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It's on. We're coming after the Biden Crime Family.
What a joke this is turning out to be:
No rational person can any longer have any question about the corruption of Hunter Biden and his father Joe. Even the most skeptical must admit in light of the recent revelations produced by the New York Post and Breitbart that President Trump’s use of the term “Biden Crime Family” is completely appropriate.
Hunter was the bag man for a family enterprise. He traveled the globe collecting the payoffs necessary to secure meetings with his father and his father’s intervention on behalf of the world’s thugs, dictators, and communist regimes.
And, yet, incredibly these are no longer our biggest concerns. We are not simply faced with the possibility of a crook being elected to the highest office in the land. We are facing the very real possibility of having a man, Joe Biden, who is owned by the Chinese Communist Party sit down in the Oval Office.
The amounts of money that are involved are staggering. In one meeting with Communist Chinese officials, Hunter Biden secured $1 Billion. That sum was later upped to $1.5 Billion. No one – at this stage – can even begin to assess the total amount of money provided by Beijing to the Bidens. No one at this stage can even begin to quantify the number of “deals” Hunter made with the Communist rulers of China.
We have known for some time that Chinese businesses implicated in espionage on American soil have been connected directly to Hunter Biden. They stole American nuclear secrets. They targeted sensitive technology used in the F-22 program. We have also known that at a minimum Joe Biden, watched all this happen and did nothing.
Charles “Sam” Faddis – former CIA operations officer
I recently predicted the Hunter Biden laptop had child sexual exploitation on it.
My prediction is becoming increasingly more likely:
Hunter Biden is facing accusations that his laptop includes numerous suggestive images of underage girls, Rudy Giuliani announced on Newsmax TV Tuesday night. Rudy Giuliani also broke the news that a text message between Hunter and Joe indicates potentially nefarious activity, including Facetiming naked, between Hunter and an unnamed 14-year-old girl.
Giuliani said he had turned over evidence to Delaware State Police for possible investigation.
Remarkably, while Giuliani has not alleged this, Revolver’s source claimed that the illicit photos on Hunter’s laptop were of a member of the Biden family.
So the Biden Crime Family had to fork over percentage amounts of bribed money to Joe Biden. Then Joe was running a “pay-for-VP-introduction” scheme using his drug addicted, possibly child-exploiting son to be the primary money runner. Including taking in money from foreign dictatorships to bolster their election funding sources and personal wealth.
If all allegations end up being truthful, which seems increasingly likely, this is easily the biggest scandal in American history. It far surpasses Watergate and even hedges out Iran-Contra.
And this guy is running for the most powerful position in the world.
But hey, at least he’s not Trump, amirite?
Clown world.
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Joe Biden Is Corrupt and His Son Does Meth
Wikipedia Lies. They Have Always Been Compromised
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