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Warning: Explicit Content. Taking a peek inside our cursed land. You are going to need a whitepill after this article.
This article is going to be so disturbing that I’m going to limit the media content in it for your sake.
Thus, I’m not posting any of the direct videos, but you are at liberty to seek them out yourself.
Instead, I will only provide snapshots of the abomination that occurred in San Francisco last month:
There were also videos of sex acts occurring within the distance of children that I am not going to screenshot.
For those of you that do want video, here is a slightly more PG-13 video of a Tenet Media reporter that was on the ground that day:
These people are sick freaks, and they are allowed to not only exist in public, but to openly perform their depravity around others, including children.
It is stuff like this that I want to slam down the libertarian’s throats every time they talk about “muh freedom”. I will happily say screw ‘freedom of [from] religion’ if this is the result.
The United States of Babylon is practically a word-for-word copy from the Old Testament discourses on wicked nations. Go read about the Northern Kingdom of Israel or the pagan lands who followed Ashtoreth. These ancient demons often commanded sex acts in public and in their “temples” alongside the corruption of kids. You don’t even have to wonder what the pagan Canaanites looked like; it looks just like the U.S. today.
This is the actions of a land that deserves annihilation. The wickedness of the Pride Profligate has infested everything from our politics, to our streets, even to our books.
When the National Socialists burned the books and banned the “freedoms”, it was these kinds of books they burned and these kinds of freedoms they banned. As it turns out, burning those books was not a bad idea at all. In fact, we should do the same. It’s all depraved corruption and wickedness.
I don’t really know how to end an article like this, other than by saying I still feel the urge to vomit.
Final Note: I know none of you like reading this stuff. I don’t like writing it. But we have to know it. So many people, especially Christians, choosing ignorance is why this keeps getting worse. But that does not mean we need to dwell on it. Realize our condition, grow from it, but then clean your mind. Here is a whitepill article to eye-bleach after this one: Keep The Faith.
Read Next: The Degeneracy Of The Weimar Republic
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Let’s thank Obama for legalising gay marriage/wokefied America. Calling America, Amerikka is an insult. It’s more like Americuck. I highly recommend reading this article.
Thanks for the article recommendation Shawn, it has a solid breakdown of the stats.
Inspiring words for every dissident to ponder:
“Souls sleep, or are sterile, or have committed suicide, while it is to pull them out of their torpor, mud, and death that this body hangs between Heaven and earth in pain. … It is because of man’s spiritual suffocation that the world is falling apart. It is hope, charity, justice, humility that the world needs to find fresh air. … Our hearts are like dry sand. Our souls lay lifeless where they died. … Faith is only worth anything as long as it conquers, love as long as it burns, charity as long as it saves. pp. 42-3. In the hour of a world’s bankruptcy, souls are needed which may stand hard and tall as rocky cliffs, beaten in vain by raging waves. p. 90. Will we have the courage not to be ashamed when we hear the countless jeers of those who have soiled their souls, and who insolently believe themselves to be triumphant?” p. 76.
Leon Degrelle, ‘The Burning Souls’, trans. Rollo of Gaunt
You are rapidly growing my need-to-read book collection. And for that, I am very thankful. Cheers German Confederate!