringly obvious for anyone that actually reads the text.
We may be born too late to sail the oceans, and too early to explore space, but we are born at just the right time to restore Christendom in the West. We’ll need the latter to get to space properly, anyway. Otherwise, all of space will just be transformed into another pride-flag waving shopping mall. We’ll have to upgrade clown world to clown universe. Let’s not let that happen.
But it’s going to take a much stronger form of Christianity to do so. We need a revival to the true Christian faith. A complete rebuke of whatever this modernity perversion has created.
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