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Two White Men Being Beaten Unconscious

The Video Of Two White Men Being Beaten Unconscious, Robbed, and Twerked On In Chicago

What happens when one race recognizes their tribe and the other doesn't.

Two White Men Being Beaten Unconscious

It’s not a fun video to watch, but you need to watch it.

It’s only two minutes and it will show you what is coming soon to a neighborhood near you as demographics continue to spiral out of control:

This inner-city culture is not compatible with ours. This is a biological reality. A harsh one, but a reality nonetheless.

Notice how only a few are involved in fighting, but all join in on the laughter, the stealing, and the twerking after the fact. Note how they recognize their in-group, while the whites remain oblivious to their own.

Hell, one white guy is just casually trying to walk-by (without doing anything for his fellow white) and gets sucker-punched and subsequently robbed by them all. This did not happen to any blacks. You know exactly why.

Whites, especially in Chicago, remain completely in the dark to the reality surrounding them and the differences between them all. They stick together while we drift apart. I know, I lived in Chicago for long enough that this scene doesn’t surprise me in the slightest.

Still, there are a few clear take-aways from this video that must be considered:

  • Get out of the city. There is nothing good left in them, especially as our nation declines post-empire. The work from home proliferation could not have come at a better time. Use it if you can.
  • Focus on community and building that conscious environment with others. This wouldn’t have happened if the whites were in a tribal pack just like the blacks. It happened because they weren’t. It also happened because the whites didn’t realize that the blacks were. You need both. On Community: Creating An Enclave.
  • Don’t be in this scenario in the first place. Why were they there? What benefit could they have had by walking through a black-majority, taken-over road? Avoid the large crowds and especially the riots. The Riots Strike Again: My Top 4 Riot Articles.
  • Read this: Surviving The Fall Of The Western World and The Nightmares Laying Ahead.
  • And this: Surviving A Real SHTF Scenario: Selco’s Lessons For Americans.
  • Never challenge or engage with a person when surrounded by other unfriendly or neutral individuals. You don’t know whose side they are on. The blacks instinctively took the side of their own while the whites were horrifically outnumbered here. It was a stupid decision to engage at all. They should have taken the pride hit and left.
  • If you must fight, fight with group. There is no “honor” in street fights. Only winners and losers.
  • There is absolutely no reason to end up in a situation like this without a weapon. You should have and know how to use one to defend yourself. We live in America, we can get guns. Use them. But preferably, just avoid the situation in the first place. Don’t place yourself in a situation where you have to use it but have one anyway.

The last thing we need is for our dissidents to end up like these poor boys here. Stay smart, stay out of it. Let them destroy their own liberal city. It will only benefit us in the long-term when the empire falls and they have no stability left in their crumbling power centers.

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Kaîsar is the sole owner of The Hidden Dominion. He writes on a wide range of topics including politics, governmental frameworks, nationalism, and Christianity.

Hosea 4:6 & Ezek 33:1-11

Articles: 1390

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